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  1. Sep 27, 2014
    • Vermaat's avatar
      Fix POST requests to the HTTP/RPC+JSON webservice · 5849fd76
      Vermaat authored
      Upstream Spyne crashes on POST requests to the HTTP/RPC+JSON webservice.
      We patched it in a rather hacky way.
      This was a regression from the old codebase, where we installed Spyne
      separately from our LUMC GitHub mirror. This is now also referenced in
      the requirements.txt file.
      Thanks to Ken Doig for reporting the issue.
  2. Sep 26, 2014
  3. Sep 23, 2014
  4. Sep 22, 2014
  5. Sep 19, 2014
  6. Sep 06, 2014
    • Vermaat's avatar
      Remove todo notes from documentation · e610210a
      Vermaat authored
      Last remaining relevant todo notes have been filed as issues in GitLab.
    • Vermaat's avatar
      Do not cleanup the cache during request handling · 27301229
      Vermaat authored
      Previously, Mutalyzer would after writing any file check the cache size
      and start removing files while it exceeded the maximum. However, this
      caused long delays in case many files had to be removed (it would re-
      calculate the total size after each removal).
      Following the principle of separating concerns, this is now handled by
      a separate script on our production servers, which uses the inotifywait
      tool to cleanup the cache whenever files are added to it. It also
      doesn't suffer from the performance problem.
      Note that this removes the `MAX_CACHE_SIZE` configuration setting.
      Fixes #18
  7. Sep 05, 2014
  8. Sep 02, 2014
    • Vermaat's avatar
      Add ALT_REF_LOCI contigs to GRCh38/hg38 assembly · 3a90ba40
      Vermaat authored
      Using fetchChromSizes [1] and selecting *Download the full sequence report*
      from the NCBI assembly overview [2] we can generate a mapping from UCSC
      chromosome names to accession numbers:
          ./fetchChromSizes hg38 > human.hg38.genome
          for contig in $(cut -f 1 human.hg38.genome | grep 'alt$'); do
              code=$(echo $contig | cut -d _ -f 2 | sed 's/v/./')
              echo -n $contig$'\t'
              grep $code GCF_000001405.26.assembly.txt | cut -f 7
          done > alt_chrom_names.mapping
      Generate the JSON dictionary entries:
          >>> import json
          >>> entries = []
          >>> for line in open('alt_chrom_names.mapping'):
          ...     chr, acc = line.strip().split()
          ...     entries.append({'organelle': 'nucleus',
          ...                     'name': chr,
          ...                     'accession': acc})
          >>> print json.dumps(entries, indent=2)
              "organelle": "nucleus",
              "name": "chr12_KI270837v1_alt",
              "accession": "NT_187588.1"
              "organelle": "nucleus",
              "name": "chr13_KI270842v1_alt",
              "accession": "NT_187596.1"
    • Vermaat's avatar
      Add GRCh38 (hg38) assembly · 2cc108a8
      Vermaat authored
  9. Aug 28, 2014
  10. Aug 27, 2014
  11. Aug 26, 2014
  12. Aug 06, 2014
  13. Jul 21, 2014
  14. Jul 04, 2014
  15. Jul 01, 2014
  16. Jun 26, 2014