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Commit 5a95fd0c authored by Tim De Coster's avatar Tim De Coster
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APqr8 fully commented

parent e76327dc
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......@@ -409,27 +409,34 @@ OUT:
void gAPqr7::initParameters()
// system related parameters
systime = 0;
period = RT::System::getInstance()->getPeriod() * 1e-6; // ms
// cell related parameters
Vm = -80; // mV
Cm = 150; // pF
Rm = 150; // MOhm
// upstroke related parameters
slope_thresh = 5.0; // mV
corr = 1;
Iout = 0; // pA
output(0) = -Iout * 0.5e-3;
period = RT::System::getInstance()->getPeriod() * 1e-6; // ms
systime = 0;
count = 0;
V_cutoff = -40; // mV
// logging parameters
log_ideal_on = 0;
lognum = 3;
APs = -1;
count2 = 0;
// correction parameters
act = 0;
corr = 1;
noise_tresh = 0.5; // mV
noise_tresh = 0.5; // mV
// standard loop parameters
count = 0;
enter = 0;
BCL = 0; // ms
count2 = 0;
APs = -1;
V_cutoff = -40; // mV
BCL_cutoff = 0.98;
enter = 0;
log_ideal_on = 0;
lognum = 3;
modulo = (1.0/(RT::System::getInstance()->getPeriod() * 1e-6)) * 1000.0;
Iout = 0; // pA
output(0) = -Iout * 0.5e-3;
......@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ class gAPqr7 : public DefaultGUIModel
double lognum;
double APs;
long long count2;
double iAP;
// correction parameters
double act;
int corr;
......@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
This version logs 3 APs and starts correcting the 4th AP and onwards, using an LED light source connected to output(0), if the AP becomes longer then the average of the 3 that has been recorded.
#include <APqr8.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
......@@ -85,7 +80,6 @@ STATE: non-modifiable variable in the code
static DefaultGUIModel::variable_t vars[] = {
{ "Vm (mV)", "Membrane potential (mV)", DefaultGUIModel::INPUT, },
{ "Iout (pA)", "Output current (pA)", DefaultGUIModel::OUTPUT, },
{ "iAP", "ideal AP", DefaultGUIModel::OUTPUT, },
{ "Cm (pF)", "pF", DefaultGUIModel::PARAMETER
| DefaultGUIModel::DOUBLE, },
{ "V_cutoff (mV)", "Threshold potential for the detection of the beginning of an AP, together with Slope_thresh", DefaultGUIModel::PARAMETER | DefaultGUIModel::DOUBLE, },
......@@ -105,19 +99,11 @@ static DefaultGUIModel::variable_t vars[] = {
| DefaultGUIModel::DOUBLE, },
{ "Correction (0 or 1)", "Switch Rm correction off (0) or on (1)",
DefaultGUIModel::PARAMETER | DefaultGUIModel::DOUBLE, },
{ "Vm2 (mV)", "Membrane potential (mV)", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "Iout2 (pA)", "Output Current (pA)", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "Period (ms)", "Period (ms)", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "Time (ms)", "Time (ms)", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "APs2", "APs", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "log_ideal_on2", "log_ideal_on", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "BCL2", "BCL", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "enter2", "enter", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "Rm2 (MOhm)", "MOhm", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "act2", "0 or 1", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "count", "number", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "count2", "number", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "modulo_state", "number", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "Period (ms)", "Period (ms)", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, }, // To check that the period taken by the algorithm is the same as the one i nthe control panel module
{ "Time (ms)", "Time (ms)", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, }, // To check that the algorithm is running
{ "APs2", "APs", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, }, // To check whether APs are being logged and the counter increases
{ "BCL2", "BCL", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, }, // To check what the eventual BCL of the ideal AP has become. You can see then if the APs were logged correctly
{ "act2", "0 or 1", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, }, // Switches from 0 to 1 and back continuously as a check to see whether you are computing error values and corrected values
......@@ -274,41 +260,67 @@ void gAPqr8::execute(void)
// *************************************************
if (act == 1)
Iout = Cm * (1/Rm) * (Vm - ideal_AP[count]);
if (Iout < 0){Iout = 0;}
if (Iout > 5){Iout = 5;}
output(0) = Iout;
Vm_diff_log[count] = Vm - ideal_AP[count];
iAP = ideal_AP[count]/1000;
output(1) = iAP;
// This statement is entered whenever the instruction to correct the AP has
// been given.
Iout = Cm * (1/Rm) * (Vm - ideal_AP[count]); // Calculate the outward going current as
// a value proportional to capacitance,
// conductivity (1/resistance), and the error
if (Iout < 0){Iout = 0;} // Set the ouput to 0 whenever you cannot correct in the direction
// the channelrhodopsin pushes the membrane potential
if (Iout > 5){Iout = 5;} // The maximal LED driver output is 5V
output(0) = Iout; // This is equal to Vout and will drive the LED
Vm_diff_log[count] = Vm - ideal_AP[count]; // Log the errors
// **************************************
// **************************************
// ** Updating the necessary variables **
// **************************************
// **************************************
if(corr == 1 && act == 1 && count > 1 && abs(Vm_diff_log[count])>noise_tresh)
if((Vm_diff_log[count-1] / Vm_diff_log[count]) < 0) //they have the opposite sign, so an overshoot occured
// This statement is entered whenever an update is needed in the resistance.
// The if conditions measure the following:
// 1) Whether correction adaptation is on
// 2) Whether currently there is correction going on
// 3) whether we are not in the very first step (gives errors)
// 4) whether the current error is larger than the noise threshold
if((Vm_diff_log[count-1] / Vm_diff_log[count]) < 0)
Rm = Rm * Rm_corr_up;
// This statement is entered whenever two consecutive error values have
// an opposite sign. This means that an overshoot in correction occurred.
// Therefore Iout should become less, and hence Rm should be increased.
Rm = Rm * Rm_corr_up; // Increase the resistance
if(abs(Vm_diff_log[count-1]) < abs(Vm_diff_log[count]) && (Vm_diff_log[count-1] / Vm_diff_log[count]) > 0) //the difference is getting larger, so increase current
if(abs(Vm_diff_log[count-1]) < abs(Vm_diff_log[count]) && (Vm_diff_log[count-1] / Vm_diff_log[count]) > 0 && Rm >= 0.01*Rm_corr_down)
Rm = Rm / Rm_corr_down;
// This statement is entered whenever two consecutive error values have
// the same sign, and when the error values increase in value. This means
// that the error is increasing. Hence we need to correct stronger and Iout
// should increase. As a consequence the resistance Rm should be decreased.
// However, a lower bounds is put on Rm to prevent the updated Rm value from
// reaching infinity.
Rm = Rm / Rm_corr_down; // Decrease the resistance
if (count > BCL_cutoff*BCL)
act = 0;
output(0) = 0;
// This statement is entered whenever the end of an AP is reached.
// The if condition measures the following:
// 1) Whether the current AP is further than a chosen cutoff of the pre-determined basic cycle length
count_r = (double)count/1000.0;
count2_r = (double)count2/1000.0;
act = 0; // Stop correcting during the last phase of the AP (is RMP)
output(0) = 0; // Send a 0 output since the last output is otherwise kept
count++; // End of the real-time loop, adjust the counter
......@@ -343,19 +355,11 @@ void gAPqr8::update(DefaultGUIModel::update_flags_t flag)
setParameter("BCL_cutoff (pct)", BCL_cutoff);
setParameter("Slope_thresh (mV/ms)", slope_thresh);
setParameter("Correction (0 or 1)", corr);
setState("Vm2 (mV)", Vm);
setState("Iout2 (pA)", Iout);
setState("Time (ms)", systime);
setState("Period (ms)", period);
setState("APs2", APs);
setState("log_ideal_on2", log_ideal_on);
setState("BCL2", BCL);
setState("enter2", enter);
setState("Rm2 (MOhm)", Rm);
setState("act2", act);
setState("count", count_r);
setState("count2", count2_r);
setState("modulo_state", modulo);
case MODIFY:
Cm = getParameter("Cm (pF)").toDouble();
......@@ -418,7 +422,6 @@ void gAPqr8::initParameters()
systime = 0;
count = 0;
act = 0;
noise_tresh = 2; // mV
......@@ -430,7 +433,5 @@ void gAPqr8::initParameters()
enter = 0;
log_ideal_on = 0;
lognum = 3;
count_r = 0;
count2_r = 0;
modulo = (1.0/(RT::System::getInstance()->getPeriod() * 1e-6)) * 1000.0;
......@@ -35,35 +35,41 @@ class gAPqr8 : public DefaultGUIModel
virtual void update(DefaultGUIModel::update_flags_t);
// functions
void cleanup();
int i;
void initParameters();
double Vm;
// system related parameters
double systime;
double period;
// arrays
double Vm_log[10000] = {0};
double ideal_AP[10000] = {0};
double Vm_diff_log[10000] = {0};
// cell related parameters
double Vm;
double Cm;
double Rm;
// Upstroke related parameters
double slope_thresh;
double Iout;
double systime;
double count_r;
double count2_r;
long long count;
double Vm_log[10000] = {0};
double ideal_AP[10000] = {0};
long long count2;
double enter;
double BCL;
double BCL_cutoff;
double noise_tresh;
double V_cutoff;
// logging parameters
double log_ideal_on;
double lognum;
double APs;
long long count2;
// correction parameters
double act;
double Vm_diff_log[10000] = {0};
int corr;
double iAP;
double noise_tresh;
double Rm_corr_up;
double Rm_corr_down;
double lognum;
// standard loop parameters
long long count;
double enter;
double BCL;
double BCL_cutoff;
double modulo;
int i;
double Iout;
......@@ -29,6 +29,46 @@
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
* APqrPID3 *
This software provides an Action Potential Cure (APqr) to correct divergent
membrane potentials in excitable biological systems. The first X action
potentials are logged when the software starts, after which AP correction
starts from the (X+1)-st AP onwards. This correction occurs with the use of
LED-controlled illumination on optogenetically modified cells.
*) Cm Capacitance of the cell
*) V_cutoff Threshold potential for the detection of the beginning
of an AP
*) Slope_tresh Slope threshold that defines the beginning of the
AP (mV/ms)
*) BCL_cutoff Threshold value for the end of an AP, given as a
percentage of the total APD
*) lognum Number of APs that need to be logged as a reference
*) Rm Initial resistance
*) Rm_corr_up Factor to increase Rm with when necessary
*) Rm_corr_down Factor to decrease Rm with when necessary
*) noise_tresh The noise level that is allowed around the ideal value
before correcting
*) Vout voltage that is used to inject the calculated amount
of current into the excitable system
Creation of a new RTXI Plugin
*) None
*) RTXIPlugin
extern "C" Plugin::Object *createRTXIPlugin(void)
return new gAPqrPID3();
......@@ -67,7 +107,7 @@ static DefaultGUIModel::variable_t vars[] = {
DefaultGUIModel::PARAMETER | DefaultGUIModel::DOUBLE, },
{ "min_PID", "value under which the lights get switched off",
DefaultGUIModel::PARAMETER | DefaultGUIModel::DOUBLE, },
{ "reset_I_on", "value that indicates whetehr or ont to reset I at RMP",
{ "reset_I_on", "value that indicates whetehr or not to reset I at RMP",
DefaultGUIModel::PARAMETER | DefaultGUIModel::DOUBLE, },
{ "Vm2 (mV)", "Membrane potential (mV)", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
{ "P", "P term", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
......@@ -86,8 +126,25 @@ static DefaultGUIModel::variable_t vars[] = {
{ "modulo_state", "number", DefaultGUIModel::STATE, },
variable denoting the amount of variables that is displayed in the GUI
static size_t num_vars = sizeof(vars) / sizeof(DefaultGUIModel::variable_t);
This function constructs the actual GUI by basing itself on the Default GUI Model.
It creates a module with a name, initializes the GUI, initializes the parameters,
adds a refresh, and allows you to resize.
*) None
*) None
gAPqrPID3::gAPqrPID3(void) : DefaultGUIModel("APqrPID3", ::vars, ::num_vars)
......@@ -99,17 +156,25 @@ gAPqrPID3::gAPqrPID3(void) : DefaultGUIModel("APqrPID3", ::vars, ::num_vars)
The APqr software makes use of three list structures which need cleaning after
a reset of parameters. The cleanup function takes care of this.
*) None
*) None
void gAPqrPID3::cleanup()
......@@ -163,37 +228,81 @@ double gAPqrPID3::sumx2(double period, double length)
void gAPqrPID3::execute(void)
systime = count * period; // time in milli-seconds
Vm = input(0) * 1e2; // convert 10V to mV. Divided by 10 because the amplifier produces 10-fold amplified voltages. Multiplied by 1000 to convert V to mV.
Vm_log[count % (int)modulo] = Vm;
// Part of the code to create the ideal AP from the first three beats.
systime = count * period; // time in milli-seconds
Vm = input(0) * 1e2; // convert 10V to mV. Divided by 10 because
// the amplifier produces 10-fold amplified
// voltages. Multiplied by 1000 to convert
// V to mV.
Vm_log[count % (int)modulo] = Vm; // Logging the measured Vm in a list
// where the modulo component makes
// sure you keep cycling when you have
// reached the maximum number in the list.
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ** Recording the ideal AP **
// ****************************
// ****************************
if(count>(int)(1/period)-1 && (Vm - Vm_log[(count-(int)(1/period)) % (int)modulo]) >= slope_thresh && APs<lognum && enter == 0 && Vm > V_cutoff)
BCL = (APs==-1? 0: (BCL*APs + count2)/(APs+1));
log_ideal_on = 1;
count2 = 0;
enter = 1;
// This statement is entered whenever an upstroke is detected and the amount of
// recorded APs is smaller than lognum.
// The if conditions measure the following:
// 1) Whether you are far enough in the recording such that you don't accidentaly
// start in an ongoing AP
// 2) Whether two consecutive measuring points show a large enough slope that can
// be identified with an upstroke
// 3) Whether less than lognum APs were recorded
// 4) Whether you are currently not in an action potential
// 5) Whether the mesured voltage is above a voltage treshold
BCL = (APs==-1? 0: (BCL*APs + count2)/(APs+1)); // Rolling average of the basic cycle length
log_ideal_on = 1; // Switches on logging the AP
count2 = 0; // Resets the logging counter
enter = 1; // Switches on the indicator that an AP has started
APs++; // Counts the AP upstrokes that have passed
if((Vm - Vm_log[(count-(int)(1/period)) % (int)modulo]) < 0 && enter == 1)
enter = 0;
// This statement is entered whenever the upstroke phase of an AP is over.
// The if conditions measure the following:
// 1) Whether two consecutive measuring points show a negative slope
// 2) Whether you currently are in an ongoing AP
enter = 0; // Switches off the indicator that an AP has started
if(APs<lognum && log_ideal_on == 1)
ideal_AP[count2] = (ideal_AP[count2]*APs + Vm)/(APs+1);
// This statement is entered whenever logging of the AP is on
// The if conditions measure the following:
// 1) Whether less than lognum APs were recorded
// 2) Whether the AP should be logged
ideal_AP[count2] = (ideal_AP[count2]*APs + Vm)/(APs+1); // Rolling average of the AP values
count2++; // Increasing the logging counter
// Part of the code that resets the counter once a new AP is detected
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ** Detecting AP upstrokes **
// ****************************
// ****************************
if (act == 0 && (Vm - Vm_log[(count-(int)(1/period)) % (int)modulo]) >= slope_thresh && APs >= lognum && Vm > V_cutoff)
count = 0;
act = 1;
// This statement is entered whenever an upstroke is detected after the
// ideal APs have been recorded.
// The if conditions measure the following:
// 1) Whether currently nothing is being done or corrected
// 2) Whether two consecutive measuring points show a large enough slope that can
// be identified with an upstroke
// 3) Whether lognum APs were already recorded before
// 4) Whether the mesured voltage is above a voltage treshold
count = 0; // Reset the correction counter
act = 1; // Switch the correction on
// Part of the code that implements the PID
......@@ -285,6 +394,23 @@ void gAPqrPID3::execute(void)
This function updates the parameters of the code depending on the flag that is
given to it, where each flag is associated to a button.
INIT: associated to the loading of the module
MODIFY: associated to the Modify button
PERIOD: associated to the period linker with the "system control panel" module
PAUSE: associate to the pause button when pressing on it
UNPAUSE: associated to the pause button when unpressing it
*) flag Indicating the state of the update:
*) None
void gAPqrPID3::update(DefaultGUIModel::update_flags_t flag)
switch (flag)
......@@ -367,6 +493,17 @@ void gAPqrPID3::update(DefaultGUIModel::update_flags_t flag)
This function sets all values to their defaults when no external parameters are provided
through the GUI interface.
*) None
*) None
void gAPqrPID3::initParameters()
Vm = -80; // mV
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