task BgzipAndIndex {
input {
File inputFile
String outputDir
String type = "vcf"
String outputGz = outputDir + "/" + basename(inputFile) + ".gz"
command {
bgzip -c ~{inputFile} > ~{outputGz}
tabix ~{outputGz} -p ~{type}
output {
File compressed = outputGz
File index = outputGz + ".tbi"
task Index {
input {
String? preCommand
File bamFilePath
String? bamIndexPath
samtools index ~{bamFilePath} ~{bamIndexPath}
File indexFile = if defined(bamIndexPath)
then select_first([bamIndexPath])
else bamFilePath + ".bai"
input {
String? preCommand
Array[File]+ bamFiles
String outputBamPath
samtools merge ~{outputBamPath} ~{sep=' ' bamFiles}
input {
String? preCommand
File inputBam
String outputBamPath
samtools markdup ~{inputBam} ~{outputBamPath}
output {
File outputBam = outputBamPath
task Flagstat {
input {
String? preCommand
File inputBam
String outputPath
mkdir -p $(dirname ~{outputPath})
samtools flagstat ~{inputBam} > ~{outputPath}
output {
File flagstat = outputPath
input {
String? preCommand
File inputBam
String outputRead1
String? outputRead2
String? outputRead0
Int? includeFilter
Int? excludeFilter
Int? excludeSpecificFilter
Boolean? appendReadNumber
Boolean? outputQuality
Int? compressionLevel
Int threads = 1
Int memory = 1
~{true="-1" false="-s" defined(outputRead2)} ~{outputRead1} \
~{"-2 " + outputRead2} \
~{"-0 " + outputRead0} \
~{"-f " + includeFilter} \
~{"-F " + excludeFilter} \
~{"-G " + excludeSpecificFilter} \
~{true="-N" false="-n" appendReadNumber} \
~{true="-O" false="" outputQuality} \
~{"-c " + compressionLevel} \
~{"--threads " + threads} \
output {
File read1 = outputRead1
File? read2 = outputRead2
File? read0 = outputRead0
cpu: threads
memory: memory
parameter_meta {
preCommand: "A command that is run before the task. Can be used to activate environments"
inputBam: "The bam file to process."
outputRead1: "If only outputRead1 is given '-s' flag is assumed. Else '-1'."
includeFilter: "Include reads with ALL of these flags. Corresponds to '-f'"
excludeFilter: "Exclude reads with ONE OR MORE of these flags. Corresponds to '-F'"
excludeSpecificFilter: "Exclude reads with ALL of these flags. Corresponds to '-G'"
appendReadNumber: "Append /1 and /2 to the read name, or don't. Corresponds to '-n/N"
task Tabix {
input {
String inputFile
String type = "vcf"
command {
tabix ~{inputFile} -p ~{type}
output {
File index = inputFile + ".tbi"
input {
String? preCommand
File inFile
File? referenceFasta
String outputFileName
Boolean? outputBam
Boolean? uncompressedBamOutput
Int? includeFilter
Int? excludeFilter
Int? excludeSpecificFilter
Int threads = 1
Int memory = 1
set -e -o pipefail
samtools view \
~{"-T " + referenceFasta} \
~{"-o " + outputFileName} \
~{true="-b " false="" outputBam} \
~{true="-u " false="" uncompressedBamOutput} \
~{"-f " + includeFilter} \
~{"-F " + excludeFilter} \
~{"-G " + excludeSpecificFilter} \
~{"--threads " + threads - 1} \
output {
File outputFile = outputFileName
cpu: threads
memory: memory