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  • Fokkema's avatar
    More fixes, mostly on custom column handling: · 55ef271a
    Fokkema authored
    - Download format is now using Windows style newlines, so that Windows users can also easily read the files.
    - Fixed bug; When confirming variants with another screening, Internet Explorer showed all variants in the system instead of all variants in the individual. This was because the screeningids column was hidden twice in the code (in $aColsToSkip and $aColumnsViewList), then Internet explorer decided to remove the filter on this column. Double hidden columns are now no longer put in aColsToSkip twice, and I removed screeningids from $aColsToSkip.
    - Fixed bug; The "Select all" and "Select none" options in the viewlist menu didn't work on Internet Explorer.
    - Reviewed r176, some changes.
    - Implemented the XSS check exemption for the legend fields in object_columns.php and removed it from inc-lib-form.php.
    - Fixed bug; Curators could see the list of enabled columns, but they couldn't submit the viewList since ajax/viewlist.php didn't load their authorization level. This is also fixed for the standard columns overview which was opened to Curators.
    - Fixed bug; Curators could not add custom columns to their genes since their authorization was not loaded properly.
      * Improved error message when trying to enable custom columns that already have been enabled everywhere, since we don't have a working check on the menu links so people will end up trying to enable columns that already have been enabled everywhere.
      * Fixed bug; When curators tried to enable or remove a column that was already enabled or removed for all their genes, but still could be enabled or removed for others, there was no error message but a form with empty selection list instead.
    - Enabled link from gene- and disease-specific column viewEntries to directly remove the column from the target.
    - Fixed bug; ViewLists, not loaded through Ajax, searched with $_GET variables, but not returning results, did not produce the last piece of Javascript such that the menu was unavailable and the search term couldn't be removed due to a JS error.
    - Fixed bug; The update checker returned errors if no diseases were configured in the database yet.
    git-svn-id: a7477d18-a37e-46de-aef1-57953c184492