Explore projects
Example interactive visualizations using Jupyter and Bokeh
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VKGL-development / varda
MIT LicenseA database for genomic variation frequencies
This project is a fork of https://github.com/varda/varda.git
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VKGL-development / aule
MIT LicenseA web interface to the Varda database for genomic variation frequencies
This project is a fork of https://github.com/varda/aule.git
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Human Genetics devops / ansible-role-users
MIT LicenseAnsible role for provisioning user accounts
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van Lew / ansible-fastr-bootstrap
MIT LicenseAnsible playbook for non-root fast bootstrapping (includes eaybuild for tools distribution)
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Contains easybuileasyconfig files to permit building the required tools for faster pipelines. The *.eb files are stored in the same hierarchy as in https://github.com/hpcugent/easybuild-easyconfigs and should be pulled and added to the eb robot-path.
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Ansible role for Icinga (client)
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Leiden450K contains a couple of functions for preprocessing of Illumina Human 450K array data, such as reading idat files in parallel, filtering probes and normalization.
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