inputFile: {description: "The input fasta file.", category: "required"}
javaXmx: {description: "The maximum memory available to the program. Should be lower than `memory` to accommodate JVM overhead.", category: "advanced"}
memory: {description: "The amount of memory available to the job.", category: "advanced"}
# outputs
outputFasta: {description: "Fasta file that is co-located with the indexes"}
outputFastaFai: {description: "Fasta index file for the outputFasta file."}
outputFastaDict: {description: "Sequence dictionary for the outputFasta file."}
inputFile: {description: "The input fasta file.", category: "required"}
javaXmx: {description: "The maximum memory available to the program. Should be lower than `memory` to accommodate JVM overhead.", category: "advanced"}
memory: {description: "The amount of memory available to the job.", category: "advanced"}
# outputs
outputFasta: {description: "Fasta file that is co-located with the indexes"}
outputFastaFai: {description: "Fasta index file for the outputFasta file."}
outputFastaDict: {description: "Sequence dictionary for the outputFasta file."}
dockerImage: {description: "The docker image used for this task. Changing this may result in errors which the developers may choose not to address.", category: "advanced"}