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Ruben Vorderman's avatar
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version 1.0
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Ruben Vorderman committed
task CollectMultipleMetrics {
    input {
        String? preCommand
        File bamFile
        File bamIndex
        File refFasta
        File refDict
        File refFastaIndex
        String basename

        Boolean collectAlignmentSummaryMetrics = true
        Boolean collectInsertSizeMetrics = true
        Boolean qualityScoreDistribution = true
        Boolean meanQualityByCycle = true
        Boolean collectBaseDistributionByCycle = true
        Boolean collectGcBiasMetrics = true
        #Boolean rnaSeqMetrics = false # There is a bug in picard
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Ruben Vorderman committed
        Boolean collectSequencingArtifactMetrics = true
        Boolean collectQualityYieldMetrics = true

        String? picardJar

        Int memory = 4
        Float memoryMultiplier = 3.0
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Ruben Vorderman committed
    String toolCommand = if defined(picardJar)
        then "java -Xmx" + memory + "G -jar " + picardJar
        else "picard -Xmx" + memory + "G"
Peter van 't Hof's avatar
Peter van 't Hof committed
    command {
        set -e -o pipefail
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        mkdir -p $(dirname "~{basename}")
        ~{toolCommand} \
Cats's avatar
Cats committed
        CollectMultipleMetrics \
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        I=~{bamFile} \
        R=~{refFasta} \
        O=~{basename} \
Cats's avatar
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        PROGRAM=null \
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Ruben Vorderman committed
        ~{true="PROGRAM=CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics" false="" collectAlignmentSummaryMetrics} \
        ~{true="PROGRAM=CollectInsertSizeMetrics" false="" collectInsertSizeMetrics} \
        ~{true="PROGRAM=QualityScoreDistribution" false="" qualityScoreDistribution} \
        ~{true="PROGRAM=MeanQualityByCycle" false="" meanQualityByCycle} \
        ~{true="PROGRAM=CollectBaseDistributionByCycle" false="" collectBaseDistributionByCycle} \
        ~{true="PROGRAM=CollectGcBiasMetrics" false="" collectGcBiasMetrics} \
        ~{true="PROGRAM=CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics" false=""
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Cats committed
            collectSequencingArtifactMetrics} \
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        ~{true="PROGRAM=CollectQualityYieldMetrics" false="" collectQualityYieldMetrics}
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Peter van 't Hof committed
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Peter van 't Hof's avatar
Peter van 't Hof committed
    output {
Cats's avatar
Cats committed
        File alignmentSummary = basename + ".alignment_summary_metrics"
Cats's avatar
Cats committed
        File baitBiasDetail = basename + ".bait_bias_detail_metrics"
        File baitBiasSummary = basename + ".bait_bias_summary_metrics"
        File baseDistributionByCycle = basename + ".base_distribution_by_cycle_metrics"
        File baseDistributionByCyclePdf = basename + ".base_distribution_by_cycle.pdf"
        File errorSummary = basename + ".error_summary_metrics"
        File gcBiasDetail = basename + ".gc_bias.detail_metrics"
        File gcBiasPdf = basename + ".gc_bias.pdf"
        File gcBiasSummary = basename + ".gc_bias.summary_metrics"
        File insertSizeHistogramPdf = basename + ".insert_size_histogram.pdf"
        File insertSize = basename + ".insert_size_metrics"
        File preAdapterDetail = basename + ".pre_adapter_detail_metrics"
        File preAdapterSummary = basename + ".pre_adapter_summary_metrics"
        File qualityByCycle = basename + ".quality_by_cycle_metrics"
        File qualityByCyclePdf = basename + ".quality_by_cycle.pdf"
        File qualityDistribution = basename + ".quality_distribution_metrics"
        File qualityDistributionPdf = basename + ".quality_distribution.pdf"
        File qualityYield = basename + ".quality_yield_metrics"

    runtime {
        memory: ceil(memory * memoryMultiplier)
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Cats committed

task CollectRnaSeqMetrics {
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
    input {
        String? preCommand
        File bamFile
        File bamIndex
        File refRefflat
        String basename
        String strandSpecificity = "NONE"
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Ruben Vorderman committed

        String? picardJar

        Int memory = 4
        Float memoryMultiplier = 3.0
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Ruben Vorderman committed
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    String toolCommand = if defined(picardJar)
        then "java -Xmx" + memory + "G -jar " + picardJar
        else "picard -Xmx" + memory + "G"
Cats's avatar
Cats committed

    command {
        set -e -o pipefail
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        mkdir -p $(dirname "~{basename}")
        ~{toolCommand} \
Cats's avatar
Cats committed
        CollectRnaSeqMetrics \
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        I=~{bamFile} \
        O=~{basename}.RNA_Metrics \
        CHART_OUTPUT=~{basename}.RNA_Metrics.pdf \
        STRAND_SPECIFICITY=~{strandSpecificity} \
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Ruben Vorderman committed
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Cats committed

    output {
        File chart = basename + ".RNA_Metrics.pdf"
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        File metrics = basename + ".RNA_Metrics"
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Cats committed

    runtime {
        memory: ceil(memory * memoryMultiplier)
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Cats committed

task CollectTargetedPcrMetrics {
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
    input {
        String? preCommand
        File bamFile
        File bamIndex
        File refFasta
        File refDict
        File refFastaIndex
        File ampliconIntervals
        Array[File]+ targetIntervals
        String basename

        String? picardJar

        Int memory = 4
        Float memoryMultiplier = 3.0
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Ruben Vorderman committed
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Cats committed

    String toolCommand = if defined(picardJar)
        then "java -Xmx" + memory + "G -jar " + picardJar
        else "picard -Xmx" + memory + "G"
Cats's avatar
Cats committed

    command {
        set -e -o pipefail
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        mkdir -p $(dirname "~{basename}")
        ~{toolCommand} \
Cats's avatar
Cats committed
        CollectTargetedPcrMetrics \
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        I=~{bamFile} \
        R=~{refFasta} \
        AMPLICON_INTERVALS=~{ampliconIntervals} \
        TARGET_INTERVALS=~{sep=" TARGET_INTERVALS=" targetIntervals} \
        O=~{basename}.targetPcrMetrics \
        PER_BASE_COVERAGE=~{basename}.targetPcrPerBaseCoverage \
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Cats committed

    output {
        File perTargetCoverage = basename + ".targetPcrPerTargetCoverage"
        File perBaseCoverage = basename + ".targetPcrPerBaseCoverage"
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Cats committed
        File metrics = basename + ".targetPcrMetrics"
Peter van 't Hof's avatar
Peter van 't Hof committed
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Cats committed

    runtime {
        memory: ceil(memory * memoryMultiplier)
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Cats committed
Peter van 't Hof's avatar
Peter van 't Hof committed

# Combine multiple recalibrated BAM files from scattered ApplyRecalibration runs
task GatherBamFiles {
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
    input {
        String? preCommand
        Array[File]+ input_bams
        String output_bam_path
        Int? compression_level
        String? picardJar

        Int memory = 4
        Float memoryMultiplier = 3.0
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Ruben Vorderman committed
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Cats committed

    String toolCommand = if defined(picardJar)
        then "java -Xmx" + memory + "G -jar " + picardJar
        else "picard -Xmx" + memory + "G"
Peter van 't Hof's avatar
Peter van 't Hof committed
    command {
        set -e -o pipefail
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        ~{toolCommand} \
        GatherBamFiles \
        INPUT=~{sep=' INPUT=' input_bams} \
        OUTPUT=~{output_bam_path} \
        CREATE_INDEX=true \
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Peter van 't Hof's avatar
Peter van 't Hof committed
    output {
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        File output_bam = "~{output_bam_path}"
Peter van 't Hof's avatar
Peter van 't Hof committed
        File output_bam_index = sub(output_bam_path, ".bam$", ".bai")
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        File output_bam_md5 = "~{output_bam_path}.md5"
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Peter van 't Hof committed
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Cats committed

    runtime {
        memory: ceil(memory * memoryMultiplier)
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Cats committed
Peter van 't Hof's avatar
Peter van 't Hof committed

# Mark duplicate reads to avoid counting non-independent observations
task MarkDuplicates {
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
    input {
        String? preCommand
        Array[File] input_bams
        String output_bam_path
        String metrics_path
        Int? compression_level
        String? picardJar

        Int memory = 4
        Float memoryMultiplier = 3.0
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Ruben Vorderman committed

        # The program default for READ_NAME_REGEX is appropriate in nearly every case.
        # Sometimes we wish to supply "null" in order to turn off optical duplicate detection
        # This can be desirable if you don't mind the estimated library size being wrong and optical duplicate detection is taking >7 days and failing
        String? read_name_regex
    # Task is assuming query-sorted input so that the Secondary and Supplementary reads get marked correctly
    # This works because the output of BWA is query-grouped and therefore, so is the output of MergeBamAlignment.
    # While query-grouped isn't actually query-sorted, it's good enough for MarkDuplicates with ASSUME_SORT_ORDER="queryname"

    String toolCommand = if defined(picardJar)
        then "java -Xmx" + memory + "G -jar " + picardJar
        else "picard -Xmx" + memory + "G"
    command {
        set -e -o pipefail
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        mkdir -p $(dirname ~{output_bam_path})
        ~{toolCommand} \
        MarkDuplicates \
        INPUT=~{sep=' INPUT=' input_bams} \
        OUTPUT=~{output_bam_path} \
        METRICS_FILE=~{metrics_path} \
        ~{"READ_NAME_REGEX=" + read_name_regex} \
        CLEAR_DT="false" \
        CREATE_INDEX=true \
Cats's avatar
Cats committed

    output {
        File output_bam = output_bam_path
        File output_bam_index = sub(output_bam_path, ".bam$", ".bai")
        File duplicate_metrics = metrics_path
Cats's avatar
Cats committed

    runtime {
        memory: ceil(memory * memoryMultiplier)
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Cats committed

# Combine multiple VCFs or GVCFs from scattered HaplotypeCaller runs
task MergeVCFs {
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
    input {
        String? preCommand
        Array[File] inputVCFs
        Array[File] inputVCFsIndexes
        String outputVCFpath
        Int? compressionLevel
        String? picardJar

        Int memory = 4
        Float memoryMultiplier = 3.0
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Peter van 't Hof's avatar
Peter van 't Hof committed
    # Using MergeVcfs instead of GatherVcfs so we can create indices
    # See for relevant GatherVcfs ticket

    String toolCommand = if defined(picardJar)
        then "java -Xmx" + memory + "G -jar " + picardJar
        else "picard -Xmx" + memory + "G"
Peter van 't Hof's avatar
Peter van 't Hof committed
    command {
        set -e -o pipefail
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        ~{toolCommand} \
        MergeVcfs \
        INPUT=~{sep=' INPUT=' inputVCFs} \
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Peter van 't Hof's avatar
Peter van 't Hof committed
    output {
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Cats committed
        File outputVCF = outputVCFpath
        File outputVCFindex = outputVCFpath + ".tbi"
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Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
    runtime {
        memory: ceil(memory * memoryMultiplier)
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed

task SamToFastq {
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
    input {
        String? preCommand
        File inputBam
        String outputRead1
        String? outputRead2
        String? outputUnpaired
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        String? picardJar
        Int memory = 16 # High memory default to avoid crashes.
        Float memoryMultiplier = 3.0
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
    String toolCommand = if defined(picardJar)
    then "java -Xmx" + memory + "G -jar " + picardJar
    else "picard -Xmx" + memory + "G"
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
    command {
        set -e -o pipefail
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        ~{toolCommand} \
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        SamToFastq \
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
        I=~{inputBam} \
        ~{"FASTQ=" + outputRead1} \
        ~{"SECOND_END_FASTQ=" + outputRead2} \
        ~{"UNPAIRED_FASTQ=" + outputUnpaired}
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Ruben Vorderman committed

    output {
        File read1 = outputRead1
        File? read2 = outputRead2
        File? unpairedRead = outputUnpaired

Cats's avatar
Cats committed
    runtime {
        memory: ceil(memory * memoryMultiplier)
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Cats committed

task ScatterIntervalList {
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
    input {
        String? preCommand
        File interval_list
        Int scatter_count
        String? picardJar

        Int memory = 4
        Float memoryMultiplier = 3.0
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
Ruben Vorderman committed
Cats's avatar
Cats committed
    String toolCommand = if defined(picardJar)
        then "java -Xmx" + memory + "G -jar " + picardJar
        else "picard -Xmx" + memory + "G"
Cats's avatar
Cats committed

    command {
        set -e -o pipefail
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
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        mkdir scatter_list
Ruben Vorderman's avatar
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        ~{toolCommand} \
        IntervalListTools \
        SCATTER_COUNT=~{scatter_count} \
        UNIQUE=true \
        SORT=true \
        INPUT=~{interval_list} \
Cats's avatar
Cats committed

    output {
        Array[File] out = glob("scatter_list/*/*.interval_list")
        Int interval_count = read_int(stdout())

Cats's avatar
Cats committed
    runtime {
        memory: ceil(memory * memoryMultiplier)
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Cats committed
Cats's avatar
Cats committed

task SortVcf {
    input {
        String? preCommand
        String? picardJar

        Array[File]+ vcfFiles
        String outputVcf
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        File? sequenceDict
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        Int memory = 4
        Float memoryMultiplier = 3.0

        String toolCommand = if defined(picardJar)
            then "java -Xmx" + memory + "G -jar " + picardJar
            else "picard -Xmx" + memory + "G"

    command {
        set -e -o pipefail
        ~{toolCommand} \
        SortVcf \
        I=~{sep=" I=" vcfFiles} \
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        ~{"SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY=" + sequenceDict} \
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    output {
        File vcfFile = outputVcf
        File vcfIndex = outputVcf + ".tbi"

    runtime {
        memory: ceil(memory * memoryMultiplier)