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Commit ef2a9acd authored by bow's avatar bow
Browse files

Update to htsjdk use in GATK 3.3

parent cc6a184f
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......@@ -9,19 +9,20 @@ import
import scala.collection.mutable.{ Set => MSet }
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileReader
import htsjdk.samtools.QueryInterval
import htsjdk.samtools.SamReaderFactory
import htsjdk.samtools.ValidationStringency
import htsjdk.samtools.fastq.{ BasicFastqWriter, FastqReader, FastqRecord }
import htsjdk.tribble.Feature
import htsjdk.tribble.BasicFeature
import htsjdk.samtools.util.Interval
import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.ToolCommand
object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
type FastqPair = (FastqRecord, FastqRecord)
* Function to create iterator over features given input interval string
* Function to create iterator over Interval given input interval string
* Valid interval strings are either of these:
* - chr5:10000-11000
......@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
* @param inStrings iterable yielding input interval string
def makeFeatureFromString(inStrings: Iterable[String]): Iterator[Feature] = {
def makeIntervalFromString(inStrings: Iterable[String]): Iterator[Interval] = {
// FIXME: can we combine these two patterns into one regex?
// matches intervals with start and end coordinates
......@@ -47,15 +48,16 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
val ptn2 = """([\w_-]+):([\d.,]+)""".r
// make ints from coordinate strings
// NOTE: while it is possible for coordinates to exceed Int.MaxValue, we are limited
// by the BasicFeature constructor only accepting ints
// by the Interval constructor only accepting ints
def intFromCoord(s: String): Int = s.replaceAll(",", "").replaceAll("\\.", "").toInt => x match {
case ptn1(chr, start, end) => new BasicFeature(chr, intFromCoord(start), intFromCoord(end))
case ptn2(chr, start) => val startCoord = intFromCoord(start)
new BasicFeature(chr, startCoord, startCoord)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid interval string: " + x)
case ptn1(chr, start, end) => new Interval(chr, intFromCoord(start), intFromCoord(end))
case ptn2(chr, start) =>
val startCoord = intFromCoord(start)
new Interval(chr, startCoord, startCoord)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid interval string: " + x)
......@@ -69,34 +71,30 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
* @param commonSuffixLength length of suffix common to all read pairs
* @return
def makeMembershipFunction(iv: Iterator[Feature],
def makeMembershipFunction(iv: Iterator[Interval],
inAln: File,
minMapQ: Int = 0,
commonSuffixLength: Int = 0
): (FastqPair => Boolean) = {
/** function to make interval queries for BAM files */
def makeQueryInterval(aln: SAMFileReader, feat: Feature): QueryInterval =
if (aln.getFileHeader.getSequenceIndex(feat.getChr) > -1)
aln.makeQueryInterval(feat.getChr, feat.getStart, feat.getEnd)
else if (feat.getChr.startsWith("chr")
&& aln.getFileHeader.getSequenceIndex(feat.getChr.substring(3)) > -1)
aln.makeQueryInterval(feat.getChr.substring(3), feat.getStart, feat.getEnd)
else if (!feat.getChr.startsWith("chr")
&& aln.getFileHeader.getSequenceIndex("chr" + feat.getChr) > -1)
aln.makeQueryInterval("chr" + feat.getChr, feat.getStart, feat.getEnd)
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected feature: " + feat.toString)
commonSuffixLength: Int = 0): (FastqPair => Boolean) = {
val inAlnReader = new SAMFileReader(inAln)
val inAlnReader = SamReaderFactory
def getSequenceIndex(name: String): Int = inAlnReader.getFileHeader.getSequenceIndex(name) match {
case x if x >= 0 =>
case otherwise =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Chromosome " + name + " is not found in the alignment file")
val queries: Array[QueryInterval] = iv.toList
// sort features
.sortBy(x => (x.getChr, x.getStart, x.getEnd))
// turn them into QueryInterval objects
.map(x => makeQueryInterval(inAlnReader, x))
// return as an array
// sort Interval
.sortBy(x => (x.getSequence, x.getStart, x.getEnd))
// transform to QueryInterval
.map(x => new QueryInterval(getSequenceIndex(x.getSequence), x.getStart, x.getEnd))
// cast to array
lazy val selected: MSet[String] = inAlnReader
......@@ -112,11 +110,11 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
logger.debug("Adding " + x.getReadName + " to set ...")
acc += x.getReadName
(pair: FastqPair) => pair._2 match {
case null => selected.contains(pair._1.getReadHeader)
case otherwise =>
case null => selected.contains(pair._1.getReadHeader)
case otherwise =>
require(commonSuffixLength < pair._1.getReadHeader.length)
require(commonSuffixLength < pair._2.getReadHeader.length)
......@@ -131,8 +129,8 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
val i1 = inputFastq1.iterator.asScala
val i2 = inputFastq2 match {
case null => Iterator.continually(null)
case otherwise => otherwise.iterator.asScala
case null => Iterator.continually(null)
case otherwise => otherwise.iterator.asScala
val o1 = outputFastq1
val o2 = (inputFastq2, outputFastq2) match {
......@@ -152,18 +150,18 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
case (rec1, rec2) =>
case class Args (inputBam: File = null,
intervals: List[String] = List.empty[String],
inputFastq1: File = null,
inputFastq2: File = null,
outputFastq1: File = null,
outputFastq2: File = null,
minMapQ: Int = 0,
commonSuffixLength: Int = 0) extends AbstractArgs
case class Args(inputBam: File = null,
intervals: List[String] = List.empty[String],
inputFastq1: File = null,
inputFastq2: File = null,
outputFastq1: File = null,
outputFastq2: File = null,
minMapQ: Int = 0,
commonSuffixLength: Int = 0) extends AbstractArgs
class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
......@@ -172,36 +170,44 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
|$commandName - Select aligned FASTQ records
opt[File]('I', "input_file") required() valueName "<bam>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(inputBam = x) } validate {
opt[File]('I', "input_file") required () valueName "<bam>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(inputBam = x)
} validate {
x => if (x.exists) success else failure("Input BAM file not found")
} text "Input BAM file"
opt[String]('r', "interval") required() unbounded() valueName "<interval>" action { (x, c) =>
opt[String]('r', "interval") required () unbounded () valueName "<interval>" action { (x, c) =>
// yes, we are appending and yes it's O(n) ~ preserving order is more important than speed here
c.copy(intervals = c.intervals :+ x) } text "Interval strings"
c.copy(intervals = c.intervals :+ x)
} text "Interval strings"
opt[File]('i', "in1") required() valueName "<fastq>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(inputFastq1 = x) } validate {
opt[File]('i', "in1") required () valueName "<fastq>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(inputFastq1 = x)
} validate {
x => if (x.exists) success else failure("Input FASTQ file 1 not found")
} text "Input FASTQ file 1"
opt[File]('j', "in2") optional() valueName "<fastq>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(inputFastq1 = x) } validate {
opt[File]('j', "in2") optional () valueName "<fastq>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(inputFastq1 = x)
} validate {
x => if (x.exists) success else failure("Input FASTQ file 2 not found")
} text "Input FASTQ file 2 (default: none)"
opt[File]('o', "out1") required() valueName "<fastq>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(outputFastq1 = x) } text "Output FASTQ file 1"
opt[File]('o', "out1") required () valueName "<fastq>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(outputFastq1 = x)
} text "Output FASTQ file 1"
opt[File]('p', "out2") optional() valueName "<fastq>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(outputFastq1 = x) } text "Output FASTQ file 2 (default: none)"
opt[File]('p', "out2") optional () valueName "<fastq>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(outputFastq1 = x)
} text "Output FASTQ file 2 (default: none)"
opt[Int]('Q', "min_mapq") optional() action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(minMapQ = x) } text "Minimum MAPQ of reads in target region to remove (default: 0)"
opt[Int]('Q', "min_mapq") optional () action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(minMapQ = x)
} text "Minimum MAPQ of reads in target region to remove (default: 0)"
opt[Int]('s', "read_suffix_length") optional() action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(commonSuffixLength = x) } text "Length of common suffix from each read pair (default: 0)"
opt[Int]('s', "read_suffix_length") optional () action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(commonSuffixLength = x)
} text "Length of common suffix from each read pair (default: 0)"
......@@ -229,7 +235,7 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
val memFunc = makeMembershipFunction(
iv = makeFeatureFromString(commandArgs.intervals),
iv = makeIntervalFromString(commandArgs.intervals),
inAln = commandArgs.inputBam,
minMapQ = commandArgs.minMapQ,
commonSuffixLength = commandArgs.commonSuffixLength)
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
import org.testng.annotations.{ DataProvider, Test }
import htsjdk.samtools.util.Interval
import htsjdk.samtools.fastq.{ BasicFastqWriter, FastqReader, FastqRecord }
import htsjdk.tribble._
class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Matchers {
......@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
private def resourceFile(p: String): File =
new File(Paths.get(getClass.getResource(p).toURI).toString)
private def makeFeature(chr: String, start: Int, end: Int): Feature =
new BasicFeature(chr, start ,end)
private def makeInterval(chr: String, start: Int, end: Int): Interval =
new Interval(chr, start, end)
private def makeRecord(header: String): FastqRecord =
new FastqRecord(header, "ATGC", "", "HIHI")
......@@ -40,41 +40,52 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
tName + " on " + f.getName + ", read " + rName + ": "
@Test def testIntervalStartEnd() = {
val obs = makeFeatureFromString(List("chr5:1000-1100")).next()
val exp = new BasicFeature("chr5", 1000, 1100)
obs.getChr should === (exp.getChr)
val obs = makeIntervalFromString(List("chr5:1000-1100")).next()
val exp = new Interval("chr5", 1000, 1100)
obs.getSequence should === (exp.getSequence)
obs.getStart should === (exp.getStart)
obs.getEnd should === (exp.getEnd)
@Test def testIntervalStartEndComma() = {
val obs = makeFeatureFromString(List("chr5:1,000-1,100")).next()
val exp = new BasicFeature("chr5", 1000, 1100)
obs.getChr should === (exp.getChr)
val obs = makeIntervalFromString(List("chr5:1,000-1,100")).next()
val exp = new Interval("chr5", 1000, 1100)
obs.getSequence should === (exp.getSequence)
obs.getStart should === (exp.getStart)
obs.getEnd should === (exp.getEnd)
@Test def testIntervalStartEndDot() = {
val obs = makeFeatureFromString(List("chr5:1.000-1.100")).next()
val exp = new BasicFeature("chr5", 1000, 1100)
obs.getChr should === (exp.getChr)
val obs = makeIntervalFromString(List("chr5:1.000-1.100")).next()
val exp = new Interval("chr5", 1000, 1100)
obs.getSequence should === (exp.getSequence)
obs.getStart should === (exp.getStart)
obs.getEnd should === (exp.getEnd)
@Test def testIntervalStart() = {
val obs = makeFeatureFromString(List("chr5:1000")).next()
val exp = new BasicFeature("chr5", 1000, 1000)
obs.getChr should === (exp.getChr)
val obs = makeIntervalFromString(List("chr5:1000")).next()
val exp = new Interval("chr5", 1000, 1000)
obs.getSequence should === (exp.getSequence)
obs.getStart should === (exp.getStart)
obs.getEnd should === (exp.getEnd)
@Test def testIntervalError() =
intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
@Test def testIntervalError() = {
val thrown = intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
thrown.getMessage should === ("Invalid interval string: chr5:1000-")
@Test def testMemFuncIntervalError() = {
val iv = Iterator(new Interval("chrP", 1, 1000))
val inAln = resourceFile("/single01.bam")
val thrown = intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
makeMembershipFunction(iv, inAln)
thrown.getMessage should === ("Chromosome chrP is not found in the alignment file")
@DataProvider(name = "singleAlnProvider1", parallel = true)
def singleAlnProvider1() = {
......@@ -84,20 +95,20 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
Array("adjacent left",
makeFeature("chrQ", 30, 49), sBam01, sFastq1, sFastq1Default),
makeInterval("chrQ", 30, 49), sBam01, sFastq1, sFastq1Default),
Array("adjacent right",
makeFeature("chrQ", 200, 210), sBam01, sFastq1, sFastq1Default),
makeInterval("chrQ", 200, 210), sBam01, sFastq1, sFastq1Default),
Array("no overlap",
makeFeature("chrQ", 220, 230), sBam01, sFastq1, sFastq1Default),
makeInterval("chrQ", 220, 230), sBam01, sFastq1, sFastq1Default),
Array("partial overlap",
makeFeature("chrQ", 430, 460), sBam01, sFastq1, sFastq1Default.updated("r04", true)),
makeInterval("chrQ", 430, 460), sBam01, sFastq1, sFastq1Default.updated("r04", true)),
makeFeature("chrQ", 693, 698), sBam01, sFastq1, sFastq1Default.updated("r03", true))
makeInterval("chrQ", 693, 698), sBam01, sFastq1, sFastq1Default.updated("r03", true))
@Test(dataProvider = "singleAlnProvider1")
def testSingleBamDefault(name: String, feat: Feature, inAln: File,
def testSingleBamDefault(name: String, feat: Interval, inAln: File,
fastqMap: Map[String, FastqPair], resultMap: Map[String, Boolean]) = {
require(resultMap.keySet == fastqMap.keySet)
val memFunc = makeMembershipFunction(Iterator(feat), inAln)
......@@ -116,16 +127,16 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
Array("less than minimum MAPQ",
makeFeature("chrQ", 830, 890), sBam02, 60, sFastq2, sFastq2Default),
makeInterval("chrQ", 830, 890), sBam02, 60, sFastq2, sFastq2Default),
Array("greater than minimum MAPQ",
makeFeature("chrQ", 830, 890), sBam02, 20, sFastq2, sFastq2Default.updated("r07", true)),
makeInterval("chrQ", 830, 890), sBam02, 20, sFastq2, sFastq2Default.updated("r07", true)),
Array("equal to minimum MAPQ",
makeFeature("chrQ", 260, 320), sBam02, 30, sFastq2, sFastq2Default.updated("r01", true))
makeInterval("chrQ", 260, 320), sBam02, 30, sFastq2, sFastq2Default.updated("r01", true))
@Test(dataProvider = "singleAlnProvider2")
def testSingleBamMinMapQ(name: String, feat: Feature, inAln: File, minMapQ: Int,
def testSingleBamMinMapQ(name: String, feat: Interval, inAln: File, minMapQ: Int,
fastqMap: Map[String, FastqPair], resultMap: Map[String, Boolean]) = {
require(resultMap.keySet == fastqMap.keySet)
val memFunc = makeMembershipFunction(Iterator(feat), inAln, minMapQ)
......@@ -148,22 +159,22 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
Array("adjacent left",
makeFeature("chrQ", 30, 49), pBam01, pFastq1, pFastq1Default),
makeInterval("chrQ", 30, 49), pBam01, pFastq1, pFastq1Default),
Array("adjacent right",
makeFeature("chrQ", 200, 210), pBam01, pFastq1, pFastq1Default),
makeInterval("chrQ", 200, 210), pBam01, pFastq1, pFastq1Default),
Array("no overlap",
makeFeature("chrQ", 220, 230), pBam01, pFastq1, pFastq1Default),
makeInterval("chrQ", 220, 230), pBam01, pFastq1, pFastq1Default),
Array("partial overlap",
makeFeature("chrQ", 430, 460), pBam01, pFastq1, pFastq1Default.updated("r04", true)),
makeInterval("chrQ", 430, 460), pBam01, pFastq1, pFastq1Default.updated("r04", true)),
makeFeature("chrQ", 693, 698), pBam01, pFastq1, pFastq1Default.updated("r03", true)),
makeInterval("chrQ", 693, 698), pBam01, pFastq1, pFastq1Default.updated("r03", true)),
Array("in intron",
makeFeature("chrQ", 900, 999), pBam01, pFastq1, pFastq1Default.updated("r05", true))
makeInterval("chrQ", 900, 999), pBam01, pFastq1, pFastq1Default.updated("r05", true))
@Test(dataProvider = "pairAlnProvider1")
def testPairBamDefault(name: String, feat: Feature, inAln: File,
def testPairBamDefault(name: String, feat: Interval, inAln: File,
fastqMap: Map[String, FastqPair], resultMap: Map[String, Boolean]) = {
require(resultMap.keySet == fastqMap.keySet)
val memFunc = makeMembershipFunction(Iterator(feat), inAln, commonSuffixLength = 2)
......@@ -175,13 +186,13 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
@Test def testWriteSingleBamDefault() = {
val memFunc = (recs: FastqPair) => Set("r01", "r03").contains(recs._1.getReadHeader)
val in1 = new FastqReader(resourceFile("/single01.fq"))
val mo1 = mock[BasicFastqWriter]
selectFastqReads(memFunc, in1, mo1)
verify(mo1, times(2)).write(anyObject.asInstanceOf[FastqRecord])
verify(mo1).write(new FastqRecord("r01", "A", "", "H"))
verify(mo1).write(new FastqRecord("r03", "G", "", "H"))
val memFunc = (recs: FastqPair) => Set("r01", "r03").contains(recs._1.getReadHeader)
val in1 = new FastqReader(resourceFile("/single01.fq"))
val mo1 = mock[BasicFastqWriter]
selectFastqReads(memFunc, in1, mo1)
verify(mo1, times(2)).write(anyObject.asInstanceOf[FastqRecord])
verify(mo1).write(new FastqRecord("r01", "A", "", "H"))
verify(mo1).write(new FastqRecord("r03", "G", "", "H"))
@Test def testWritePairBamDefault() = {
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