"| | 10-11 | Object-oriented programming | Jonathan | \n",
"| | 11-12 | Biopython | Guy | \n",
"| | 12-13 | Putting everything together | Jeroen |\n",
"All slides are linked as one-page documents from the course website: [https://git.lumc.nl/courses/programming-course](https://git.lumc.nl/courses/programming-course)"
"All slides are linked as one-page documents from the course website: [https://git.lumc.nl/courses/programming-course](https://git.lumc.nl/courses/programming-course)"
| | 10-11 | Object-oriented programming | Jonathan |
| | 11-12 | Biopython | Guy |
| | 12-13 | Putting everything together | Jeroen |
All slides are linked as one-page documents from the course website: [https://git.lumc.nl/courses/programming-course](https://git.lumc.nl/courses/programming-course)
All slides are linked as one-page documents from the course website: [https://git.lumc.nl/courses/programming-course](https://git.lumc.nl/courses/programming-course)