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Commit 203f9089 authored by Floris Berendsen's avatar Floris Berendsen
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Merge branches 'ELASTIX-24-Component-Interface-Handshake' and

'ELASTIX-12-implement-componentdatabase' into develop

parents 393060f9 a961c042
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with 638 additions and 0 deletions
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8 )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
project( Elastix )
# Place libraries and executables in the bin directory
#ifndef ComponentBase_h
#define ComponentBase_h
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
namespace elx
enum interfaceStatus { success, noaccepter, noprovider };
class ComponentBase {
virtual interfaceStatus ConnectFrom(const char *, ComponentBase*) = 0;
virtual int ConnectFrom(ComponentBase*) = 0;
virtual ~ComponentBase() {};
} // end namespace elx
#endif // #define ComponentBase_h
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef Example3rdPartyCode_h
#define Example3rdPartyCode_h
#include <iostream>
namespace Example3rdParty
// test case: there are two (slightly) incompatible codebases (i.e. 3rd party and 4th party!), each with an optimizer object and a metric object.
// goal: make elastix components of all objects and define a handshake that checks if connections can be made.
/*************** below: example implementations of 3rd and 4th party code base (assume we cannot change that) *********************/
class Metric3rdPartyBase{
virtual int GetValue() = 0;
virtual int GetDerivative() = 0;
class Optimizer3rdPartyBase{
virtual int SetMetric(Metric3rdPartyBase*) = 0;
virtual int Optimize() = 0;
Metric3rdPartyBase* theMetric;
class SSDMetric3rdParty : public Metric3rdPartyBase {
virtual int GetValue() { return 1; };
virtual int GetDerivative() { return 2; };
class GDOptimizer3rdParty : public Optimizer3rdPartyBase {
virtual int SetMetric(Metric3rdPartyBase*);
virtual int Optimize();
} // end namespave Example3rdParty
#endif // #define Example3rdPartyCode_h
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef Example4thPartyCode_h
#define Example4thPartyCode_h
#include <iostream>
namespace Example4thParty
// test case: there are two (slightly) incompatible codebases (i.e. 3rd party and 4th party!), each with an optimizer object and a metric object.
// goal: make elastix components of all objects and define a handshake that checks if connections can be made.
/*************** below: example implementations of 3rd and 4th party code base (assume we cannot change that) *********************/
class Metric4thPartyBase{
virtual int GetCost() = 0; // with different naming convention than 3rd party
class Optimizer4thPartyBase{
virtual int SetMetric(Metric4thPartyBase*) = 0;
virtual int DoOptimization() = 0; // with different naming convention than 3rd party
Metric4thPartyBase* theMetric;
class SSDMetric4thParty : public Metric4thPartyBase {
virtual int GetCost() { return 3; };
class GDOptimizer4thParty : public Optimizer4thPartyBase {
virtual int SetMetric(Metric4thPartyBase*);
virtual int DoOptimization();
} // end namespave Example4thParty
#endif // #define Example4thPartyCode_h
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef GDOptimizer3rdPartyComponent_h
#define GDOptimizer3rdPartyComponent_h
#include "ComponentBase.h"
#include "Interfaces.hxx"
#include "Example3rdPartyCode.h"
#include "Metric3rdPartyWrapper.h"
#include <string.h>
namespace elx
class GDOptimizer3rdPartyComponent :
public Implements<
Accepting< MetricValueInterface, MetricDerivativeInterface >,
Providing< OptimizerUpdateInterface>
virtual ~GDOptimizer3rdPartyComponent();
Example3rdParty::GDOptimizer3rdParty* theImplementation;
Metric3rdPartyWrapper* MetricObject;
//virtual int ConnectFrom(const char *, ComponentBase*);
int Set(MetricValueInterface*);
int Set(MetricDerivativeInterface*);
int Update();
} //end namespace elx
#endif // #define GDOptimizer3rdPartyComponent_h
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef GDOptimizer4thPartyComponent_h
#define GDOptimizer4thPartyComponent_h
#include "ComponentBase.h"
#include "Interfaces.hxx"
#include "Example4thPartyCode.h"
#include "Metric4thPartyWrapper.h"
namespace elx
// wrapping into components:
class GDOptimizer4thPartyComponent :
public Implements <
Accepting< MetricValueInterface >,
Providing < OptimizerUpdateInterface >
virtual ~GDOptimizer4thPartyComponent();
Example4thParty::GDOptimizer4thParty* theImplementation;
Metric4thPartyWrapper* MetricObject;
//virtual int ConnectFrom(const char *, ComponentBase*);
int Set(MetricValueInterface*);
int Update();
} //end namespace elx
#endif // #define GDOptimizer4thPartyComponent_h
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef InterfaceTraits_h
#define InterfaceTraits_h
#include "Interfaces.h"
namespace elx
// Traits to get printable interface name
// default implementation
template <typename T>
struct InterfaceName
static const char* Get()
return typeid(T).name();
// a specialization for each type of those you want to support
// and don't like the string returned by typeid
template <>
struct InterfaceName < MetricValueInterface >
static const char* Get()
return "MetricValueInterface";
template <>
struct InterfaceName < MetricDerivativeInterface >
static const char* Get()
return "MetricDerivativeInterface";
template <>
struct InterfaceName < OptimizerUpdateInterface >
static const char* Get()
return "OptimizerUpdateInterface";
// partial specialization of InterfaceName
template<template<typename> class TT, typename T1>
struct InterfaceName < TT<T1> > {
static const char* Get()
return InterfaceName<T1>::Get();
template <typename T>
struct AcceptorInterfaceName
static const char* Get()
return InterfaceName<T>::Get();
} // end namespace elx
#endif // #define InterfaceTraits_h
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef Interfaces_h
#define Interfaces_h
#include "ComponentBase.h"
#include "InterfaceTraits.h"
#include <typeinfo>
namespace elx
// Define the providing interfaces abstractly
class MetricDerivativeInterface {
virtual int GetDerivative() = 0;
class MetricValueInterface {
virtual int GetValue() = 0;
class OptimizerUpdateInterface {
virtual int Update() = 0;
// Define the accepting interfaces as templated by the providing interface
template<class InterfaceT>
class InterfaceAcceptor {
// Set() is called by a succesfull Connect()
// The implementation of Set() must be provided by component developers.
virtual int Set(InterfaceT*) = 0;
// Connect tries to connect this accepting interface with all interfaces of the provider component.
int Connect(ComponentBase*);
bool isSet;
template<typename ... RestInterfaces>
class Accepting
interfaceStatus ConnectFromImpl(const char *, ComponentBase*) { return interfaceStatus::noaccepter; }; //no interface called interfacename ;
int ConnectFromImpl(ComponentBase*) { return 0; }; //Empty RestInterfaces does 0 successful connects ;
template<typename FirstInterface, typename ... RestInterfaces>
class Accepting<FirstInterface, RestInterfaces... > : public InterfaceAcceptor<FirstInterface>, public Accepting< RestInterfaces ... >
interfaceStatus ConnectFromImpl(const char *, ComponentBase*);
int ConnectFromImpl(ComponentBase*);
template<typename... Interfaces>
class Providing : public Interfaces...
template<typename AcceptingInterfaces, typename ProvidingInterfaces>
class Implements : public AcceptingInterfaces, public ProvidingInterfaces, public ComponentBase
virtual interfaceStatus ConnectFrom(const char *, ComponentBase*);
virtual int ConnectFrom(ComponentBase*);
} // end namespace elx
#include "Interfaces.hxx"
#endif // #define Interfaces_h
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef Interfaces_hxx
#define Interfaces_hxx
#include "InterfaceTraits.h"
namespace elx
template<class InterfaceT>
int InterfaceAcceptor<InterfaceT>::Connect(ComponentBase* providerComponent){
InterfaceT* providerInterface = dynamic_cast<InterfaceT*> (providerComponent);
if (!providerInterface)
std::cout << "providerComponent does not have required " << InterfaceName < InterfaceT >::Get() << std::endl;
return 0;
// connect value interfaces
this->Set(providerInterface); // due to the input argument being uniquely defined in the multiple inheritance tree, all versions of Set() are accessible at component level
return 1;
template<typename AcceptingInterfaces, typename ProvidingInterfaces>
interfaceStatus Implements<AcceptingInterfaces, ProvidingInterfaces>::ConnectFrom(const char * interfacename, ComponentBase* other)
return AcceptingInterfaces::ConnectFromImpl(interfacename, other);
template<typename AcceptingInterfaces, typename ProvidingInterfaces>
int Implements<AcceptingInterfaces, ProvidingInterfaces>::ConnectFrom(ComponentBase* other)
return AcceptingInterfaces::ConnectFromImpl(other);
template<typename FirstInterface, typename ... RestInterfaces>
interfaceStatus Accepting<FirstInterface, RestInterfaces... >::ConnectFromImpl(const char * interfacename, ComponentBase* other)
// does our component have an accepting interface called interfacename?
if (0 ==std::strcmp(InterfaceName<InterfaceAcceptor<FirstInterface>>::Get(), interfacename))
// static_cast always succeeds since we know via the template arguments of the component which InterfaceAcceptors its base classes are.
InterfaceAcceptor<FirstInterface>* acceptIF = static_cast<InterfaceAcceptor<FirstInterface>*> (this);
// See if the other component has the right interface and try to connect them
if (1 == acceptIF->Connect(other))
//success. By terminating this function, we assume only one interface listens to interfacename and that one connection with the other component can be made by this name
return interfaceStatus::success;
// interfacename was found, but other component doesn't match
return interfaceStatus::noprovider;
return Accepting< RestInterfaces ... >::ConnectFromImpl(interfacename, other);
template<typename FirstInterface, typename ... RestInterfaces>
int Accepting<FirstInterface, RestInterfaces... >::ConnectFromImpl(ComponentBase* other)
// static_cast always succeeds since we know via the template arguments of the component which InterfaceAcceptors its base classes are.
InterfaceAcceptor<FirstInterface>* acceptIF = static_cast<InterfaceAcceptor<FirstInterface>*> (this);
// See if the other component has the right interface and try to connect them
// count the number of successes
return acceptIF->Connect(other) + Accepting< RestInterfaces ... >::ConnectFromImpl(other);
} // end namespace elx
#endif // #define Interfaces_hxx
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef Metric3rdPartyWrapper_h
#define Metric3rdPartyWrapper_h
#include "Example3rdPartyCode.h"
#include "Interfaces.hxx"
namespace elx
// An Optimizer3rdParty expects that Metric3rdParty will be set as input. All accepted interfaces by the Optimizer3rdPartyCompoment will be delegated to the Metric3rdPartyWrapper object.
class Metric3rdPartyWrapper : public Example3rdParty::Metric3rdPartyBase {
void SetMetricValueComponent(MetricValueInterface*);
void SetMetricDerivativeComponent(MetricDerivativeInterface*);
virtual int GetValue();
virtual int GetDerivative();
MetricValueInterface* metricval;
MetricDerivativeInterface* metricderiv;
} // end namespace elx
#endif // #define Metric3rdPartyWrapper_h
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef Metric4thPartyWrapper_h
#define Metric4thPartyWrapper_h
#include "Example4thPartyCode.h"
#include "Interfaces.hxx"
namespace elx
// An Optimizer4thParty expects that Metric4thParty will be set as input. All accepted interfaces by the Optimizer4thPartyCompoment will be delegated to the Metric4thPartyWrapper object.
class Metric4thPartyWrapper : public Example4thParty::Metric4thPartyBase {
void SetMetricValueComponent(MetricValueInterface*);
virtual int GetCost();
MetricValueInterface* metricval;
} // end namespace elx
#endif // #define Metric3rdPartyWrapper_h
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef SSDMetric3rdPartyComponent_h
#define SSDMetric3rdPartyComponent_h
#include "ComponentBase.h"
#include "Interfaces.hxx"
#include "Example3rdPartyCode.h"
namespace elx
// SSDMetric3rdPartyComponent provides a value and a derivative
class SSDMetric3rdPartyComponent :
public Implements<
Providing< MetricDerivativeInterface, MetricValueInterface>
virtual ~SSDMetric3rdPartyComponent();
Example3rdParty::SSDMetric3rdParty* theImplementation;
int GetValue();
int GetDerivative();
} //end namespace elx
#endif // #define SSDMetric3rdPartyComponent_h
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef SSDMetric4thPartyComponent_h
#define SSDMetric4thPartyComponent_h
#include "ComponentBase.h"
#include "Interfaces.hxx"
#include "Example4thPartyCode.h"
namespace elx
// SSDMetric4thPartyComponent provides only a value and not a derivative
class SSDMetric4thPartyComponent :
public Implements<
Providing< MetricValueInterface>
virtual ~SSDMetric4thPartyComponent();
Example4thParty::SSDMetric4thParty* theImplementation;
int GetValue();
} //end namespace elx
#endif // #define SSDMetric4thPartyComponent_h
\ No newline at end of file
#include "Example3rdPartyCode.h"
namespace Example3rdParty
this->theMetric = nullptr;
int GDOptimizer3rdParty::SetMetric(Metric3rdPartyBase* metric)
this->theMetric = metric;
return 0;
int GDOptimizer3rdParty::Optimize()
if (this->theMetric != nullptr)
std::cout << "GDOptimizer3rdParty->Optimize():" << std::endl;
std::cout << " theMetric->GetValue():" << theMetric->GetValue() << std::endl;
std::cout << " theMetric->GetDerivative():" << theMetric->GetDerivative() << std::endl;
return 0;
} // end namespace Example3rdParty
\ No newline at end of file
#include "Example4thPartyCode.h"
namespace Example4thParty
this->theMetric = nullptr;
int GDOptimizer4thParty::SetMetric(Metric4thPartyBase* metric)
this->theMetric = metric;
return 0;
int GDOptimizer4thParty::DoOptimization()
if (this->theMetric != nullptr)
std::cout << "GDOptimizer4thParty->DoOptimization():" << std::endl;
std::cout << " theMetric->GetCost():" << theMetric->GetCost() << std::endl;
return 0;
} // end namespace Example4thParty
\ No newline at end of file
#include "GDOptimizer3rdPartyComponent.h"
namespace elx
this->theImplementation = new Example3rdParty::GDOptimizer3rdParty();
this->MetricObject = new Metric3rdPartyWrapper();
delete this->theImplementation;
delete this->MetricObject;
int GDOptimizer3rdPartyComponent::Set(MetricValueInterface* component)
return 0;
int GDOptimizer3rdPartyComponent::Set(MetricDerivativeInterface* component)
return 0;
int GDOptimizer3rdPartyComponent::Update()
return this->theImplementation->Optimize(); // 3rd party specific call
} //end namespace elx
\ No newline at end of file
#include "GDOptimizer4thPartyComponent.h"
namespace elx
this->theImplementation = new Example4thParty::GDOptimizer4thParty();
this->MetricObject = new Metric4thPartyWrapper();
delete this->theImplementation;
delete this->MetricObject;
int GDOptimizer4thPartyComponent::Set(MetricValueInterface* component)
return 0;
int GDOptimizer4thPartyComponent::Update()
return this->theImplementation->DoOptimization(); // 4th party specific call
} //end namespace elx
\ No newline at end of file
#include "Metric3rdPartyWrapper.h"
namespace elx
void Metric3rdPartyWrapper::SetMetricValueComponent(MetricValueInterface* metricValueComponent)
this->metricval = metricValueComponent;
int Metric3rdPartyWrapper::GetValue()
return this->metricval->GetValue();
void Metric3rdPartyWrapper::SetMetricDerivativeComponent(MetricDerivativeInterface* metricDerivativeComponent)
this->metricderiv = metricDerivativeComponent;
int Metric3rdPartyWrapper::GetDerivative()
return this->metricderiv->GetDerivative();
} // end namespace elx
\ No newline at end of file
#include "Metric4thPartyWrapper.h"
namespace elx
void Metric4thPartyWrapper::SetMetricValueComponent(MetricValueInterface* metricValueComponent)
this->metricval = metricValueComponent;
int Metric4thPartyWrapper::GetCost()
return this->metricval->GetValue();
} // end namespace elx
\ No newline at end of file
#include "SSDMetric3rdPartyComponent.h"
namespace elx
this->theImplementation = new Example3rdParty::SSDMetric3rdParty();
delete this->theImplementation;
int SSDMetric3rdPartyComponent::GetDerivative()
return this->theImplementation->GetDerivative();
int SSDMetric3rdPartyComponent::GetValue()
return this->theImplementation->GetValue();
} //end namespace elx
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