NGS Weekly Meeting
Moderator: Yahya Anvar, PhD
Department of Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center
This meeting is meant for those working on various omics data types, such as WGS/WES, RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, ATAC-Seq and CLIP-Seq, with emphasis on methodologies and analytics. The main scope of this meeting is to openly discuss your research with your peers to get feedback and troubleshoot as well as provide solutions that others may find interesting to apply in their own work. These meetings are held on a weekly basis and is open to all LUMC employees.
Note: All LUMC employees with an active git account may access this wiki. However, only invited members may edit the content of this wiki. If you would like to invite new members, please send your requests to the moderator!
We now have a dedicated mailing list for the NGS group (HG: NGS). Please feel free to use it when you would like to contact the entire group.
: You need to let me know if you would like to be on the mailing list.
How does it work?
- Three 10-minute presentations, scheduled in advance
- 30 minutes of open discussion / guest lecture
- New Projects: share what your new project entails and your plan of action.
- Troubleshooting: discuss problems you have been facing.
- Updates: give an update on your progress and new findings.
- New Ideas: propose / discuss a new (mini)project.
- Out of the Box: give a short review of an article or news story. Use GIT to share!
Everyone! Works best if you volunteer yourself, otherwise a time slot will be randomly chosen and allocated to you …
Up to you! Use the whiteboard or make a few slides but simple verbal communication is not very engaging …