@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ In this case, we have two samples (`sample_X` and `sample_Y`) and `sample_Y` has
For the pipeline settings, there are some values that you need to specify while some are optional. Required settings are:
1.`output_dir`: path to output directory (if it does not exist, Gentrap will create it for you).
2.`aligner`: which aligner to use (`gsnap` or`tophat`)
2.`aligner`: which aligner to use (`gsnap`,`tophat`, `hisat2`, `star` or `star-2pass`)
3.`reference_fasta`: this must point to a reference FASTA file and in the same directory, there must be a `.dict` file of the FASTA file.
4.`expression_measures`: this entry determines which expression measurement modes Gentrap will do. You can choose zero or more from the following: `fragments_per_gene`, `base_counts`, `cufflinks_strict`, `cufflinks_guided` and/or `cufflinks_blind`. If you only wish to align, you can set the value as an empty list (`[]`).
5.`strand_protocol`: this determines whether your library is prepared with a specific stranded protocol or not. There are two protocols currently supported now: `dutp` for dUTP-based protocols and `non_specific` for non-strand-specific protocols.