- Sep 27, 2015
Vermaat authored
Previously transcript-protein links were assumed to always be indexed by transcript, and cached entries were allowed to have a `null` protein (meaning caching the knowledget that there is no link for this transcript). Now we can cache links in both directions. Both transcript and protein are allowed to be `null` (but not at the same time), and the protein column has a new unique constraint.
- Sep 11, 2015
Vermaat authored
The Werkzeug reloader is disabled by default due to a bug with using it in combination with `python -m mutalyzer.entrypoints.website`. https://github.com/mitsuhiko/werkzeug/issues/461#issuecomment-139369694
- Sep 07, 2015
Vermaat authored
By default, the first request to the SOAP service will trigger a build of the WSDL document, using the context (service location) from that request. For example, if the first request is on `http://localhost/` and subsequent requests are on `https://mutalyzer.nl/services/`, they will not have a valid WSDL document. This is actually what we do on our production infrastructure, where the service is tested (on localhost) after it has been started. The fix is to force a build of the WSDL document and specifying the location to use. http://spyne.io/docs/2.10/reference/server.html#spyne.server.wsgi.WsgiApplication
- Aug 11, 2015
- Aug 10, 2015
- Jul 16, 2015
Vermaat authored
- Jul 03, 2015
Vermaat authored
Issue #50 showed a problem in our file encoding detection, caused by our cut-off for the confidence as reported by the cchardet [1] library: >>> import cchardet >>> s = u'NM_000052.4:c.2407\u20132A>G' >>> b = s.encode('WINDOWS-1252') >>> cchardet.detect(b) {'confidence': 0.5, 'encoding': u'WINDOWS-1252'} We require a confidence stictly greater than 0.5 and default to UTF8 otherwise. If, however, we try the same thing using the chardet [2] library, we get a higher confidence for the same string: >>> import chardet >>> chardet.detect(b) {'confidence': 0.73, 'encoding': 'windows-1252'} So the two obvious ways to solve this are: 1. Lower the confidence threshold. 2. Use chardet instead of cchardet. We implement the second solution here, since it also removes a C library dependency and we are not worried by performance. Of course the detected encoding remains a guess which can still be wrong! [1] https://github.com/PyYoshi/cChardet [2] https://github.com/chardet/chardet Fixes #50
- May 01, 2015
Vermaat authored
- Apr 30, 2015
Vermaat authored
This is a work in progress as there still seem to be some bugs. For example, some unit tests fail due to incorrect descriptions generated and others fail due to a crash.
- Jan 30, 2015
Vermaat authored
- Dec 16, 2014
Vermaat authored
- Dec 11, 2014
- Dec 10, 2014
Vermaat authored
We use a separate `doc/requirements.txt` file for building the documentation. Since on Read The Docs where we cannot install packages depending on C libraries, we mock these packages in `doc/conf.py` and omit them from the requirements.
- Dec 08, 2014
Vermaat authored
- Nov 04, 2014
Vermaat authored
- Oct 20, 2014
Vermaat authored
- Sep 06, 2014
Vermaat authored
Last remaining relevant todo notes have been filed as issues in GitLab.
- Aug 27, 2014
Vermaat authored
Vermaat authored
See http://pytest.org/
- Aug 26, 2014
Vermaat authored
Based on comments by Jeroen in issue #14.
- Jul 04, 2014
Vermaat authored
- Jul 01, 2014
Vermaat authored
See http://semver.org/
- May 13, 2014
- Apr 30, 2014
Vermaat authored
- Apr 25, 2014
Vermaat authored
- Apr 23, 2014
Vermaat authored
This is quite a large commit, touching many things related to developer documentation. It is all focussed on getting as much of this as possible into the new Sphinx-based documentation. Some highlights: - Start Sphinx-based developer documentation, including fairly complete instructions for installation and configuration. - Remove epydoc API docs. - Rework some docstrings to conform to reStructuredText, so they can be used in the API docs generated by Sphinx. - Move all of the top-level text files to reStructuredText so they can linked from the Sphinx-based docs and for consistency. - Remove many obsolete things from the extras/ directory, including old installation scripts and migrations. Many of the installation related documentation and scripts are removed or adapted in light of the new automated deployment using Ansible.
- Jan 30, 2014
Vermaat authored
The paper (from `Mutalyzer 2.0/`) is now in the `mutalyzer-manuscript` repository, while all presentations, posters and abstracts are now in the `mutalyzer-presentations` repository.
- May 21, 2013
Vermaat authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@697 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Apr 08, 2013
Vermaat authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@688 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Jan 03, 2013
Laros authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@660 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
- Dec 06, 2012
Laros authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@646 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1
Laros authored
git-svn-id: https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/svn/mutalyzer/trunk@645 eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1