referenceGenomeIndex: {description: "The index of the reference. Should be added as input if CPAT should not index the reference genome.", category: "advanced"}
startCodons: {description: "Equivalent to CPAT's `--start` option.", category: "advanced"}
stopCodons: {description: "Equivalent to CPAT's `--stop` option.", category: "advanced"}
memory: {description: "The amount of memory available to the job.", category: "advanced"}
timeMinutes: {description: "The maximum amount of time the job will run in minutes.", category: "advanced"}
dockerImage: {description: "The docker image used for this task. Changing this may result in errors which the developers may choose not to address.", category: "advanced"}
maxDistanceFreeEndsTerminalExons: {description: "Equivalent to gffcompare's `-e` option.", category: "advanced"}
maxDistanceGroupingTranscriptStartSites: {description: "Equivalent to gffcompare's `-d` option.", category: "advanced"}
namePrefix: {description: "Equivalent to gffcompare's `-p` option.", category: "advanced"}
memory: {description: "The amount of memory available to the job.", category: "advanced"}
timeMinutes: {description: "The maximum amount of time the job will run in minutes.", category: "advanced"}
dockerImage: {description: "The docker image used for this task. Changing this may result in errors which the developers may choose not to address.", category: "advanced"}
CDSFastaPath: {description: "The location the CDS fasta should be written to.", category: "advanced"}
proteinFastaPath: {description: "The location the protein fasta should be written to.", category: "advanced"}
filteredGffPath: {description: "The location the filtered GFF should be written to.", category: "advanced"}
memory: {description: "The amount of memory available to the job.", category: "advanced"}
timeMinutes: {description: "The maximum amount of time the job will run in minutes.", category: "advanced"}
dockerImage: {description: "The docker image used for this task. Changing this may result in errors which the developers may choose not to address.", category: "advanced"}