... | ... | @@ -123,15 +123,51 @@ Direct client download [putty](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putt |
Once you have started the putty program, you will see:

Fill in at the Host Name (or IP address): **res-hpc-lo01**

At the connection setting, fill in **60** at the **Seconds between keepalives**. If needed, enable the **Enable TCP keepalives**

At the X11 setting, you can enable the **Enable X11 forwarding**.
You want this if you need graphical output, but for this to get this working, you need to install separately a X11 server for Windows. It is better and easier to install **mobaXterm**, which will be explained below.
Now press **Open** to connect to the login node.

If you connect for the first time to the login node, you will see the warning. Press **Yes** to continue.

Login with your **user name** ans **password**.

Now you are logged in and you can start using the cluster.

If you press on the putty symbol at the left corner of the terminal window, you have multiple options, like:
- New Session
- Duplicate Session
- Change Settings

You can give your session a name so that you can save it and reuse it later.
Give you session a name, for example "res-hpc-lo01". **Save**

Later you can load your saved session.
Select your saved sessions an press **Load**
- MobaXterm
... | ... | |