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Commit 00556952 authored by Martin Larralde's avatar Martin Larralde
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Add AVX2 implementation of `Score<u8>` operation

parent d15448b3
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......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ impl Score<f32, Dna, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<Dna, Dispatch> {
match self.backend {
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
Dispatch::Avx2 => Avx2::score_rows_into_permute(pssm, seq.as_ref(), rows, scores),
Dispatch::Avx2 => Avx2::score_f32_rows_into_permute(pssm, seq.as_ref(), rows, scores),
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
Dispatch::Sse2 => Sse2::score_rows_into(pssm, seq.as_ref(), rows, scores),
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "aarch64"))]
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ impl Score<f32, Protein, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<Protein, Dis
match self.backend {
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
Dispatch::Avx2 => Avx2::score_rows_into_gather(pssm, seq.as_ref(), rows, scores),
Dispatch::Avx2 => Avx2::score_f32_rows_into_gather(pssm, seq.as_ref(), rows, scores),
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
Dispatch::Sse2 => Sse2::score_rows_into(pssm, seq.as_ref(), rows, scores),
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "aarch64"))]
......@@ -132,6 +132,35 @@ impl Score<f32, Protein, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<Protein, Dis
impl Score<u8, Dna, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<Dna, Dispatch> {
fn score_rows_into<S, M>(
pssm: M,
seq: S,
rows: Range<usize>,
scores: &mut StripedScores<u8, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES>,
) where
S: AsRef<StripedSequence<Dna, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES>>,
M: AsRef<DenseMatrix<u8, <Dna as Alphabet>::K>>,
match self.backend {
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
Dispatch::Avx2 => Avx2::score_u8_rows_into_shuffle(pssm, seq.as_ref(), rows, scores),
// #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
// Dispatch::Sse2 => Sse2::score_rows_into(pssm, seq.as_ref(), rows, scores),
// #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "aarch64"))]
// Dispatch::Neon => Neon::score_rows_into(pssm, seq.as_ref(), rows, scores),
_ => <Generic as Score<u8, Dna, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES>>::score_rows_into(
impl<A: Alphabet> Stripe<A, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<A, Dispatch> {
fn stripe_into<S: AsRef<[A::Symbol]>>(
......@@ -163,4 +192,19 @@ impl<A: Alphabet> Maximum<f32, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<A, Dis
impl<A: Alphabet> Maximum<u8, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<A, Dispatch> {
fn argmax(
scores: &StripedScores<u8, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES>,
) -> Option<MatrixCoordinates> {
match self.backend {
// #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
// Dispatch::Avx2 => Avx2::argmax(scores),
// #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
// Dispatch::Sse2 => Sse2::argmax(scores),
_ => <Generic as Maximum<u8, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES>>::argmax(&Generic, scores),
impl<A: Alphabet> Threshold<f32, <Dispatch as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<A, Dispatch> {}
......@@ -309,6 +309,7 @@ impl<A: Alphabet> Pipeline<A, Dispatch> {
impl<A: Alphabet> Pipeline<A, Sse2> {
/// Attempt to create a new SSE2-accelerated pipeline.
pub fn sse2() -> Result<Self, UnsupportedBackend> {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
if std::is_x86_feature_detected!("sse2") {
......@@ -328,6 +329,7 @@ where
A: Alphabet,
C: StrictlyPositive + MultipleOf<U16>,
fn score_rows_into<S, M>(
pssm: M,
......@@ -342,17 +344,39 @@ where
impl<A, C> Score<u8, A, C> for Pipeline<A, Sse2>
A: Alphabet,
C: StrictlyPositive + MultipleOf<U16>,
impl<A, C> Maximum<f32, C> for Pipeline<A, Sse2>
A: Alphabet,
C: StrictlyPositive + MultipleOf<U16>,
fn argmax(&self, scores: &StripedScores<f32, C>) -> Option<MatrixCoordinates> {
impl<A: Alphabet, C: StrictlyPositive> Threshold<f32, C> for Pipeline<A, Sse2>
impl<A, C> Maximum<u8, C> for Pipeline<A, Sse2>
A: Alphabet,
C: StrictlyPositive + MultipleOf<U16>,
impl<A, C> Threshold<f32, C> for Pipeline<A, Sse2>
A: Alphabet,
C: StrictlyPositive + MultipleOf<U16>,
impl<A, C> Threshold<u8, C> for Pipeline<A, Sse2>
A: Alphabet,
C: StrictlyPositive + MultipleOf<U16>,
......@@ -373,6 +397,7 @@ impl<A: Alphabet> Pipeline<A, Avx2> {
impl<A: Alphabet> Encode<A> for Pipeline<A, Avx2> {
fn encode_into<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(
seq: S,
......@@ -383,6 +408,7 @@ impl<A: Alphabet> Encode<A> for Pipeline<A, Avx2> {
impl Score<f32, Dna, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<Dna, Avx2> {
fn score_rows_into<S, M>(
pssm: M,
......@@ -393,11 +419,12 @@ impl Score<f32, Dna, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<Dna, Avx2> {
S: AsRef<StripedSequence<Dna, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES>>,
M: AsRef<DenseMatrix<f32, <Dna as Alphabet>::K>>,
Avx2::score_rows_into_permute(pssm, seq, rows, scores)
Avx2::score_f32_rows_into_permute(pssm, seq, rows, scores)
impl Score<f32, Protein, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<Protein, Avx2> {
fn score_rows_into<S, M>(
pssm: M,
......@@ -408,12 +435,29 @@ impl Score<f32, Protein, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<Protein, Avx2> {
S: AsRef<StripedSequence<Protein, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES>>,
M: AsRef<DenseMatrix<f32, <Protein as Alphabet>::K>>,
Avx2::score_rows_into_gather(pssm, seq, rows, scores)
Avx2::score_f32_rows_into_gather(pssm, seq, rows, scores)
impl Score<u8, Dna, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<Dna, Avx2> {
fn score_rows_into<S, M>(
pssm: M,
seq: S,
rows: Range<usize>,
scores: &mut StripedScores<u8, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES>,
) where
S: AsRef<StripedSequence<Dna, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES>>,
M: AsRef<DenseMatrix<u8, <Dna as Alphabet>::K>>,
Avx2::score_u8_rows_into_shuffle(pssm, seq, rows, scores)
impl<A: Alphabet> Stripe<A, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<A, Avx2> {
/// Stripe a sequence into the given striped matrix.
fn stripe_into<S: AsRef<[A::Symbol]>>(
seq: S,
......@@ -431,13 +475,17 @@ impl<A: Alphabet> Maximum<f32, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<A, Avx2> {
impl<A: Alphabet> Maximum<u8, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<A, Avx2> {}
impl<A: Alphabet> Threshold<f32, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<A, Avx2> {}
impl<A: Alphabet> Threshold<u8, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES> for Pipeline<A, Avx2> {}
// --- NEON pipeline -----------------------------------------------------------
impl<A: Alphabet> Pipeline<A, Neon> {
/// Attempt to create a new AVX2-accelerated pipeline.
pub fn neon() -> Result<Self, UnsupportedBackend> {
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
if std::arch::is_arm_feature_detected!("neon") {
......@@ -452,6 +500,7 @@ impl<A: Alphabet> Pipeline<A, Neon> {
impl<A: Alphabet> Encode<A> for Pipeline<A, Neon> {
fn encode_into<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(
seq: S,
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ use crate::err::InvalidSymbol;
use crate::num::IsLessOrEqual;
use crate::num::NonZero;
use crate::num::Unsigned;
use crate::num::U16;
use crate::num::U32;
use crate::num::U5;
use crate::num::U8;
......@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ where
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
#[target_feature(enable = "avx2")]
unsafe fn score_avx2_permute<A>(
unsafe fn score_f32_avx2_permute<A>(
pssm: &DenseMatrix<f32, A::K>,
seq: &StripedSequence<A, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES>,
rows: Range<usize>,
......@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ unsafe fn score_avx2_permute<A>(
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
#[target_feature(enable = "avx2")]
unsafe fn score_avx2_gather<A>(
unsafe fn score_f32_avx2_gather<A>(
pssm: &DenseMatrix<f32, A::K>,
seq: &StripedSequence<A, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES>,
rows: Range<usize>,
......@@ -272,6 +273,47 @@ unsafe fn score_avx2_gather<A>(
#[target_feature(enable = "avx2")]
pub unsafe fn score_u8_avx2_shuffle<A>(
pssm: &DenseMatrix<u8, A::K>,
seq: &StripedSequence<A, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES>,
rows: Range<usize>,
scores: &mut StripedScores<u8, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES>,
) where
A: Alphabet,
let data = scores.matrix_mut();
let mut rowptr = data[0].as_mut_ptr() as *mut i8;
// process every position of the sequence data
for i in rows {
// reset sums for current position
let mut s = _mm256_setzero_si256();
// reset pointers to row
let mut seqptr = seq.matrix()[i].as_ptr();
let mut pssmptr = pssm[0].as_ptr();
// advance position in the position weight matrix
for _ in 0..pssm.rows() {
// load sequence row and broadcast to f32
let x = _mm256_load_si256(seqptr as *const __m256i);
// load row for current weight matrix position
// NB: we need to broadcast it to the two lanes of the __m256i vector
// because in AVX2 shuffle operates on the two halves independently.
let t = _mm256_broadcastsi128_si256(_mm_load_si128(&*(pssmptr as *const __m128i)));
// load scores for given sequence
let x = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(t, x);
// add scores to the running sum
s = _mm256_adds_epu8(s, x);
// advance to next row in PSSM and sequence matrices
seqptr = seqptr.add(seq.matrix().stride());
pssmptr = pssmptr.add(pssm.stride());
// record the score for the current position
_mm256_stream_si256(rowptr as *mut __m256i, s);
rowptr = rowptr.add(data.stride());
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
#[target_feature(enable = "avx2")]
unsafe fn argmax_avx2(
......@@ -614,7 +656,7 @@ impl Avx2 {
pub fn score_rows_into_permute<A, S, M>(
pub fn score_f32_rows_into_permute<A, S, M>(
pssm: M,
seq: S,
rows: Range<usize>,
......@@ -644,14 +686,14 @@ impl Avx2 {
scores.resize(rows.len(), (seq.len() + 1).saturating_sub(pssm.rows()));
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
unsafe {
score_avx2_permute(pssm, seq, rows, scores)
score_f32_avx2_permute(pssm, seq, rows, scores)
#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64")))]
panic!("attempting to run AVX2 code on a non-x86 host")
pub fn score_rows_into_gather<A, S, M>(
pub fn score_f32_rows_into_gather<A, S, M>(
pssm: M,
seq: S,
rows: Range<usize>,
......@@ -679,7 +721,44 @@ impl Avx2 {
scores.resize(rows.len(), (seq.len() + 1).saturating_sub(pssm.rows()));
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
unsafe {
score_avx2_gather(pssm, seq, rows, scores)
score_f32_avx2_gather(pssm, seq, rows, scores)
#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64")))]
panic!("attempting to run AVX2 code on a non-x86 host")
pub fn score_u8_rows_into_shuffle<A, S, M>(
pssm: M,
seq: S,
rows: Range<usize>,
scores: &mut StripedScores<u8, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES>,
) where
A: Alphabet,
<A as Alphabet>::K: IsLessOrEqual<U16>,
<<A as Alphabet>::K as IsLessOrEqual<U16>>::Output: NonZero,
S: AsRef<StripedSequence<A, <Avx2 as Backend>::LANES>>,
M: AsRef<DenseMatrix<u8, A::K>>,
let seq = seq.as_ref();
let pssm = pssm.as_ref();
if seq.wrap() < pssm.rows() - 1 {
"not enough wrapping rows for motif of length {}",
if seq.len() < pssm.rows() || rows.len() == 0 {
scores.resize(0, 0);
scores.resize(rows.len(), (seq.len() + 1).saturating_sub(pssm.rows()));
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
unsafe {
score_u8_avx2_shuffle(pssm, seq, rows, scores)
#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64")))]
panic!("attempting to run AVX2 code on a non-x86 host")
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