## Environment Modules
* All environmens on the new Shark are controlled with environment modules.
* The default modules that are loaded are OpenGridScheduler and History.
* Modules can be loaded, unloaded and switched.
* Multiple modules can be loaded, Your $PATH will be adjusted and the latest module will have it's path as first path in your PATH environment!
To view the loaded modules use;
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) OpenGridScheduler 2) History
To view the modules available:
$ module avail
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /usr/local/Modules/versions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /usr/local/Modules/3.2.10/modulefiles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dot java/Oracle-JRE-1.7 module-info OpenGridScheduler python/3.4.1 R/3.0.2
History java/Oracle-JRE-1.8 modules PacificBiosciences/rDnaTools qiime R/3.1.1
java/openjdk-7 module-git null PacificBiosciences/smrtanalysis R/2.15.3 use.own
To load a module:
$ module load R/3.1.1
To switch a module from R3.1.1 to R3.0.2 use:
$ module switch R/3.1.1 R/3.0.2
To unload a module:
$ module unload R/3.0.2