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Slides on remotes almost complete

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1 merge request!2Remotes
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\title{Git and remote repositories}
\providecommand{\myConference}{Git course}
\providecommand{\myDate}{Monday, October 14, 2013}
\author{Martijn Vermaat}
\providecommand{\myGroup}{Leiden Genome Technology Center}
\providecommand{\myDepartment}{Department of Human Genetics}
\providecommand{\myCenter}{Center for Human and Clinical Genetics}
\frametitle{Table of contents}
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\section{Remote repositories}
\frametitle{Distributed Git}
Repositories can reference each other:
\item A repository can be on a server, your desktop, your coworker's
laptop, etc.
\item Technically, no repository is `special'.
\item We call a reference to another repository a {\em remote}.
\frametitle{Listing remotes}
$ git remote
We are on \bt{aida} and have one remote, \bt{gitlab}, defined.
$ git remote -v
gitlab (fetch)
gitlab (push)
\bt{-v}: Include remote location.\\
We see that communication with \bt{gitlab} is over HTTPS.
\frametitle{Adding a remote: \bt{git remote add}}
$ git remote add hue
This adds a reference to the remote repository \bt{hue} using communication
over SSH.
$ git remote -v
gitlab (fetch)
gitlab (push)
hue (fetch)
hue (push)
\frametitle{Remote branches}
You see code from remotes as {\em remote branches}:
\item Remote branches are just branches prefixed with the remote name.
\item Communicate with remotes to update the remote branches.
\item You can setup a local branch to {\em track} a remote branch.
\frametitle{Listing remote branches: \bt{git branch}}
$ git branch -v
* master f1ef19c State character preference
This shows only our local branches.
$ git branch -v -a
* master f1ef19c State character preference
remotes/gitlab/master f1ef19c State character preference
\bt{-a}: Include remote branches.
\frametitle{Updating remote branches: \bt{git fetch}}
$ git fetch hue
remote: Counting objects: 5, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
* [new branch] master -> hue/master
* [new branch] simpsons -> hue/simpsons
\frametitle{Merging remote branches: \bt{git merge}}
We can merge remote branches just like normal branches.
$ git merge hue/simpsons
Alternatively, we could continue the work of a remote branch.
\frametitle{Creating a local tracking branch: \bt{git checkout}}
Remote branches are `read-only':
\item We cannot directly continue work on a remote branch.
\item But we can setup a local {\em tracking branch}.
$ git checkout simpsons
Branch simpsons set up to track remote branch
simpsons from hue.
Switched to a new branch 'simpsons'
What happened here?
\item There was no branch \bt{simpsons}.
\item But there was a remote branch of the same name.
\item So Git creates a new branch based on that (and switches to it).
\frametitle{Working on a tracking branch}
Let's continue working on branch \bt{simpsons}.
$ emacs
$ git commit -am 'Edit character presence'
[simpsons 0676334] Edit character presence
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
$ git status
# On branch simpsons
# Your branch is ahead of 'hue/simpsons' by 1 commit.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
\frametitle{Pushing changes to a remote: \bt{git push}}
$ git push hue simpsons
Counting objects: 5, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 303 bytes, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
To hue.remote:projects/tv-series
0535b7e..0676334 simpsons -> simpsons
Our work on branch \bt{simpsons} is now available on remote \bt{hue} too.
\frametitle{Cloning an existing repository}
Instead of creating repositories using \bt{git init}, you can create a local
{\em clone} of an existing (remote) repository.
$ git clone
Cloning into 'tv-series'...
remote: Counting objects: 6, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 6 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (6/6), done.
A remote called \bt{origin} is added for the original repository and branch
\bt{master} is setup to track the original \bt{master}.
$ cd tv-series/
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
\frametitle{Shortcuts for tracking branches}
If a local branch is setup to track a remote branch, there are shortcuts for
synchronizing them.\\
For example, say \bt{HEAD} is on \bt{simpsons} which is tracking
$ git push ==> $ git push origin simpsons
$ git pull ==> $ git fetch origin
$ git merge origin/simpsons
\section{Working with GitLab}
\frametitle{Using a central server}
Git can be used by a team completely decentralized.\\
However, often a central server is used:
\item It can be easier to communicate via the server.
\item It can be convenient to have a canonical repository.
\item Services such as {\em GitLab} and {\em GitHub} add many features on
top of Git.
Our GitLab server is at \bt{}\\
\item Coupled to your LUMC account.
\item All users can create projects.
\item Browse repositories and edit files online.
\item Control access for other users.
\item Track bugs/issues/tickets.
\item Create merge requests and do code reviews.
% todo: create gitlab project, clone gitlab project
Jeroen Laros
Zuotian Tatum
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