Small update to the
change in progress, this merge request can be applied after finishing the changes
Merge request reports
59 59 60 60 Define a default matplotlib backend: 61 61 62 mkdir -p ~/.matplotlib 63 echo "backend : GTKCairo" >> ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc 62 mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib 63 echo "backend : GTKCairo" >> ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc Indeed, that has changed between last year's and current Matplotlib. I apparently already updated the wiki:
8 8 Linux 9 9 ---- 10 10 11 We assume Ubuntu (12.04 Quantal Quetzal or later) or Debian Linux (7.0 Wheezy 11 We assume Ubuntu (12.10 Quantal Quetzal or later) or Debian Linux (7.0 Wheezy
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