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  • Ivar Lugtenburg's avatar
    Fixed 4 bugs, made some minor changes & code cleanups: · 237fe70e
    Ivar Lugtenburg authored
     - Fixed bug; The human-readable refseq would always ignore the setup settings and choose the same (default) Mutalyzer server.
     - Fixed bug; The check on the DBID during variant create/edit now only accepts gene symbols that are actually present in the LOVD.
     - Fixed bug; In some cases the variant create/edit forms would give a javascript error.
     - Fixed bug; Since Mutalyzer changed how upstream/downstream positions are described, protein predictions could produce weird errors.
     - Protein prediction on the variant create and edit form can now return multiple warnings/errors returned by Mutalyzer.
     - Status columns are now automatically hidden if the users do not have all view privileges on that entry.
     - Implemented the "Show contents to public" and "Show field on submission form" options for custom columns, so that they are actually hidden when deselected.
     - Variant DBID's kan now only be filled in by Curators, Managers and Administrators.
     - The OMIM ID field now has a check to ensure that the number is 6 digits and that the first digit is at least a 1 or higher.
    git-svn-id: a7477d18-a37e-46de-aef1-57953c184492