... | ... | @@ -123,15 +123,51 @@ Direct client download [putty](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putt |
Once you have started the putty program, you will see:
![alt text](images/putty-01.gif "putty-01")
Fill in at the Host Name (or IP address): **res-hpc-lo01**
![alt text](images/putty-02.gif "putty-02")
At the connection setting, fill in **60** at the **Seconds between keepalives**. If needed, enable the **Enable TCP keepalives**
![alt text](images/putty-03.gif "putty-03")
At the X11 setting, you can enable the **Enable X11 forwarding**.
You want this if you need graphical output, but for this to get this working, you need to install separately a X11 server for Windows. It is better and easier to install **mobaXterm**, which will be explained below.
Now press **Open** to connect to the login node.
![alt text](images/putty-04.gif "putty-04")
If you connect for the first time to the login node, you will see the warning. Press **Yes** to continue.
![alt text](images/putty-05.gif "putty-05")
Login with your **user name** ans **password**.
![alt text](images/putty-06.gif "putty-06")
Now you are logged in and you can start using the cluster.
![alt text](images/putty-07.gif "putty-07")
If you press on the putty symbol at the left corner of the terminal window, you have multiple options, like:
- New Session
- Duplicate Session
- Change Settings
![alt text](images/putty-08.gif "putty-08")
You can give your session a name so that you can save it and reuse it later.
Give you session a name, for example "res-hpc-lo01". **Save**
![alt text](images/putty-09.gif "putty-09")
Later you can load your saved session.
Select your saved sessions an press **Load**
- MobaXterm
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