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Commit 5933b5a1 authored by Peter van 't Hof's avatar Peter van 't Hof
Browse files

Refactor bed to interval

parent 3f63aefb
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......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import
import{ BedToInterval, BiopetFlagstat }
import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.bedtools.{ BedtoolsCoverage, BedtoolsIntersect }
import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.picard.{ CollectInsertSizeMetrics, CollectGcBiasMetrics, CalculateHsMetrics, CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics }
import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.picard._
import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.samtools.SamtoolsFlagstat
class BamMetrics(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with SummaryQScript with SampleLibraryTag {
......@@ -32,14 +32,11 @@ class BamMetrics(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with SummaryQScript wit
@Input(doc = "Bam File", shortName = "BAM", required = true)
var inputBam: File = _
@Input(doc = "Bed tracks targets", shortName = "target", required = false)
var bedFiles: List[File] = Nil
/** Bed files for region of interests */
var roiBedFiles: List[File] = config("regions_of_interest", Nil)
@Input(doc = "Bed tracks bait", shortName = "bait", required = false)
var baitBedFile: File = _
@Argument(doc = "", required = false)
var wholeGenome = false
/** Bed of amplicon that is used */
var ampliconBedFile: Option[File] = config("amplicon_bed")
/** return location of summary file */
def summaryFile = (sampleId, libId) match {
......@@ -56,12 +53,6 @@ class BamMetrics(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with SummaryQScript wit
/** executed before script */
def init() {
if (config.contains("target_bed")) {
for (file <- config("target_bed").asList) {
bedFiles +:= new File(file.toString)
if (baitBedFile == null && config.contains("target_bait")) baitBedFile = config("target_bait")
/** Script to add jobs */
......@@ -82,31 +73,60 @@ class BamMetrics(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with SummaryQScript wit
addSummarizable(collectAlignmentSummaryMetrics, "alignment_metrics")
val baitIntervalFile = if (baitBedFile != null) new File(outputDir, baitBedFile.getName.stripSuffix(".bed") + ".interval") else null
if (baitIntervalFile != null)
add(BedToInterval(this, baitBedFile, inputBam, outputDir), true)
case class Intervals(bed: File, intervals: File)
// Create temp jobs to convert bed files to intervals lists
val roiIntervals = => {
val roiIntervals = swapExt(outputDir, roiBedFile, ".bed", ".intervals")
val ampBedToInterval = BedToIntervalList(this, roiBedFile, roiIntervals)
ampBedToInterval.isIntermediate = true
Intervals(roiBedFile, roiIntervals)
// Metrics that require a amplicon bed file
val ampIntervals = ampliconBedFile.collect {
case ampliconBedFile => {
val ampIntervals = swapExt(outputDir, ampliconBedFile, ".bed", ".intervals")
val ampBedToInterval = BedToIntervalList(this, ampliconBedFile, ampIntervals)
ampBedToInterval.isIntermediate = true
val chsMetrics = CalculateHsMetrics(this, inputBam,
List(ampIntervals), ampIntervals ::, outputDir)
for (bedFile <- bedFiles) {
//TODO: target pcr metrics
Intervals(ampliconBedFile, ampIntervals)
// Create stats and coverage plot for each bed/interval file
for (intervals <- roiIntervals ++ ampIntervals) {
//TODO: Add target jobs to summary
val targetDir = new File(outputDir, bedFile.getName.stripSuffix(".bed"))
val targetFile = new File(targetDir, bedFile.getName.stripSuffix(".bed") + ".interval")
val targetInterval = BedToInterval(this, bedFile, inputBam, targetFile)
add(targetInterval, true)
add(CalculateHsMetrics(this, inputBam, if (baitIntervalFile != null) baitIntervalFile
else targetInterval.output, targetInterval.output, targetDir))
val strictOutputBam = new File(targetDir, inputBam.getName.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".overlap.strict.bam")
add(BedtoolsIntersect(this, inputBam, bedFile, strictOutputBam, minOverlap = config("strictintersectoverlap", default = 1.0)), true)
add(SamtoolsFlagstat(this, strictOutputBam, targetDir))
add(BiopetFlagstat(this, strictOutputBam, targetDir))
val looseOutputBam = new File(targetDir, inputBam.getName.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".overlap.loose.bam")
add(BedtoolsIntersect(this, inputBam, bedFile, looseOutputBam, minOverlap = config("looseintersectoverlap", default = 0.01)), true)
add(SamtoolsFlagstat(this, looseOutputBam, targetDir))
add(BiopetFlagstat(this, looseOutputBam, targetDir))
val targetDir = new File(outputDir, intervals.bed.getName.stripSuffix(".bed"))
val biStrict = BedtoolsIntersect(this, inputBam, intervals.bed,
output = new File(targetDir, inputBam.getName.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".overlap.strict.bam"),
minOverlap = config("strictintersectoverlap", default = 1.0))
biStrict.isIntermediate = true
add(SamtoolsFlagstat(this, biStrict.output, targetDir))
add(BiopetFlagstat(this, biStrict.output, targetDir))
val biLoose = BedtoolsIntersect(this, inputBam, intervals.bed,
output = new File(targetDir, inputBam.getName.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".overlap.loose.bam"),
minOverlap = config("looseintersectoverlap", default = 0.01))
biLoose.isIntermediate = true
add(SamtoolsFlagstat(this, biLoose.output, targetDir))
add(BiopetFlagstat(this, biLoose.output, targetDir))
val coverageFile = new File(targetDir, inputBam.getName.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".coverage")
add(BedtoolsCoverage(this, inputBam, bedFile, coverageFile, true), true)
//FIXME:should use piping
add(BedtoolsCoverage(this, inputBam, intervals.bed, coverageFile, true), true)
add(CoverageStats(this, coverageFile, targetDir))
......@@ -115,13 +135,7 @@ class BamMetrics(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with SummaryQScript wit
object BamMetrics extends PipelineCommand {
* Make default implementation of BamMetrics
* @param root
* @param bamFile
* @param outputDir
* @return
/** Make default implementation of BamMetrics */
def apply(root: Configurable, bamFile: File, outputDir: File): BamMetrics = {
val bamMetrics = new BamMetrics(root)
bamMetrics.inputBam = bamFile
......@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ class BedtoolsIntersect(val root: Configurable) extends Bedtools {
object BedtoolsIntersect {
/** Returns default bedtools intersect */
def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, intersect: File, output: File,
minOverlap: Double = 0, count: Boolean = false): BedtoolsIntersect = {
minOverlap: Option[Double] = None, count: Boolean = false): BedtoolsIntersect = {
val bedtoolsIntersect = new BedtoolsIntersect(root)
bedtoolsIntersect.input = input
bedtoolsIntersect.intersectFile = intersect
bedtoolsIntersect.output = output
if (minOverlap > 0) bedtoolsIntersect.minOverlap = Option(minOverlap)
bedtoolsIntersect.minOverlap = minOverlap
bedtoolsIntersect.count = count
return bedtoolsIntersect
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.picard
import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{Output, Input}
import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Output, Input }
* Created by pjvan_thof on 4/15/15.
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class BedToIntervalList(val root: Configurable) extends Picard {
object BedToIntervalList {
def apply(root:Configurable, input:File, output:File): BedToIntervalList = {
def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, output: File): BedToIntervalList = {
val bi = new BedToIntervalList(root)
bi.input = input
bi.output = output
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