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Dockerize GATK. Scattering now works with containers. Tabix another docker image.

Merged Ruben Vorderman requested to merge BIOWDL-199 into develop
4 files
+ 89
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hisat2.wdl 0 → 100644
+ 47
version 1.0
task Hisat2 {
input {
File indexDirectory
String indexBasename
File inputR1
File? inputR2
String outputBam
String sample
String library
String readgroup
String platform = "illumina"
Boolean downstreamTranscriptomeAssembly = true
Int threads = 1
Int memory = 48
String dockerTag = "2388ff67fc407dad75774291ca5038f40cac4be0-0"
command {
set -e -o pipefail
mkdir -p $(dirname ~{outputBam})
hisat2 \
-p ~{threads} \
-x ~{indexDirectory}/~{indexBasename} \
~{true="-1" false="-U" defined(inputR2)} ~{inputR1} \
~{"-2" + inputR2} \
--rg-id ~{readgroup} \
--rg 'SM:~{sample}' \
--rg 'LB:~{library}' \
--rg 'PL:~{platform}' \
~{true="--dta" false="" downstreamTranscriptomeAssembly} \
| samtools sort > ~{outputBam}
output {
File bamFile = outputBam
runtime {
memory: (memory / threads) + 1
cpu: threads + 1
docker: "" + dockerTag
\ No newline at end of file