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Commit fa1901c4 authored by Cats's avatar Cats
Browse files

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parent 160bd925
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......@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ that users understand how the changes affect the new version.
version 3.2.0-develop
+ The struct `BowtieIndex` was removed, as it has become obsolete.
+ The task `ReorderGlobbedScatters` was removed, as it has become obsolete.
+ Adjusted the memory settings of many tools, especially java tools.
The should now more accurately represent actual memory usage (as
They should now more accurately represent actual memory usage (as
opposed to virtual memory).
+ Added `-XX:ParallelGCThreads=1` to the java options of java tasks.
+ Added `timeMinutes` input to many tasks, this indicates a maximum
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ task Complement {
File faidx
File inputBed
String outputBed = basename(inputBed, "\.bed") + ".complement.bed"
String memory = "2G"
String memory = "~{512 + ceil(size([inputBed, faidx], "M"))}M"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size([inputBed, faidx], "G"))
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ task Merge {
input {
File inputBed
String outputBed = "merged.bed"
String memory = "~{512 + ceil(size(inputBed, "M"))}M"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(inputBed, "G"))
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ task Merge {
runtime {
memory: memory
time_minutes: timeMinutes
docker: dockerImage
......@@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ task Merge {
parameter_meta {
inputBed: {description: "The bed to merge.", category: "required"}
outputBed: {description: "The path to write the output to.", category: "advanced"}
memory: {description: "The amount of memory needed for the job.", category: "advanced"}
timeMinutes: {description: "The maximum amount of time the job will run in minutes.", category: "advanced"}
dockerImage: {description: "The docker image used for this task. Changing this may result in errors which the developers may choose not to address.",
category: "advanced"}
......@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ task MergeBedFiles {
input {
Array[File]+ bedFiles
String outputBed = "merged.bed"
String memory = "2G"
String memory = "~{512 + ceil(size(bedFiles, "M"))}M"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(bedFiles, "G"))
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ task Intersect {
# Giving a faidx file will set the sorted option.
File? faidx
String outputBed = "intersect.bed"
String memory = "2G"
String memory = "~{512 + ceil(size([regionsA, regionsB], "M"))}M"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size([regionsA, regionsB], "G"))
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ task Generate {
String outputDir
Reference? reference
String memory = "10G"
String memory = "9G"
String javaXmx = "8G"
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ task ExtractAdaptersFastqc {
Float? adapterCutoff
Boolean? outputAsFasta
String memory = "10G"
String memory = "9G"
String javaXmx = "8G"
String dockerImage = ""
Int timeMinutes = 5
......@@ -210,55 +210,6 @@ task FastqSync {
task ReorderGlobbedScatters {
input {
Array[File]+ scatters
# Should not be changed from the main pipeline. As it should not influence results.
# The 3.7-slim container is 143 mb on the filesystem. 3.7 is 927 mb.
# The slim container is sufficient for this small task.
String dockerImage = "python:3.7-slim"
Int timeMinutes = 5
command <<<
set -e
# Copy all the scatter files to the CWD so the output matches paths in
# the cwd.
for file in ~{sep=" " scatters}
do cp $file .
python << CODE
from os.path import basename
scatters = ['~{sep="','" scatters}']
splitext = [basename(x).split(".") for x in scatters]
splitnum = [x.split("-") + [y] for x,y in splitext]
ordered = sorted(splitnum, key=lambda x: int(x[1]))
merged = ["{}-{}.{}".format(x[0],x[1],x[2]) for x in ordered]
for x in merged:
output {
Array[File] reorderedScatters = read_lines(stdout())
runtime {
docker: dockerImage
time_minutes = timeMinutes
# 4 gigs of memory to be able to build the docker image in singularity
memory: "4G"
parameter_meta {
scatters: {description: "The files which should be ordered.", category: "required"}
timeMinutes: {description: "The maximum amount of time the job will run in minutes.", category: "advanced"}
dockerImage: {description: "The docker image used for this task. Changing this may result in errors which the developers may choose not to address.",
category: "advanced"}
task ScatterRegions {
input {
File referenceFasta
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ task SampleConfig {
String? jsonOutputPath
String? tsvOutputPath
String memory = "18G"
String memory = "17G"
String javaXmx = "16G"
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ task InputConverter {
runtime {
memory: "2G"
memory: "128M"
time_minutes: timeMinutes
docker: dockerImage
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ task Bowtie {
Int threads = 1
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(flatten([readsUpstream, readsDownstream]), "G") * 300 / threads)
String memory = "10G"
String memory = "~{5 + ceil(size(indexFiles, "G"))}G"
String picardXmx = "4G"
# Image contains bowtie=1.2.2 and picard=2.9.2
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ task Mem {
String? readgroup
Int threads = 4
String memory = "20G"
String memory = "~{5 + ceil(size(indexFiles, "G"))}G"
String picardXmx = "4G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size([read1, read2], "G") * 200 / threads)
# A mulled container is needed to have both picard and bwa in one container.
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ task YamlToJson {
String outputJson = basename(yaml, "\.ya?ml$") + ".json"
Int timeMinutes = 1
String memory = "1G"
String memory = "128M"
# biowdl-input-converter has python and pyyaml.
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ task CollectAllelicCounts {
File referenceFastaDict
File referenceFastaFai
String memory = "12G"
String memory = "11G"
String javaXmx = "10G"
Int timeMinutes = 120
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ task CollectReadCounts {
File referenceFastaFai
String intervalMergingRule = "OVERLAPPING_ONLY"
String memory = "5G"
String javaXmx = "4G"
String memory = "8G"
String javaXmx = "7G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(inputBam, "G") * 5)
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -557,8 +557,8 @@ task CreateReadCountPanelOfNormals {
Array[File]+ readCountsFiles
File? annotatedIntervals
String memory = "5G"
String javaXmx = "4G"
String memory = "8G"
String javaXmx = "7G"
Int timeMinutes = 5
String dockerImage = "broadinstitute/gatk:" # The biocontainer causes a spark related error for some reason...
......@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ task DenoiseReadCounts {
File readCounts
String outputPrefix
String memory = "6G"
String memory = "5G"
String javaXmx = "4G"
Int timeMinutes = 5
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ task FilterMutectCalls {
Int uniqueAltReadCount = 4
File mutect2Stats
String memory = "14G"
String memory = "13G"
String javaXmx = "12G"
Int timeMinutes = 60
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ task GenomicsDBImport {
String genomicsDBWorkspacePath = "genomics_db"
String genomicsDBTarFile = "genomics_db.tar.gz"
String? tmpDir
String memory = "6G"
String memory = "5G"
String javaXmx = "4G"
Int timeMinutes = 180
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ task GetPileupSummaries {
File sitesForContaminationIndex
String outputPrefix
String memory = "14G"
String memory = "13G"
String javaXmx = "12G"
Int timeMinutes = 120
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ task LearnReadOrientationModel {
input {
Array[File]+ f1r2TarGz
String memory = "14G"
String memory = "13G"
String javaXmx = "12G"
Int timeMinutes = 120
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ task MergeStats {
input {
Array[File]+ stats
String memory = "16G"
String memory = "15G"
String javaXmx = "14G"
Int timeMinutes = 30
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ task ModelSegments {
else 30
Int maximumNumberOfSmoothingIterations = 10
String memory = "12G"
String memory = "11G"
String javaXmx = "10G"
Int timeMinutes = 60
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ task Hisat2 {
Boolean downstreamTranscriptomeAssembly = true
Int threads = 4
String memory = "48G"
String memory = "~{threads + 5 + ceil(size(indexFiles, "G"))}G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size([inputR1, inputR2], "G") * 180 / threads)
# is a combination of hisat2 and samtools
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ task CollectMultipleMetrics {
Boolean collectSequencingArtifactMetrics = true
Boolean collectQualityYieldMetrics = true
String memory = "10G"
String memory = "9G"
String javaXmx = "8G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(inputBam, "G") * 6)
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ task CollectRnaSeqMetrics {
String basename
String strandSpecificity = "NONE"
String memory = "10G"
String memory = "9G"
String javaXmx = "8G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(inputBam, "G") * 6)
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ task MarkDuplicates {
String outputBamPath
String metricsPath
String memory = "10G"
String memory = "9G"
String javaXmx = "8G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(inputBams, "G") * 8)
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ task SamToFastq {
File inputBamIndex
Boolean paired = true
String memory = "18G"
String memory = "17G"
String javaXmx = "16G" # High memory default to avoid crashes.
String dockerImage = ""
File? NONE
......@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ task SortVcf {
String outputVcfPath
File? dict
String memory = "10G"
String memory = "9G"
String javaXmx = "8G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(vcfFiles, "G") * 5)
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ task RenameSample {
File inputVcf
String outputPath = "./picard/renamed.vcf"
String newSampleName
String memory = "10G"
String memory = "9G"
String javaXmx = "8G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(inputVcf, "G") * 2)
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ task Format {
Array[File]+ inputFiles
String dockerImage = ""
String rtgMem = "8G"
String memory = "10G"
String memory = "9G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(inputFiles) * 2)
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ task VcfEval {
String outputMode = "split"
Int threads = 1 # tool default is number of cores in the system 😱
String rtgMem = "8G"
String memory = "10G"
String memory = "9G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size([baseline, calls], "G") * 5)
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ task Star {
Int? limitBAMsortRAM
Int runThreadN = 4
String memory = "48G"
String memory = "~{5 + ceil(size(indexFiles, "G"))}G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(flatten([inputR1, inputR2]), "G") * 180 / runThreadN)
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ task Stringtie {
String? geneAbundanceFile
Int threads = 1
String memory = "10G"
String memory = "2G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(bam, "G") * 60 / threads)
String dockerImage = ""
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