- Feb 22, 2016
Vermaat authored
Note that we explicitely only support LRG references as transcripts, so using c. positioning to convert to/from chromosomal positioning. Supporting LRG references as genomic referenes, so using g. positioning can be future work but converting them to/from LRG transcripts is of course already done by the name checker. Converting between genomic LRG positioning and chromosomal positioning directly is not something that can be easily supported in the current setup of the position converter.
- Nov 10, 2015
Vermaat authored
- Oct 13, 2015
Vermaat authored
- Oct 20, 2014
Vermaat authored
Don't fix what ain't broken. Unfortunately, string handling in Mutalyzer really is broken. So we fix it. Internally, all strings should be represented by unicode strings as much as possible. The main exception are large reference sequence strings. These can often better be BioPython sequence objects, since that is how we usually get them in the first place. These changes will hopefully make Mutalyzer more reliable in working with incoming data. As a bonus, they're a first (small) step towards Python 3 compatibility [1]. Our strategy is as follows: 1. We use `from __future__ import unicode_literals` at the top of every file. 2. All incoming strings are decoded to unicode (if necessary) as soon as possible. 3. Outgoing strings are encoded to UTF8 (if necessary) as late as possible. 4. BioPython sequence objects can be based on byte strings as well as unicode strings. 5. In the database, everything is UTF8. 6. We worry about uploaded and downloaded reference files and batch jobs in a later commit. Point 1 will ensure that all string literals in our source code will be unicode strings [2]. As for point 4, sometimes this may even change under our eyes (e.g., calling `.reverse_complement()` will change it to a byte string). We don't care as long as they're BioPython objects, only when we get the sequence out we must have it as unicode string. Their contents are always in the ASCII range anyway. Although `Bio.Seq.reverse_complement` works fine on Python byte strings (and we used to rely on that), it crashes on a Python unicode string. So we take care to only use it on BioPython sequence objects and wrote our own reverse complement function for unicode strings (`mutalyzer.util.reverse_complement`). As for point 5, SQLAlchemy already does a very good job at presenting decoding from and encoding to UTF8 for us. The Spyne documentation has the following to say about their `String` and `Unicode` types [3]: > There are two string types in Spyne: `spyne.model.primitive.Unicode` and > `spyne.model.primitive.String` whose native types are `unicode` and `str` > respectively. > > Unlike the Python `str`, the Spyne `String` is not for arbitrary byte > streams. You should not use it unless you are absolutely, positively sure > that you need to deal with text data with an unknown encoding. In all other > cases, you should just use the `Unicode` type. They actually look the same > from outside, this distinction is made just to properly deal with the quirks > surrounding Python-2's `unicode` type. > > Remember that you have the `ByteArray` and `File` types at your disposal > when you need to deal with arbitrary byte streams. > > The `String` type will be just an alias for `Unicode` once Spyne gets ported > to Python 3. It might even be deprecated and removed in the future, so make > sure you are using either `Unicode` or `ByteArray` in your interface > definitions. So let's not ignore that and never use `String` anymore in our webservice interface. For the command line interface it's a bit more complicated, since there seems to be no reliable way to get the encoding of command line arguments. We use `sys.stdin.encoding` as a best guess. For us to interpret a sequence of bytes as text, it's key to be aware of their encoding. Once decoded, a text string can be safely used without having to worry about bytes. Without unicode we're nothing, and nothing will help us. Maybe we're lying, then you better not stay. But we could be safer, just for one day. Oh-oh-oh-ohh, oh-oh-oh-ohh, just for one day. [1] https://docs.python.org/2.7/howto/pyporting.html [2] http://python-future.org/unicode_literals.html [3] http://spyne.io/docs/2.10/manual/03_types.html#strings
- Aug 27, 2014
Vermaat authored
See http://pytest.org/
- Feb 28, 2014
Vermaat authored
The name checker supports ranges in insertions and insertion- deletions, for example `3_4ins8_12`, and compound insertions and insertion-deletions, for example `3_4ins[ATC;8_12]`. The inserted sequences are accepted and concatenated before any further processing, so reported descriptions show only the concatenated sequences. The support for ranges is limited to genomic descriptions. The position converter supports compound insertions and insertion-deletions, not ranges. Compound insertions and insertion-deletions are not part of the current HGVS nomenclature, but will be proposed.
- Jan 22, 2014
Vermaat authored
This is The Good Stuff. The entire test suite can now be run without having to setup a database, running the batch checker, any of the web services or the website. It even passes without an internet connection. In, like, 30 seconds! Awesome! This means tests don't randomly fail after some reference sequence changes on the NCBI server and it doesn't take an entire configured server with mapping database setup to run the tests. Those are things of the past! No more frustrations, Mutalyzer is testable! Going down now... The mountain screamed three times today I guess it thought it'd like to play How much does one have to pay To fry a peak and melt away Launching titan's breath on mine The sweating measure lands on time And the old man, down by the river Well he walks up and he walks on down To the spaceship that's parked at your doorstep And it's waiting to take you away now Goin' down now Goin' down now Looking for the rate that crowed He's hooked up down in Mexico Slap my nerve now give me more It's my disaster friend, not yours And the old man, down by the river Well he walks up and he walks on down To the spaceship that's parked at your doorstep And it's waiting to take you away now And the last one, it's down by the river Where he gets up and he walks on down To the spaceship that's parked at your doorstep And it's waiting to take you away now It's down by the river, it's always this way now It's down by the river, it's always this way now Going down now Going down now now, now, now down, down, down
- Jan 10, 2014
Vermaat authored
This introduces a proper notion of genome assemblies. Transcript mappings for alle genome assemblies are in the same database, which is better for maintenance. Updating transcript mappings is also simplified a lot, especially from NCBI mapview files where we now require a preprocessing sort on the input file. Overall, this port touches a lot of Mutalyzer code, so beware.
- Jan 04, 2014
Vermaat authored
- Dec 23, 2013
Vermaat authored
This involves making the SQLAlchemy session reconfigurable at run-time, which is done automatically on updating the Mutalyzer configuration using configuration update callbacks.
- Dec 19, 2013
Vermaat authored
- Jan 14, 2013
Vermaat authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@664 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Nov 15, 2012
Vermaat authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@639 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Jul 12, 2012
Vermaat authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@573 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
Vermaat authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@572 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Jul 11, 2012
Vermaat authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@570 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
Vermaat authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@567 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Jun 21, 2012
Vermaat authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@558 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- May 11, 2012
Vermaat authored
This fixes Trac bug #95. git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@524 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- May 09, 2012
Vermaat authored
Until now, the name checker form used POST requests. As a special case for linking from LOVD, GET requests were handled by showing results without the full interface (header, menu, etc). Ordinary linking was done to a separate checkForward location which then set a cookie with the variant name and a redirect to the name checker results. This was all very hackish and somewhat broken (see Track issue #94). This commit refactors the name checker to use GET requests, so ordinary bookmarking of result pages is possible. All old entrypoints are handled with a redirect for backwards compatibility. Worth mentioning is that variant descriptions in the name checker are now limited in length by the maximum query string length. However, this maximum is several thousand characters with Internet Explorer having the lowest maximum of just over 2000. Longer descriptions are not practically checked with the name checker web interface anyway, so this should not be a problem. git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@521 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Mar 29, 2012
Vermaat authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@502 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Mar 01, 2012
Vermaat authored
During import of the NCBI transcript mappings, CDS start or stop positions were not picked up for some transcripts (where these are on exon boundaries). Bug reported by S Venkata Suresh Kumar. git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@490 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Nov 23, 2011
Vermaat authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@420 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Nov 04, 2011
Vermaat authored
The old way of using the configuration file was by instantiating a Config object which read the file. This instance was passed to every function and object that might need it. The new way is by simply calling config.get('name') to get the configuration value for 'name'. This lazily reads the configuration file and the contents are cached for future calls. git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/branches/implicit-config-branch@408 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Sep 02, 2011
Vermaat authored
Convert the 'hg18.map' and 'hg19.map' tables are to 'hg18.Mapping' and 'hg19.Mapping'. These tables are now updated with mapping info from the NCBI instead of the UCSC. Also added database and configuration file migration scripts. extras/config.example: - Remove configuration values for UCSC updates. extras/post-install.sh: mutalyzer/Mapper.py: mutalyzer/Db.py: - Use 'Mapping' table instead of 'map' table. extras/cron.d/mutalyzer-mapping-update: mutalyzer/Mapper.py: mutalyzer/Db.py: - Get mapping updates from the NCBI. extras/migrations: extras/post-upgrade.sh: - Automated migration scripts. git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/branches/refactor-mutalyzer-branch@342 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Aug 24, 2011
Vermaat authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/branches/refactor-mutalyzer-branch@338 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1