The tool is designed in such a way that a user can provide a TAB seperated file (TSV) with sample specific properties and even those will be parsed by the tool.
For example: a user wants to have certain properties e.g. which treatment a sample got than the user should provide a extra columns called treatment and then the
JSON file is parsed with those properties inside it as well. The order of columns does not matter.
A user provides a TAB seperated file (TSV) with sample specific properties which are parsed into JSOn format by the tool.
For example, a user wants to add certain properties to the description of a sample, such as the treatment a sample received. Then a TSV file with an extra column called treatment is provided.
The resulting JSON file will have the 'treatment' property in it as well. The order of the columns is not relevant to the end result
The tag files works the same only the value are prefixed in the key `tags`.
The tag files works the same only the value is prefixed in the key `tags`.