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  • Hoogenboom, Jerry's avatar
    Big update: Bumped version to v0.0.3 · ebf700a7
    Hoogenboom, Jerry authored
    Updated Stuttermark to v1.5. WARNING: This version of Stuttermark is
    INCOMPATIBLE with output from previous versions of FDSTools and TSSV.
    Introducing TSSV-Lite
    * New tool tssv acts as a wrapper around TSSV-Lite (tssvl). Its primary
      purpose is to allow running TSSV-Lite without having to convert the
      FDSTools library to TSSV format, and to offer allelename output. Like
      all other tools in FDSTools, it also works with TSSV library files but
      its allele name generation capabilities are limited in that case.
    * TSSV-Lite and the new TSSV tool in FDSTools have two columns renamed
      w.r.t. the original TSSV program: 'name' has been changed to 'marker',
      and 'allele' has been changed to 'sequence'. All tools in FDSTools
      have been updated to use the new column names. This change affects
      Allelefinder, BGCorrect, BGEstimate, BGHomRaw, BGHomStats, BGPredict,
      Blame, Samplestats, Samplevis, Stuttermark, Stuttermodel, and
      Seqconvert. Note that this change wi...