- Oct 01, 2015
- Sep 30, 2015
- Sep 27, 2015
Vermaat authored
Fix transcript protein link query
Vermaat authored
Vermaat authored
Vermaat authored
Bi-directional cachinig of transcript-protein links
Vermaat authored
Previously transcript-protein links were assumed to always be indexed by transcript, and cached entries were allowed to have a `null` protein (meaning caching the knowledget that there is no link for this transcript). Now we can cache links in both directions. Both transcript and protein are allowed to be `null` (but not at the same time), and the protein column has a new unique constraint.
- Sep 25, 2015
Vermaat authored
- Sep 24, 2015
Vermaat authored
Fix off-by-one in slicing chromosome by gene name
Vermaat authored
The original code would always add one extra downstream base to the slice (for genes on the forward and reverse strand). Correcting this implies that cached slices will not be used by new queries requesting the exact same gene and number of upstream and downstream bases, effectively invalidating them. However, most existing cache entries affected by this bug will be on GRCh37/hg19, whereas current slices by gene name will yield GRCh38/hg38 slices. The only cache issue I see is trying to use existing cache entries created by slicing by gene name, by re-slicing by explicit coordinates instead of gene name. To get the old cache entry one would have to add an extra downstream base.
Vermaat authored
Vermaat authored
PEP-8 rewrite except for public function names.
- Sep 23, 2015
Vermaat authored
Show diff for variant protein from non-reference start codon
Vermaat authored
The alternative variant protein sequence translated from a non-reference start codon (created by the variant), was not color-diffed as normal variant protein sequences are. In the process we also rename the `oldprotein` and `newprotein` fields in the output object to `oldProtein` and `newProtein` to be more consistent with other field names.
Vermaat authored
Translate alternative start to M, also in variant
Vermaat authored
In the case of an alternative start codon (in the reference CDS), protein changes were not visualised. This is fixed and a WALTSTART warning is also issued. Also, if a new non-reference start codon is created by the variant, visualise this as such.
Vermaat authored
In case of an alternative start codon, the variant CDS was not translated to a protein starting with M. This caused the protein description machinery to conclude a variant affecting the start codon, hence reporting `p.?`. We fix this by always translating the start codon to M (except when the variant actually affects it). Example: `NM_024426.4:c.1107A>G` (a synomymous mutation) should yield `NM_024426.4(WT1_i001):p.(=)`, not `p.?`. The start codon for that protein is `CTG`.
- Sep 22, 2015
Vermaat authored
Disable Travis-CI notifications on Slack
- Sep 21, 2015
Vermaat authored
We see the Travis-CI status in GitHub pull requests anyway.
- Sep 18, 2015
- Sep 11, 2015
Vermaat authored
Using the Werkzeug reloader is configurable
Vermaat authored
The Werkzeug reloader is disabled by default due to a bug with using it in combination with `python -m mutalyzer.entrypoints.website`. https://github.com/mitsuhiko/werkzeug/issues/461#issuecomment-139369694
- Sep 07, 2015
Vermaat authored
Fix service location in SOAP WSDL document
Vermaat authored
By default, the first request to the SOAP service will trigger a build of the WSDL document, using the context (service location) from that request. For example, if the first request is on `http://localhost/` and subsequent requests are on `https://mutalyzer.nl/services/`, they will not have a valid WSDL document. This is actually what we do on our production infrastructure, where the service is tested (on localhost) after it has been started. The fix is to force a build of the WSDL document and specifying the location to use. http://spyne.io/docs/2.10/reference/server.html#spyne.server.wsgi.WsgiApplication
- Aug 28, 2015
- Aug 11, 2015