... | ... | @@ -1616,12 +1616,12 @@ This directory is created for sharing your Binary Alignment/Map files. This is a |
The /home directory is an Isilon HPC export mounted on the /home directory for all the nodes in the cluster. This export is limited to 10 Gb per person. Your home directory is automatically created the first time you log into the cluster and is the same as your username. By default your /home/<username> directory is world readable and world executable.
This directory should not be used for data storage.
| mount point | Storage | Size | Usage | owner | group |security rights |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| /home | HPC Isilon |10GB | For small personel storage | AD username | AD Group |rwxr-xr-x |
|/exports| HPC Isilon | - | Mount point for depertment/project storage | AD username | AD Group | rwxrws--- |
|/exports/archive |LTS Isilon| - | Mount point for department/project Long Term Storage| AD username | AD Group | rwxrws--- |
|/bam-export | HPC Isilon| 2TB | For displaying BAM files on [https://barmsijs.lumc.nl](https://barmsijs.lumc.nl) | AD username | AD Group | rwxrwxrwx |
| mount point | Storage | Size | Usage | owner | group |security rights | mount option login nodes | mount option compute nodes |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |--- | --- |
| /home | HPC Isilon |10GB | For small personel storage | AD username | AD Group |rwxr-xr-x | read/write | read/write |
|/exports| HPC Isilon | - | Mount point for depertment/project storage | AD username | AD Group | rwxrws--- | read/write| read/write |
|/exports/archive |LTS Isilon| - | Mount point for department/project Long Term Storage| AD username | AD Group | rwxrws--- | read/write | read/only |
|/bam-export | HPC Isilon| 2TB | For displaying BAM files on [https://barmsijs.lumc.nl](https://barmsijs.lumc.nl) | AD username | AD Group | rwxrwxrwx | read/write | read/write |
## Applications
... | ... | |