Downloading Mutalyzer
The Mutalyzer source code is hosted on GitHub. The recommended way to get the Mutalyzer source code is by cloning the Git repository:
git clone
This will give you the current development version. See below for working with other versions.
Release versions
All Mutalyzer releases are tagged. You can run git tag
to list the
available tags. Use git checkout <tag>
to switch to a certain release. For
example, to swith to the 2.0.0 release:
git checkout v2.0.0
Alternatively, you can checkout the release branch. This branch always points to the latest Mutalyzer release.
Archive downloads
If for whatever reason you don't want to use Git, you can download the source code directly as a zip archive or tarball. The current development version can be found from the project homepage. Archive downloads for release versions can be found on the releases page.