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Commit df4ba8ec authored by Peter van 't Hof's avatar Peter van 't Hof
Browse files

Made a future based tool

parent 59fb76fb
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import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.utils.ToolCommand
import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.utils.intervals.BedRecordList
* Created by pjvanthof on 25/05/16.
object BamStats extends ToolCommand {
case class Args(outputDir: File = null,
bamFile: File = null,
reference: File = null,
binSize: Int = 10000,
threadBinSize: Int = 10000000) extends AbstractArgs
class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
opt[File]('R', "reference") required () valueName "<file>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(reference = x)
opt[File]('o', "outputDir") required () valueName "<directory>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(outputDir = x)
opt[File]('b', "bam") required () valueName "<file>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(bamFile = x)
opt[Int]("binSize") required () valueName "<int>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(binSize = x)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val argsParser = new OptParser
val cmdArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse (throw new IllegalArgumentException)
val regions = BedRecordList.fromReference(cmdArgs.reference)
.chrRecords.flatMap { case (chr, regions) =>
val numberThreads = cmdArgs.threadBinSize / cmdArgs.binSize
for (regionList <- regions) {
require(regionList.chrRecords.size == 1, "A thread can only have 1 contig")
val chr = regionList.chrRecords.head._1
val start = + 1
val end =
import htsjdk.samtools.{SAMSequenceDictionary, SamReaderFactory}
import htsjdk.samtools.reference.FastaSequenceFile
import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.utils.BamUtils.SamDictCheck
import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.utils.intervals.{BedRecord, BedRecordList}
import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.utils.{BamUtils, ToolCommand}
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
* Created by pjvanthof on 25/05/16.
object BamStats extends ToolCommand {
case class Args(outputDir: File = null,
bamFile: File = null,
referenceFasta: Option[File] = None,
binSize: Int = 10000,
threadBinSize: Int = 10000000) extends AbstractArgs
class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
opt[File]('R', "reference") valueName "<file>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(referenceFasta = Some(x))
opt[File]('o', "outputDir") required () valueName "<directory>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(outputDir = x)
opt[File]('b', "bam") required () valueName "<file>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(bamFile = x)
opt[Int]("binSize") valueName "<int>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(binSize = x)
opt[Int]("threadBinSize") valueName "<int>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(threadBinSize = x)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val argsParser = new OptParser
val cmdArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse (throw new IllegalArgumentException)
val sequenceDict = validateReferenceinBam(cmdArgs.bamFile, cmdArgs.referenceFasta)
init(cmdArgs.outputDir, cmdArgs.bamFile, sequenceDict, cmdArgs.binSize, cmdArgs.threadBinSize)
def validateReferenceinBam(bamFile: File, referenceFasta: Option[File]) = {
val samReader = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().open(bamFile)
val samHeader = samReader.getFileHeader
samReader.close() { f =>
val referenceReader = new FastaSequenceFile(f, true)
val referenceDict = referenceReader.getSequenceDictionary
samHeader.getSequenceDictionary.assertSameDictionary(referenceDict, false)
def init(outputDir: File, bamFile: File, referenceDict: SAMSequenceDictionary, binSize: Int, threadBinSize: Int): Unit = {
var stats = Stats()
val contigsFutures = BedRecordList.fromDict(referenceDict) { contig =>
val f = Future { processContig(contig, bamFile, binSize, threadBinSize) }
f.onFailure { case t => throw new RuntimeException(t) }
contig -> f
// Waiting on all contigs to complete
contigsFutures.foreach { x =>
Await.ready(x._2, Duration.Inf)
x._2.value match {
case Some(x) =>
x.foreach( stats += _)
def processContig(region: BedRecord, bamFile: File, binSize: Int, threadBinSize: Int): Stats = {
var stats = Stats()
val scattersPerThread = threadBinSize / binSize
val scattersFutures = region
.grouped(scattersPerThread).map { scatters =>
val f = Future { processThread(scatters, bamFile) }
f.onFailure { case t => throw new RuntimeException(t) }
// Waiting on all contigs to complete
scattersFutures.foreach { x =>
Await.ready(x, Duration.Inf)
x.value match {
case Some(x) =>
x.foreach(stats += _)
def processThread(scatters: List[BedRecord], bamFile: File): Stats = {
val totalStats = Stats()
val sortedScatters = scatters.sortBy(_.start)
val samReader = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().open(bamFile)
val threadChr = sortedScatters.head.chr
val threadStart = sortedScatters.head.start
val threadEnd = sortedScatters.last.end
val it = samReader.query(threadChr, threadStart, threadEnd, false).buffered
for (samRecord <- it) {
if (samRecord.getAlignmentStart > threadStart && samRecord.getAlignmentStart <= threadEnd) {
totalStats.totalReads += 1
//TODO: Read counting
//TODO: bases counting
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