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Add bamstats

Merged Ruben Vorderman requested to merge BIOWDL-50 into develop
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version 1.0
# Copyright Sequencing Analysis Support Core - Leiden University Medical Center 2018
task Generate {
input {
String? preCommand
File? toolJar
File bam
File bamIndex
File? bedFile
Boolean scatterMode = false
Boolean onlyUnmapped = false
Boolean tsvOutputs = false
String outputDir
File? reference
File? referenceDict
Int memory = 4
Float memoryMultiplier = 2.0
String toolCommand = if defined(toolJar)
then "java -Xmx" + memory + "G -jar " + toolJar
else "biopet-bamstats -Xmx" + memory + "G"
command {
set -e -o pipefail
mkdir -p ~{outputDir}
~{toolCommand} Generate \
--bam ~{bam} \
~{"--bedFile " + bedFile} \
~{"--reference " + reference} \
~{true="--onlyUnmapped" false="" onlyUnmapped} \
~{true="--scatterMode" false="" scatterMode} \
~{true="--tsvOutputs" false="" tsvOutputs} \
--outputDir ~{outputDir}
output {
File json = outputDir + "/bamstats.json"
File summaryJson = outputDir + "/bamstats.summary.json"
runtime {
memory: ceil(memory * memoryMultiplier)
\ No newline at end of file