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Commit aa84be3d authored by bow's avatar bow
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Merge branch 'develop' into feature-wipereads

parents c8af4d54 14790fa3
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<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>BioJava repository</name>
......@@ -68,9 +67,9 @@
......@@ -81,16 +80,16 @@
......@@ -102,7 +101,7 @@
......@@ -141,9 +140,10 @@
<!-- <arg>-make:transitive</arg>-->
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
......@@ -163,50 +163,50 @@
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
......@@ -221,33 +221,35 @@
package nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions
import scala.sys.process.Process
import scala.sys.process.{ Process, ProcessLogger }
import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.function.InProcessFunction
import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Input, Output }
import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
......@@ -71,15 +71,21 @@ class Ln(val root: Configurable) extends InProcessFunction with Configurable {
if (relative) {
// workaround until we have `ln` that works with relative path (i.e. `ln -r`)
"ln -s '" + inRelative + "' '" + outCanonical + "'"
"ln -s " + inRelative + " " + outCanonical
} else {
"ln -s '" + inCanonical + "' '" + outCanonical + "'"
"ln -s " + inCanonical + " " + outCanonical
override def run {
val process = Process(cmd).run"cmd: '" + cmd + "', exitcode: " + process.exitValue)
val stdout = new StringBuffer()
val stderr = new StringBuffer()
val process = Process(cmd).run(ProcessLogger(stdout append _ + "\n", stderr append _ + "\n"))
val exitcode = process.exitValue
if (exitcode != 0) {
throw new Exception("Error creating symbolic link, this was the original message: \n" + stderr)
}"cmd: '" + cmd + "', exitcode: " + exitcode)
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.ToolCommand
object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
type FastqPair = (FastqRecord, FastqRecord)
type FastqInput = (FastqRecord, Option[FastqRecord])
* Function to create iterator over Interval given input interval string
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
def makeMembershipFunction(iv: Iterator[Interval],
inAln: File,
minMapQ: Int = 0,
commonSuffixLength: Int = 0): (FastqPair => Boolean) = {
commonSuffixLength: Int = 0): (FastqInput => Boolean) = {
val inAlnReader = SamReaderFactory
......@@ -112,54 +112,39 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
(pair: FastqPair) => pair._2 match {
case null => selected.contains(pair._1.getReadHeader)
case otherwise =>
(pair: FastqInput) => pair._2 match {
case None => selected.contains(pair._1.getReadHeader)
case Some(x) =>
require(commonSuffixLength < pair._1.getReadHeader.length)
require(commonSuffixLength < pair._2.getReadHeader.length)
require(commonSuffixLength < x.getReadHeader.length)
def selectFastqReads(memFunc: FastqPair => Boolean,
inputFastq1: FastqReader,
outputFastq1: BasicFastqWriter,
inputFastq2: FastqReader = null,
outputFastq2: BasicFastqWriter = null): Unit = {
val i1 = inputFastq1.iterator.asScala
val i2 = inputFastq2 match {
case null => Iterator.continually(null)
case otherwise => otherwise.iterator.asScala
val o1 = outputFastq1
val o2 = (inputFastq2, outputFastq2) match {
case (null, null) => null
case (_, null) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing output FASTQ 2")
case (null, _) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output FASTQ 2 supplied but there is no input FASTQ 2")
case (x, y) => outputFastq2
}"Writing output file(s) ...")
// zip, filter based on function, and write to output file(s)
def extractReads(memFunc: FastqInput => Boolean,
inputFastq1: FastqReader, outputFastq1: BasicFastqWriter): Unit =
.filter(rec => memFunc(rec._1, rec._2))
.foreach {
case (rec1, null) =>
case (rec1, rec2) =>
case class Args(inputBam: File = null,
.foreach(rec => outputFastq1.write(rec._1))
def extractReads(memFunc: FastqInput => Boolean,
inputFastq1: FastqReader, outputFastq1: BasicFastqWriter,
inputFastq2: FastqReader, outputFastq2: BasicFastqWriter): Unit =
.filter(rec => memFunc(rec._1, Some(rec._2)))
.foreach(rec => {
case class Args(inputBam: File = new File(""),
intervals: List[String] = List.empty[String],
inputFastq1: File = null,
inputFastq2: File = null,
outputFastq1: File = null,
outputFastq2: File = null,
inputFastq1: File = new File(""),
inputFastq2: Option[File] = None,
outputFastq1: File = new File(""),
outputFastq2: Option[File] = None,
minMapQ: Int = 0,
commonSuffixLength: Int = 0) extends AbstractArgs
......@@ -188,7 +173,7 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
} text "Input FASTQ file 1"
opt[File]('j', "in2") optional () valueName "<fastq>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(inputFastq1 = x)
c.copy(inputFastq2 = Option(x))
} validate {
x => if (x.exists) success else failure("Input FASTQ file 2 not found")
} text "Input FASTQ file 2 (default: none)"
......@@ -198,7 +183,7 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
} text "Output FASTQ file 1"
opt[File]('p', "out2") optional () valueName "<fastq>" action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(outputFastq1 = x)
c.copy(outputFastq2 = Option(x))
} text "Output FASTQ file 2 (default: none)"
opt[Int]('Q', "min_mapq") optional () action { (x, c) =>
......@@ -215,35 +200,43 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
checkConfig { c =>
if (!c.inputBam.exists)
failure("Input BAM file not found")
else if (!c.inputFastq1.exists)
failure("Input FASTQ file 1 not found")
else if (c.inputFastq2 != null && c.outputFastq2 == null)
if (c.inputFastq2 != None && c.outputFastq2 == None)
failure("Missing output FASTQ file 2")
else if (c.inputFastq2 == null && c.outputFastq2 != null)
else if (c.inputFastq2 == None && c.outputFastq2 != None)
failure("Missing input FASTQ file 2")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val commandArgs: Args = new OptParser()
def parseArgs(args: Array[String]): Args =
new OptParser()
.parse(args, Args())
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val commandArgs: Args = parseArgs(args)
val memFunc = makeMembershipFunction(
iv = makeIntervalFromString(commandArgs.intervals),
inAln = commandArgs.inputBam,
minMapQ = commandArgs.minMapQ,
commonSuffixLength = commandArgs.commonSuffixLength)
inputFastq1 = new FastqReader(commandArgs.inputFastq1),
inputFastq2 = new FastqReader(commandArgs.inputFastq2),
outputFastq1 = new BasicFastqWriter(commandArgs.outputFastq1),
outputFastq2 = new BasicFastqWriter(commandArgs.outputFastq2))
(commandArgs.inputFastq2, commandArgs.outputFastq2) match {
case (None, None) => extractReads(memFunc,
new FastqReader(commandArgs.inputFastq1),
new BasicFastqWriter(commandArgs.inputFastq1))
case (Some(i2), Some(o2)) => extractReads(memFunc,
new FastqReader(commandArgs.inputFastq1),
new BasicFastqWriter(commandArgs.outputFastq1),
new FastqReader(i2),
new BasicFastqWriter(o2))
case _ => // handled by the command line config check above
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
ln.relative = true = new File("/dir/nested/target.txt")
ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s 'target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s target.txt /dir/nested/link.txt")
@Test(description = "Target is one level above link, relative set to true")
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
ln.relative = true = new File("/dir/target.txt")
ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s '../target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s ../target.txt /dir/nested/link.txt")
@Test(description = "Target is two levels above link, relative set to true")
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
ln.relative = true = new File("/target.txt")
ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s '../../target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s ../../target.txt /dir/nested/link.txt")
@Test(description = "Target is a child of a directory one level above link, relative set to true")
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
ln.relative = true = new File("/dir/another_nested/target.txt")
ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s '../another_nested/target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s ../another_nested/target.txt /dir/nested/link.txt")
@Test(description = "Target is one level below link, relative set to true")
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
ln.relative = true = new File("/dir/nested/deeper/target.txt")
ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s 'deeper/target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s deeper/target.txt /dir/nested/link.txt")
@Test(description = "Target is two levels below link, relative set to true")
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
ln.relative = true = new File("/dir/nested/even/deeper/target.txt")
ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s 'even/deeper/target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s even/deeper/target.txt /dir/nested/link.txt")
@Test(description = "Relative set to false")
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
ln.relative = false = new File("/dir/nested/target.txt")
ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s '/dir/nested/target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
ln.cmd should ===("ln -s /dir/nested/target.txt /dir/nested/link.txt")
// TODO: test for case where abosolute is true and input paths are relative?
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import
import java.nio.file.Paths
import org.mockito.Matchers._
import org.mockito.Mockito._
import org.mockito.Mockito.{ inOrder => inOrd, times, verify }
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
......@@ -22,7 +22,10 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
import ExtractAlignedFastq._
private def resourceFile(p: String): File =
new File(Paths.get(getClass.getResource(p).toURI).toString)
new File(resourcePath(p))
private def resourcePath(p: String): String =
private def makeInterval(chr: String, start: Int, end: Int): Interval =
new Interval(chr, start, end)
......@@ -30,11 +33,11 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
private def makeRecord(header: String): FastqRecord =
new FastqRecord(header, "ATGC", "", "HIHI")
private def makeSingleRecords(headers: String*): Map[String, FastqPair] = => (x, (makeRecord(x), null))).toMap
private def makeSingleRecords(headers: String*): Map[String, FastqInput] = => (x, (makeRecord(x), None))).toMap
private def makePairRecords(headers: (String, (String, String))*): Map[String, FastqPair] = => (x._1, (makeRecord(x._2._1), makeRecord(x._2._2)))).toMap
private def makePairRecords(headers: (String, (String, String))*): Map[String, FastqInput] = => (x._1, (makeRecord(x._2._1), Some(makeRecord(x._2._2))))).toMap
private def makeClue(tName: String, f: File, rName: String): String =
tName + " on " + f.getName + ", read " + rName + ": "
......@@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
@Test(dataProvider = "singleAlnProvider1")
def testSingleBamDefault(name: String, feat: Interval, inAln: File,
fastqMap: Map[String, FastqPair], resultMap: Map[String, Boolean]) = {
fastqMap: Map[String, FastqInput], resultMap: Map[String, Boolean]) = {
require(resultMap.keySet == fastqMap.keySet)
val memFunc = makeMembershipFunction(Iterator(feat), inAln)
for ((key, (rec1, rec2)) <- fastqMap) {
......@@ -137,7 +140,7 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
@Test(dataProvider = "singleAlnProvider2")
def testSingleBamMinMapQ(name: String, feat: Interval, inAln: File, minMapQ: Int,
fastqMap: Map[String, FastqPair], resultMap: Map[String, Boolean]) = {
fastqMap: Map[String, FastqInput], resultMap: Map[String, Boolean]) = {
require(resultMap.keySet == fastqMap.keySet)
val memFunc = makeMembershipFunction(Iterator(feat), inAln, minMapQ)
for ((key, (rec1, rec2)) <- fastqMap) {
......@@ -175,7 +178,7 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
@Test(dataProvider = "pairAlnProvider1")
def testPairBamDefault(name: String, feat: Interval, inAln: File,
fastqMap: Map[String, FastqPair], resultMap: Map[String, Boolean]) = {
fastqMap: Map[String, FastqInput], resultMap: Map[String, Boolean]) = {
require(resultMap.keySet == fastqMap.keySet)
val memFunc = makeMembershipFunction(Iterator(feat), inAln, commonSuffixLength = 2)
for ((key, (rec1, rec2)) <- fastqMap) {
......@@ -185,53 +188,68 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
@Test def testWriteSingleBamDefault() = {
val memFunc = (recs: FastqPair) => Set("r01", "r03").contains(recs._1.getReadHeader)
@Test def testWriteSingleFastqDefault() = {
val memFunc = (recs: FastqInput) => Set("r01", "r03").contains(recs._1.getReadHeader)
val in1 = new FastqReader(resourceFile("/single01.fq"))
val mo1 = mock[BasicFastqWriter]
selectFastqReads(memFunc, in1, mo1)
val obs = inOrd(mo1)
extractReads(memFunc, in1, mo1)
verify(mo1, times(2)).write(anyObject.asInstanceOf[FastqRecord])
verify(mo1).write(new FastqRecord("r01", "A", "", "H"))
verify(mo1).write(new FastqRecord("r03", "G", "", "H"))
obs.verify(mo1).write(new FastqRecord("r01", "A", "", "H"))
obs.verify(mo1).write(new FastqRecord("r03", "G", "", "H"))
@Test def testWritePairBamDefault() = {
val memFunc = (recs: FastqPair) => Set("r01/1", "r01/2", "r03/1", "r03/2").contains(recs._1.getReadHeader)
@Test def testWritePairFastqDefault() = {
val mockSet = Set("r01/1", "r01/2", "r03/1", "r03/2")
val memFunc = (recs: FastqInput) => mockSet.contains(recs._1.getReadHeader) || mockSet.contains(recs._2.get.getReadHeader)
val in1 = new FastqReader(resourceFile("/paired01a.fq"))
val in2 = new FastqReader(resourceFile("/paired01b.fq"))
val mo1 = mock[BasicFastqWriter]
val mo2 = mock[BasicFastqWriter]
selectFastqReads(memFunc, in1, mo1, in2, mo2)
val obs = inOrd(mo1, mo2)
extractReads(memFunc, in1, mo1, in2, mo2)
obs.verify(mo1).write(new FastqRecord("r01/1", "A", "", "H"))
obs.verify(mo2).write(new FastqRecord("r01/2", "T", "", "I"))
obs.verify(mo1).write(new FastqRecord("r03/1", "G", "", "H"))
obs.verify(mo2).write(new FastqRecord("r03/2", "C", "", "I"))
verify(mo1, times(2)).write(anyObject.asInstanceOf[FastqRecord])
verify(mo1).write(new FastqRecord("r01/1", "A", "", "H"))
verify(mo1).write(new FastqRecord("r03/1", "G", "", "H"))
verify(mo2, times(2)).write(anyObject.asInstanceOf[FastqRecord])
verify(mo2).write(new FastqRecord("r01/2", "T", "", "I"))
verify(mo2).write(new FastqRecord("r03/2", "C", "", "I"))
@Test def testWriteNoOutputFastq2() = {
val memFunc: (FastqPair => Boolean) = (recs) => true
val in1 = mock[FastqReader]
val in2 = mock[FastqReader]
val out1 = mock[BasicFastqWriter]
val thrown = intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
selectFastqReads(memFunc, in1, out1, in2)
thrown.getMessage should ===("Missing output FASTQ 2")
verify(out1, never).write(anyObject.asInstanceOf[FastqRecord])
@Test def testWriteNoInputFastq2() = {
val memFunc: (FastqPair => Boolean) = (recs) => true
val in1 = mock[FastqReader]
val out1 = mock[BasicFastqWriter]
val out2 = mock[BasicFastqWriter]
val thrown = intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
selectFastqReads(memFunc, in1, out1, outputFastq2 = out2)
thrown.getMessage should ===("Output FASTQ 2 supplied but there is no input FASTQ 2")
verify(out1, never).write(anyObject.asInstanceOf[FastqRecord])
verify(out2, never).write(anyObject.asInstanceOf[FastqRecord])
@Test def testArgsMinimum() = {
val args = Array(
"-I", resourcePath("/single01.bam"),
"--interval", "chrQ:1-400",
"-i", resourcePath("/single01.fq"),
"-o", "/tmp/tm1.fq"
val parsed = parseArgs(args)
parsed.inputBam shouldBe resourceFile("/single01.bam")
parsed.intervals shouldBe List("chrQ:1-400")
parsed.inputFastq1 shouldBe resourceFile("/single01.fq")
parsed.outputFastq1 shouldBe new File("/tmp/tm1.fq")
@Test def testArgsMaximum() = {
val args = Array(
"-I", resourcePath("/paired01.bam"),
"--interval", "chrQ:1-400",
"--interval", "chrP:1000-4000",
"-i", resourcePath("/paired01a.fq"),
"-j", resourcePath("/paired01b.fq"),
"-o", "/tmp/tm1.fq",
"-p", "/tmp/tm2.fq",
"-s", "2",
"-Q", "30"
val parsed = parseArgs(args)
parsed.inputBam shouldBe resourceFile("/paired01.bam")
parsed.intervals shouldBe List("chrQ:1-400", "chrP:1000-4000")
parsed.inputFastq1 shouldBe resourceFile("/paired01a.fq")
parsed.inputFastq2.get shouldBe resourceFile("/paired01b.fq")
parsed.outputFastq1 shouldBe new File("/tmp/tm1.fq")
parsed.outputFastq2.get shouldBe new File("/tmp/tm2.fq")
parsed.commonSuffixLength shouldBe 2
parsed.minMapQ shouldBe 30
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