# Copyright Sequencing Analysis Support Core - Leiden University Medical Center 2017
# Tasks from centrifuge
task download {
String libraryPath
Array[String]? domain
String? executable = "centrifuge-download"
String? seqTaxMapPath
String? database = "refseq"
String? assemblyLevel
String? refseqCategory
Array[String]? taxIds
Boolean? filterUnplaced = false
Boolean? maskLowComplexRegions = false
Boolean? downloadRnaSeqs = false
Boolean? modifyHeader = false
Boolean? downloadGiMap = false
# This will use centrifuge-download to download.
# The bash statement at the beginning is to make sure
# the directory for the SeqTaxMapPath exists.
command {
${"mkdir -p $(dirname " + seqTaxMapPath + ")"}
${executable} \
-o ${libraryPath} \
${true='-d ' false='' defined(domain)}${sep=',' domain} \
${'-a "' + assemblyLevel + '"'} \
${"-c " + refseqCategory} \
${true='-t' false='' defined(taxIds)} '${sep=',' taxIds}' \
${true='-r' false='' downloadRnaSeqs} \
${true='-u' false='' filterUnplaced} \
${true='-m' false='' maskLowComplexRegions} \
${true='-l' false='' modifyHeader} \
${true='-g' false='' downloadGiMap} \
${database} ${">> " + seqTaxMapPath}
output {
File seqTaxMap = "${seqTaxMapPath}"
File library = libraryPath
Array[File] fastaFiles = glob(libraryPath + "/*/*.fna")
task downloadTaxonomy {
String centrifugeTaxonomyDir
String? executable = "centrifuge-download"
${executable} \
-o ${centrifugeTaxonomyDir} \
output {
File taxonomyTree = centrifugeTaxonomyDir + "/nodes.dmp"
File nameTable = centrifugeTaxonomyDir + "/names.dmp"
task build {
File conversionTable
File taxonomyTree
File inputFasta
String centrifugeIndexBase
String? centrifugeBuildExecutable = "centrifuge-build"
#Boolean? c = false
Boolean? largeIndex = false
Boolean? noAuto = false
Int? bMax
Int? bMaxDivn
Boolean? noDiffCover = false
Boolean? noRef = false
Boolean? justRef = false
Int? offRate
Int? fTabChars
File? nameTable
File? sizeTable
Int? seed
Int? threads = 1
Int? kmerCount
command {
${"mkdir -p $(dirname " + centrifugeIndexBase + ")"}
${centrifugeBuildExecutable} \
${true='--large-index' false='' largeIndex} \
${true='--noauto' false='' noAuto} \
${'--bmax ' + bMax} \
${'--bmaxdivn ' + bMaxDivn} \
${true='--nodc' false='' noDiffCover} \
${true='--noref' false='' noRef} \
${true='--justref' false='' justRef} \
${'--offrate ' + offRate} \
${'--ftabchars ' + fTabChars} \
${'--name-table ' + nameTable } \
${'--size-table ' + sizeTable} \
${'--seed ' + seed} \
${'--kmer-count' + kmerCount} \
${'--threads ' + threads} \
--conversion-table ${conversionTable} \
--taxonomy-tree ${taxonomyTree} \
${inputFasta} \
runtime {
cpu: select_first([threads])