Kasper Marstal
#ifndef Blueprint_h
#define Blueprint_h
#include "boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp"
#include "boost/graph/directed_graph.hpp"
#include "itkObjectFactory.h"
#include "itkDataObject.h"
#include "elxMacro.h"
namespace elx {
class Blueprint : public itk::DataObject
elxNewMacro( Blueprint, itk::DataObject );
typedef std::string ParameterKeyType;
typedef std::vector< std::string > ParameterValueType;
typedef std::map< ParameterKeyType, ParameterValueType > ParameterMapType;
// Component parameter map that sits on a node in the graph
// and holds component configuration settings
struct ComponentPropertyType {
ParameterMapType parameterMap;
// Component parameter map that sits on an edge in the graph
// and holds component configuration settings
struct ConnectionPropertyType {
ParameterMapType parameterMap;
typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::vecS,
ConnectionPropertyType > GraphType;
typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::vertex_descriptor ComponentIndexType;
typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::vertex_iterator ComponentIteratorType;
typedef std::pair< ComponentIteratorType, ComponentIteratorType > ComponentIteratorPairType;
typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::edge_descriptor ConnectionIndexType;
typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::edge_iterator ConnectionIteratorType;
typedef std::pair< ConnectionIteratorType, ConnectionIteratorType > ConnectionIteratorPairType;
typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::in_edge_iterator InputIteratorType;
typedef std::pair< InputIteratorType, InputIteratorType > InputIteratorPairType;
typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::out_edge_iterator OutputIteratorType;
typedef std::pair< OutputIteratorType, OutputIteratorType > OutputIteratorPairType;
// Interface for managing components
ComponentIndexType AddComponent( void );
ComponentIndexType AddComponent( ParameterMapType parameterMap );
ParameterMapType GetComponent( ComponentIndexType index );
Kasper Marstal
void SetComponent( ComponentIndexType, ParameterMapType parameterMap );
Kasper Marstal
// TODO: Let user delete component. Before we do this, we need a proper way of
// checking that a vertex exist. Otherwise a call to GetComponent() on
Kasper Marstal
// a deleted vertex will result in segfault. It is not really a in issue
// _before_ release since typically we (the developers) will use blueprint
Kasper Marstal
// interface procedurally.
Kasper Marstal
// void DeleteComponent( ComponentIndexType );
ComponentIteratorPairType GetComponentIterator( void ) {
Kasper Marstal
return boost::vertices( this->m_Graph );
Kasper Marstal
// Interface for managing connections between components in which we
// deliberately avoid using connection indexes, but instead force
// the user to think in terms of components (which is conceptually simpler)
bool AddConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream );
bool AddConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream, ParameterMapType parameterMap );
ParameterMapType GetConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream );
bool SetConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream, ParameterMapType parameterMap );
bool DeleteConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream );
bool ConnectionExists( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream );
// Returns iterator for all connections in the graph
ConnectionIteratorPairType GetConnectionIterator( void ) {
return boost::edges(this->m_Graph);
// Returns the outgoing connections from a component in the graph,
// i.e. all components that reads data from given component
Kasper Marstal
OutputIteratorPairType GetOutputIterator( const ComponentIndexType index ) {
return boost::out_edges( index, this->m_Graph );
void WriteBlueprint( const std::string filename );
Kasper Marstal
Kasper Marstal
ConnectionIndexType GetConnectionIndex( ComponentIndexType upsteam, ComponentIndexType downstream );
GraphType m_Graph;
Kasper Marstal
#endif // #define Blueprint_h