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  • Ivar Lugtenburg's avatar
    Fixed 1 bug, revised some authorization matters and added some extra functionalities: · ba9bf69f
    Ivar Lugtenburg authored
    - Fixed bug; The search fields on custom columns no longer produce an unexpected "Bad syntax error".
    - It is now possible to add and remove custom columns to the "Healthy/Control" disease.
    - When hovering your mouse over a search field, the current search expression will be explained in more detail in the popup.
    - No longer possible to add both a disease AND 'Healthy/Control' to a individual.
    - Added color highlighting for marked and non-public entries in viewLists.
    - Changed all viewEntry options to the new Jeegoo menu implementation.
    - Curators can now create diseases, but can only do so when they connect them to their own gene(s).
    - Curators can now edit diseases, but can only do so when they are connected to their own gene(s).
    - Curators can now remove diseases, but can only do so when they are not connected to other genes than their own gene(s).
    - The screenings & individuals pages now have gene specific page, which shows the entries that have been screened for the currdb gene.
    git-svn-id: a7477d18-a37e-46de-aef1-57953c184492