#include "elxBlueprint.h"
#include "elxComponentDescriptor.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace elx {
TEST( Blueprint, Instantiation )
typedef Blueprint< ComponentDescriptor > BlueprintType;
BlueprintType::Pointer blueprint = BlueprintType::New();
typedef BlueprintType::ComponentDescriptorType ComponentDescriptorType;
ComponentDescriptorType::Pointer componentDescriptor = ComponentDescriptorType::New();
typedef ComponentDescriptorType::ComponentNameType ComponentNameType;
ComponentNameType componentName = ComponentNameType("Metric");
componentDescriptor->SetComponentName( componentName );
// We would like to save all data in the graph itself, but the following is
// not possible because the component (of type itk::LightObject has private copy
// constructor. How do we save data in graph and make this as itk-like as possible?
// Ideally when a component descriptor is changed the blueprint calls Modified() on itself
// blueprint->AddComponent( (*componentDescriptor) );
ASSERT_TRUE( true );
} // namespace elx