- Nov 06, 2015
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
- Nov 05, 2015
Peter van 't Hof authored
Fix gentrap report pdf See merge request !266
Peter van 't Hof authored
Fix VEP `--failed` flag the `failed` flag should be a flag per the documentation (see: http://grch37.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/script/vep_options.html, and http://oct2014.archive.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/script/vep_options.html ) But, when running, it requires a numeric value. When running the VEP with verbose mode, it appears that all boolean flags get converted to 1. Therefore, I'm setting `failed` to have value 1. This bug has been reported to Ensembl. It occurs in all versions, including most recent version 82. @p.j.van_t_hof Should we include a failback mode, in case Ensembl fixes this in version 83? See merge request !267
- Nov 04, 2015
Sander van der Zeeuw authored
Sander van der Zeeuw authored
Sander van der Zeeuw authored
- Nov 03, 2015
Wai Yi Leung authored
Fix gears parse Fixed small parse bug for the report See merge request !265
Wai Yi Leung authored
Added a default for the retry arg Small option to add retry by default, also can use the config to set retries now See merge request !264
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
- Nov 02, 2015
Sander Bollen authored
Fix shiva fails This branch will be used to fix found issues while running functional testing of shiva. - [x] Fix report when not executing multisamplecalling - [x] Fix missing key when no indelrealignment and base recalibration in summary - [x] Fix wrong sample flag for single sample variant calling - [x] Fix name of link when sample has only 1 lib - [x] Added settings to Shiva summary - [x] Raise default memory - [x] Fix concordance checks See merge request !261
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Conflicts: public/shiva/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/shiva/ShivaReport.scala
Peter van 't Hof authored
Sander Bollen authored
the `failed` flag should be a flag per the documentation (see: http://grch37.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/script/vep_options.html, and http://oct2014.archive.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/script/vep_options.html ) But, when running, it requires a numeric value. When running the VEP with verbose mode, it appears that all boolean flags get converted to 1. Therefore, I'm setting `failed` to have value 1.
Sander Bollen authored
Refactoring of gears @wyleung @h.mei Resolves #219, #165 and #232 Features to be added: * [x] Kraken-report to JSON -> for html Sunflare plot display * [x] R2, distinguish Single End or Paired End, this is used in Kraken for pairing and possible downstream alignments * [x] Kraken-json to summary-json * ~~[ ] Add bedtools genomecoverage (or similar tool to determine horizontal coverage and output bedgraph/wiggle)~~ * [x] Support for RNA aligners aligned bams, these may contain multiple alignments for 1 sequence. SamToFastq is not handling this. * [x] Add report (sunflare plot) * [x] Add tests See merge request !241
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
- Oct 31, 2015
Peter van 't Hof authored
- Oct 30, 2015
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Wai Yi Leung authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
- Oct 29, 2015
Wai Yi Leung authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Sander Bollen authored
Sander Bollen authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Wai Yi Leung authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored
Peter van 't Hof authored