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Commit 54194a00 authored by cagaser's avatar cagaser
Browse files

Merge branch 'develop' into famm-run

parents d76faa5a bc1bacf1
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name: Continuous integration
- "docs/**"
# This is needed for miniconda, see:
shell: bash -l {0}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Womtool validate and submodule up to date.
- uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.4
submodules: recursive
- name: install miniconda
uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2.0.1
channels: conda-forge,bioconda,defaults
# Conda-incubator uses 'test' environment by default.
- name: install requirements
run: conda install -n test cromwell miniwdl wdl-aid
- name: run linting
run: bash scripts/
# We use conda to install cromwell.
language: python
- 3.6
# Install conda
- export MINICONDA=${HOME}/miniconda
- export PATH=${MINICONDA}/bin:${PATH}
- wget -O
- bash -b -f -p ${MINICONDA}
- conda config --set always_yes yes
- conda config --add channels defaults
- conda config --add channels bioconda
- conda config --add channels conda-forge
- conda install --file requirements-test.txt
- bash scripts/
......@@ -7,16 +7,48 @@ Newest changes should be on top.
This document is user facing. Please word the changes in such a way
that users understand how the changes affect the new version.
version 5.0.1
+ add runtime memory to number of tasks.
version 5.0.0-dev
version 5.0.0
+ Update CPAT to version 3.0.4.
+ Changed the `outFilePath` input to `outputPrefix`.
+ Survivor: Change integer to string literal in boolean parameters.
+ Samtools: Add mkdir line to `Fastq` task.
+ Add new parameters from CCS version 6.0.0 and add two new outputs:
`ccs_report.txt` & `zmw_metrics.json.gz`.
+ Change CutAdapt memory to `5G`.
+ Increase multiqc base time from 5 to 10.
+ Update biowdl-input-converter to version 0.3.
+ Update minimap2 to version 2.20.
+ Update lima to version 2.2.0.
+ Update ccs to version 6.0.0.
+ Update bam2fastx to version 1.3.1.
+ Add memory values to GffCompare, GffRead and CPAT.
+ GffCompare: Make the `referenceAnnotation` input optional.
+ Stringtie: Add the `minimumCoverage` input.
+ UMI-tools: Update default dockerImage to use umitools v1.1.1 with correct
samtools version (1.10).
+ UMI-tools: Re-introduce samtools indexing.
+ UMI-tools: Update default dockerImage to use umitools v1.1.1.
+ UMI-tools dedup: Add tempdir.
+ Bcftools view: Add options for filtering (include, exclude, excludeUncalled).
+ Duphold: Add `duphold.wdl`.
+ Add new wdl file prepareShiny.wdl for creating input files for shiny app.
+ mergePacBio: Rename `mergedReport` to `outputPathMergedReport`.
+ Lima: Fix copy commands.
+ Fixed the `size` call in the default for gffread's timeMinutes, to retrieve
GBs instead of bytes.
+ Update stringtie to version 1.3.6.
+ Update Lima to version 2.0.0.
+ Update IsoSeq3 to version 3.4.0.
+ Update samtools to version 1.11.
+ Update Picard to version 2.23.8.
+ Update NanoPlot to version 1.32.1.
+ Update MultiQC to version 1.9.
+ Update StringTie to version 2.1.4.
+ ~Update StringTie to version 2.1.4.~
+ Complete `parameter_meta` for tasks missing the outputs.
+ DeepVariant: Add an optional input for the gvcf index.
+ Samtools: `Sort` task now has `threads` in runtime instead of `1`.
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ version 1.0
task CPAT {
input {
File gene
String outFilePath
String outputPrefix
File hex
File logitModel
......@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ task CPAT {
Array[String]? startCodons
Array[String]? stopCodons
String memory = "4G"
Int timeMinutes = 10 + ceil(size(gene, "G") * 30)
String dockerImage = "biocontainers/cpat:v1.2.4_cv1"
String dockerImage = ""
# Some WDL magic in the command section to properly output the start and
......@@ -44,10 +45,10 @@ task CPAT {
# to non-optionals.
command {
set -e
mkdir -p "$(dirname ~{outFilePath})"
mkdir -p "$(dirname ~{outputPrefix})" \
--gene ~{gene} \
--outfile ~{outFilePath} \
--outfile ~{outputPrefix} \
--hex ~{hex} \
--logitModel ~{logitModel} \
~{"--ref " + referenceGenome} \
......@@ -56,29 +57,32 @@ task CPAT {
output {
File outFile = outFilePath
File orfSeqs = "~{outputPrefix}.ORF_seqs.fa"
File orfProb = "~{outputPrefix}.ORF_prob.tsv"
File orfProbBest = "~{outputPrefix}"
File noOrf = "~{outputPrefix}.no_ORF.txt"
File rScript = "~{outputPrefix}.r"
runtime {
docker: dockerImage
memory: memory
time_minutes: timeMinutes
docker: dockerImage
parameter_meta {
# inputs
gene: {description: "Equivalent to CPAT's `--gene` option.", category: "required"}
outFilePath: {description: "Equivalent to CPAT's `--outfile` option.", category: "required"}
outputPrefix: {description: "Equivalent to CPAT's `--outfile` option.", category: "required"}
hex: {description: "Equivalent to CPAT's `--hex` option.", category: "required"}
logitModel: {description: "Equivalent to CPAT's `--logitModel` option.", category: "required"}
referenceGenome: {description: "Equivalent to CPAT's `--ref` option.", category: "advanced"}
referenceGenomeIndex: {description: "The index of the reference. Should be added as input if CPAT should not index the reference genome.", category: "advanced"}
startCodons: {description: "Equivalent to CPAT's `--start` option.", category: "advanced"}
stopCodons: {description: "Equivalent to CPAT's `--stop` option.", category: "advanced"}
memory: {description: "The amount of memory available to the job.", category: "advanced"}
timeMinutes: {description: "The maximum amount of time the job will run in minutes.", category: "advanced"}
dockerImage: {description: "The docker image used for this task. Changing this may result in errors which the developers may choose not to address.", category: "advanced"}
# outputs
outFile: {description: "CPAT logistic regression model."}
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ task Bam2Fasta {
String memory = "2G"
Int timeMinutes = 15
String dockerImage = ""
String dockerImage = ""
command {
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ task Bam2Fastq {
String memory = "2G"
Int timeMinutes = 15
String dockerImage = ""
String dockerImage = ""
command {
......@@ -291,8 +291,10 @@ task View {
File inputFile
String outputPath = "output.vcf"
Boolean excludeUncalled = false
String? exclude
String? include
String memory = "256M"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(inputFile, "G"))
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ task InputConverter {
String memory = "128M"
Int timeMinutes = 1
String dockerImage = ""
String dockerImage = ""
command <<<
......@@ -24,12 +24,19 @@ task CCS {
input {
File subreadsFile
String outputPrefix
String logLevel = "WARN"
Int minPasses = 3
Int topPasses = 60
Int minLength = 10
Int maxLength = 50000
Boolean byStrand = false
Boolean skipPolish = false
Boolean all = false
Boolean subreadFallback = false
Boolean allKinetics = false
Boolean hifiKinetics = false
Float minSnr = 2.5
Float minReadQuality = 0.99
String logLevel = "WARN"
File? subreadsIndexFile
String? chunkString
......@@ -37,7 +44,7 @@ task CCS {
Int threads = 2
String memory = "4G"
Int timeMinutes = 1440
String dockerImage = ""
String dockerImage = ""
command {
......@@ -45,15 +52,24 @@ task CCS {
mkdir -p "$(dirname ~{outputPrefix})"
ccs \
--min-passes ~{minPasses} \
--min-snr ~{minSnr} \
--top-passes ~{topPasses} \
--min-length ~{minLength} \
--max-length ~{maxLength} \
~{true="--by-strand" false="" byStrand} \
~{true="--skip-polish" false="" skipPolish} \
~{true="--all" false="" all} \
~{true="--subread-fallback" false="" subreadFallback} \
~{true="--all-kinetics" false="" allKinetics} \
~{true="--hifi-kinetics" false="" hifiKinetics} \
--min-rq ~{minReadQuality} \
--log-level ~{logLevel} \
--num-threads ~{threads} \
~{"--chunk " + chunkString} \
~{"--report-file " + outputPrefix + ".ccs_report.txt"} \
~{"--report-json " + outputPrefix + ""} \
~{"--log-file " + outputPrefix + ".ccs.stderr.log"} \
~{"--metrics-json " + outputPrefix + ".zmw_metrics.json.gz"} \
~{subreadsFile} \
~{outputPrefix + ".ccs.bam"}
......@@ -61,8 +77,10 @@ task CCS {
output {
File ccsBam = outputPrefix + ".ccs.bam"
File ccsBamIndex = outputPrefix + ".ccs.bam.pbi"
File ccsReport = outputPrefix + ""
File ccsReport = outputPrefix + ".ccs_report.txt"
File ccsJsonReport = outputPrefix + ""
File ccsStderr = outputPrefix + ".ccs.stderr.log"
File zmwMetrics = outputPrefix + ".zmw_metrics.json.gz"
runtime {
......@@ -76,12 +94,19 @@ task CCS {
# inputs
subreadsFile: {description: "Subreads input file.", category: "required"}
outputPrefix: {description: "Output directory path + output file prefix.", category: "required"}
logLevel: {description: "Set log level. Valid choices: (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, FATAL).", category: "advanced"}
minPasses: {description: "Minimum number of full-length subreads required to generate ccs for a ZMW.", category: "advanced"}
topPasses: {description: "Pick at maximum the top N passes for each ZMW.", category: "advanced"}
minLength: {description: "Minimum draft length before polishing.", category: "advanced"}
maxLength: {description: "Maximum draft length before polishing.", category: "advanced"}
byStrand: {description: "Generate a consensus for each strand.", category: "advanced"}
skipPolish: {description: "Only output the initial draft template (faster, less accurate).", category: "advanced"}
all: {description: "Emit all ZMWs.", category: "advanced"}
subreadFallback: {description: "Emit a representative subread, instead of the draft consensus, if polishing failed.", category: "advanced"}
allKinetics: {description: "Calculate mean pulse widths (PW) and interpulse durations (IPD) for every ZMW.", category: "advanced"}
hifiKinetics: {description: "Calculate mean pulse widths (PW) and interpulse durations (IPD) for every HiFi read.", category: "advanced"}
minSnr: {description: "Minimum SNR of subreads to use for generating CCS.", category: "advanced"}
minReadQuality: {description: "Minimum predicted accuracy in [0, 1].", category: "common"}
logLevel: {description: "Set log level. Valid choices: (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, FATAL).", category: "advanced"}
subreadsIndexFile: {description: "Index for the subreads input file, required when using chunkString.", category: "advanced"}
chunkString: {descpription: "Chunk string (e.g. 1/4, 5/5) for CCS.", category: "advanced"}
threads: {description: "The number of threads to be used.", category: "advanced"}
......@@ -92,7 +117,9 @@ task CCS {
# outputs
ccsBam: {description: "Consensus reads output file."}
ccsBamIndex: {description: "Index of consensus reads output file."}
ccsReport: {description: "Ccs results report file."}
ccsReport: {description: "Ccs report file."}
ccsJsonReport: {description: "Ccs results json report file."}
ccsStderr: {description: "Ccs STDERR log file."}
zmwMetrics: {description: "ZMW metrics json file."}
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ task AppendToStringArray {
input {
Array[String] array
String string
String memory = "1G"
command {
......@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ task AppendToStringArray {
runtime {
memory: "1G"
memory: memory
......@@ -45,9 +47,11 @@ task CheckFileMD5 {
input {
File file
String md5
# By default cromwell expects /bin/bash to be present in the container.
# The 'bash' container does not fill this requirement. (It is in /usr/local/bin/bash)
# Use a stable version of debian:stretch-slim for this. (Smaller than ubuntu)
String memory = "1G"
String dockerImage = "debian@sha256:f05c05a218b7a4a5fe979045b1c8e2a9ec3524e5611ebfdd0ef5b8040f9008fa"
......@@ -60,6 +64,7 @@ task CheckFileMD5 {
runtime {
docker: dockerImage
memory: memory
......@@ -69,6 +74,8 @@ task ConcatenateTextFiles {
String combinedFilePath
Boolean unzip = false
Boolean zip = false
String memory = "1G"
# When input and output is both compressed decompression is not needed.
......@@ -86,7 +93,7 @@ task ConcatenateTextFiles {
runtime {
memory: "1G"
memory: memory
......@@ -97,6 +104,7 @@ task Copy {
Boolean recursive = false
# Version not that important as long as it is stable.
String memory = "1G"
String dockerImage = "debian@sha256:f05c05a218b7a4a5fe979045b1c8e2a9ec3524e5611ebfdd0ef5b8040f9008fa"
......@@ -112,6 +120,7 @@ task Copy {
runtime {
docker: dockerImage
memory: memory
......@@ -122,6 +131,8 @@ task CreateLink {
input {
String inputFile
String outputPath
String memory = "1G"
command {
......@@ -131,12 +142,17 @@ task CreateLink {
output {
File link = outputPath
runtime {
memory: memory
task MapMd5 {
input {
Map[String,String] map
String memory = "1G"
String dockerImage = "debian@sha256:f05c05a218b7a4a5fe979045b1c8e2a9ec3524e5611ebfdd0ef5b8040f9008fa"
......@@ -150,7 +166,7 @@ task MapMd5 {
runtime {
memory: "1G"
memory: memory
docker: dockerImage
......@@ -160,6 +176,7 @@ task StringArrayMd5 {
input {
Array[String] stringArray
String memory = "1G"
String dockerImage = "debian@sha256:f05c05a218b7a4a5fe979045b1c8e2a9ec3524e5611ebfdd0ef5b8040f9008fa"
......@@ -173,7 +190,7 @@ task StringArrayMd5 {
runtime {
memory: "1G"
memory: memory
docker: dockerImage
......@@ -183,6 +200,7 @@ task TextToFile {
String text
String outputFile = "out.txt"
String memory = "1G"
Int timeMinutes = 1
String dockerImage = "debian@sha256:f05c05a218b7a4a5fe979045b1c8e2a9ec3524e5611ebfdd0ef5b8040f9008fa"
......@@ -196,7 +214,7 @@ task TextToFile {
runtime {
memory: "1G"
memory: memory
time_minutes: timeMinutes
docker: dockerImage
......@@ -221,7 +239,7 @@ task YamlToJson {
String memory = "128M"
Int timeMinutes = 1
# biowdl-input-converter has python and pyyaml.
String dockerImage = ""
String dockerImage = ""
command {
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ task Cutadapt {
Boolean? noZeroCap
Int cores = 4
String memory = "~{300 + 100 * cores}M"
String memory = "5G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size([read1, read2], "G") * 12.0 / cores)
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ task Fastqc {
task GetConfiguration {
input {
String memory = "2G" # Needs more than 1 to pull the docker image.
Int timeMinutes = 1
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ task GetConfiguration {
runtime {
memory: "2G" # Needs more than 1 to pull the docker image.
memory: memory
time_minute: timeMinutes
docker: dockerImage
......@@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ task GetConfiguration {
parameter_meta {
# inputs
timeMinutes: {description: "The maximum amount of time the job will run in minutes.", category: "advanced"}
memory: {description: "The amount of memory available to the job.", category: "advanced"}
dockerImage: {description: "The docker image used for this task. Changing this may result in errors which the developers may choose not to address.", category: "advanced"}
# outputs
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ version 1.0
task GffCompare {
input {
Array[File] inputGtfFiles
File referenceAnnotation
# gffcmp is the default used by the program as well. This needs to be
# defined in order for the output values to be consistent and correct.
String outPrefix = "gffcmp"
......@@ -40,12 +39,14 @@ task GffCompare {
Boolean debugMode = false
File? inputGtfList
File? referenceAnnotation
String? outputDir
File? genomeSequences
Int? maxDistanceFreeEndsTerminalExons
Int? maxDistanceGroupingTranscriptStartSites
String? namePrefix
String memory = "4G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(inputGtfFiles, "G") * 30)
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ task GffCompare {
set -e
~{"mkdir -p " + outputDir}
gffcompare \
-r ~{referenceAnnotation} \
~{"-r " + referenceAnnotation} \
~{"-o '" + totalPrefix + "'"} \
~{"-s " + genomeSequences} \
~{"-e " + maxDistanceFreeEndsTerminalExons} \
......@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ task GffCompare {
else 0
Int noInputFiles = length(inputGtfFiles)
Boolean oneFile = (noFilesGtfList + noInputFiles) == 1
String annotatedName = if oneFile
String annotatedName = if oneFile && defined(referenceAnnotation)
then "annotated"
else "combined"
......@@ -114,8 +115,9 @@ task GffCompare {
runtime {
time_minutes: timeMinutes
docker: dockerImage
memory: memory
time_minutes: timeMinutes
docker: dockerImage
parameter_meta {
......@@ -140,6 +142,7 @@ task GffCompare {
maxDistanceFreeEndsTerminalExons: {description: "Equivalent to gffcompare's `-e` option.", category: "advanced"}
maxDistanceGroupingTranscriptStartSites: {description: "Equivalent to gffcompare's `-d` option.", category: "advanced"}
namePrefix: {description: "Equivalent to gffcompare's `-p` option.", category: "advanced"}
memory: {description: "The amount of memory available to the job.", category: "advanced"}
timeMinutes: {description: "The maximum amount of time the job will run in minutes.", category: "advanced"}
dockerImage: {description: "The docker image used for this task. Changing this may result in errors which the developers may choose not to address.", category: "advanced"}
......@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ task GffRead {
String? proteinFastaPath
String? filteredGffPath
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(inputGff) * 10)
String memory = "4G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(inputGff, "G") * 10)
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ task GffRead {
runtime {
memory: memory
time_minutes: timeMinutes
docker: dockerImage
......@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ task GffRead {
CDSFastaPath: {description: "The location the CDS fasta should be written to.", category: "advanced"}
proteinFastaPath: {description: "The location the protein fasta should be written to.", category: "advanced"}
filteredGffPath: {description: "The location the filtered GFF should be written to.", category: "advanced"}
memory: {description: "The amount of memory available to the job.", category: "advanced"}
timeMinutes: {description: "The maximum amount of time the job will run in minutes.", category: "advanced"}
dockerImage: {description: "The docker image used for this task. Changing this may result in errors which the developers may choose not to address.", category: "advanced"}
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ task HTSeqCount {
Int nprocesses = 1
String memory = "8G"
Int timeMinutes = 10 + ceil(size(inputBams, "G") * 60)
Int timeMinutes = 1440 #10 + ceil(size(inputBams, "G") * 60) FIXME
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ task Lima {
Int threads = 2
String memory = "2G"
Int timeMinutes = 30
String dockerImage = ""
String dockerImage = ""
Map[String, String] libraryDesignOptions = {"same": "--same", "different": "--different", "neighbors": "--neighbors"}
command {
command <<<
set -e
mkdir -p "$(dirname ~{outputPrefix})"
lima \
......@@ -83,26 +83,22 @@ task Lima {
~{true="--peek-guess" false="" peekGuess} \
--log-level ~{logLevel} \
--num-threads ~{threads} \
~{"--log-file " + outputPrefix + ".stderr.log"} \
~{"--log-file " + outputPrefix + ".lima.stderr.log"} \
~{inputBamFile} \
~{barcodeFile} \
~{outputPrefix + ".bam"}
# copy the files with the default filename to the folder specified in
# outputPrefix.
if [ "~{basename(outputPrefix)}.json" != "~{outputPrefix}.json" ]; then
cp "~{basename(outputPrefix)}.json" "~{outputPrefix}.json"
cp "~{basename(outputPrefix)}.lima.counts" "~{outputPrefix}.lima.counts"
cp "~{basename(outputPrefix)}" "~{outputPrefix}"
cp "~{basename(outputPrefix)}.lima.summary" "~{outputPrefix}.lima.summary"
dirName="$(dirname ~{outputPrefix})"
find "$(cd ${dirName}; pwd)" -name "*.bam" > bamFiles.txt
find "$(cd ${dirName}; pwd)" -name "*.bam.pbi" > bamIndexes.txt
find "$(cd ${dirName}; pwd)" -name "*.consensusreadset.xml" > consensusreadset.txt
output {
Array[File] limaBam = glob("*.bam")
Array[File] limaBamIndex = glob("*.bam.pbi")
Array[File] limaXml = glob("*.subreadset.xml")
File limaStderr = outputPrefix + ".stderr.log"
Array[File] limaBam = read_lines("bamFiles.txt")
Array[File] limaBamIndex = read_lines("bamIndexes.txt")
Array[File] limaXml = read_lines("consensusreadset.txt")
File limaStderr = outputPrefix + ".lima.stderr.log"
File limaJson = outputPrefix + ".json"
File limaCounts = outputPrefix + ".lima.counts"
File limaReport = outputPrefix + ""
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ task Indexing {
Int cores = 1
String memory = "4G"
Int timeMinutes = 10
String dockerImage = ""
String dockerImage = ""
command {
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ task Mapping {
Int cores = 4
String memory = "30G"
Int timeMinutes = 1 + ceil(size(queryFile, "G") * 200 / cores)
String dockerImage = ""
String dockerImage = ""
command {
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ task MultiQC {
String? clConfig
String? memory
Int timeMinutes = 2 + ceil(size(reports, "G") * 8)
Int timeMinutes = 10 + ceil(size(reports, "G") * 8)
String dockerImage = ""
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ task NanoPlot {
Int threads = 2
String memory = "2G"
Int timeMinutes = 15
String dockerImage = ""
String dockerImage = ""
Map[String, String] fileTypeOptions = {"fastq": "--fastq ", "fasta": "--fasta ", "fastq_rich": "--fastq_rich ", "fastq_minimal": "--fastq_minimal ", "summary": "--summary ", "bam": "--bam ", "ubam": "--ubam ", "cram": "--cram ", "pickle": "--pickle ", "feather": "--feather "}
......@@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ version 1.0
task mergePacBio {
input {
Array[File]+ reports
String mergedReport
String outputPathMergedReport
String memory = "4G"
String dockerImage = "lumc/pacbio-merge:0.2"
String dockerImage = ""
command {
set -e
mkdir -p $(dirname ~{mergedReport})
mkdir -p $(dirname ~{outputPathMergedReport})
pacbio_merge \
--reports ~{sep=" " reports} \
--json-output ~{mergedReport}
--json-output ~{outputPathMergedReport}
runtime {
......@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ task mergePacBio {
output {
File outputMergedReport = mergedReport
File outputMergedReport = outputPathMergedReport
parameter_meta {
# inputs
reports: {description: "The PacBio report files to merge.", category: "required"}
mergedReport: {description: "The location the merged PacBio report file should be written to.", category: "common"}
outputPathMergedReport: {description: "The location the merged PacBio report file should be written to.", category: "common"}
memory: {description: "The amount of memory this job will use.", category: "advanced"}
dockerImage: {description: "The docker image used for this task. Changing this may result in errors which the developers may choose not to address.", category: "advanced"}
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