RTXI code that was used to produce opto-electronic dynamic patch-clamping data for real-time (re)shaping of cardiac action potentials.
This repository consists of four main software versions. Each of them describes an RTXI module (LINK TO RTXI) that has a different use case. The four modules are:
This repository consists of four main software versions. Each of them describes an [RTXI](http://rtxi.org/) module that has a different use case. The four modules are:
1) APqr7
2) APqr8
3) APqrPID3
## APqr7
This RTXI module ...
## Requirements
A PC ruuning RT-Linux is necessary to run RTXI. All four modules should be able to run with RTXI, starting from RTXI version 2.2 upwards. For details on computer specifications, please check the [RTXI website](http://rtxi.org/). Our specific set-up on which the code was tested and implemented was:
This RTXI module implements an adaptive P-controller (proportional to the error) where AP correction is carried out through current injection (re- and depolarizing).
### APqr8
This RTXI module relies on the same principle as APqr7 (adaptive P-controller) but instead of current injection makes use of LEDs and optogenetics to create AP correction. It should be noted that only one way of correction is possible, either depolarizing or repolarizing correction.
### APqrPID3
This RTXI module implements a PID controller (systems control technique making use of a proportional, integral, and derivative term). This version is capable of correcting the AP in both directions (re- and depolarizing) and once again relies on optogenetics.
## APqr8
## APqrPID3
This RTXI module can imprint any AP-shape on a cardiac cell. It provides upstroke pulses and AP-control all with the use of light (re- and depolarizing).