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version 5.1.0

+ Add the `highlyDiploidPercentage` and `somaticMinPuritySpread` inputs to the
  hmtools PURPLE task.
+ Add a task for fastp.
+ Add a task for picard CollectInsertSizeMetrics.
+ Increased the timeMinutes runtime attribute for manta (somatic and germline) to `2880`.
+ Add a task for GRIDSS somatic filtering.
+ Add a task to generate a panel of normals BED and BEDPE file for GRIDSS.
+ Add a task to filter a GRIDSS PON.
+ Add a task for delly somatic filtering.
+ Delly CallSV's `bamFile` and `bamIndex` inputs are not arrays of files, allowing
  for multiple samples to be included.
+ Add `samples` input to bcftools view to select samples included in the output vcf.
+ Add a separatorChar input to the tagUmi task.
+ Bug fix: Add space between flag and the value provided for macs2
+ Add optional inputs to macs2, aiming to allow adhering to Encode ATACs-seq. Inputs added:
  + nomodel
  + gensz
  + extsize
  + shiftsize
  + pval_thres
  + bdg
  + keepdup
  + callsummits
+ Update samtools image to version 1.16.
+ Add targetsFile input for samtools View.
+ Mateclever's runtime attribute defaults were changed to:
  + memory: `"250GiB"`
  + timeMinutes: `2880`
+ Clever's Prediction task's runtime attribute defaults were changed to:
  + memory: `"80GiB"`
  + timeMinutes: `2200`
+ The GRIDSS AnnotateSvTypes task now also removes the second breakend of
  the breakpoints and single breakends. This will prepare the output better
  to be passed into survivor.
+ Updated SURVIVOR version to 1.0.7
+ Add a combined samtools dict and samtools faidx task.
+ Add a BWA index task.
+ Move all memory notation to `KiB`, `MiB` and `GiB` from `K`, `M` and `G`
  previously. The WDL spec clearly distuingishes between SI and binary
  notations. Since Java always takes `K`, `M` and `G` to mean `KiB`, `MiB` and
  `GiB` this means java tasks such as GATK, FastQC and Picard will always
  receive enough memory now.
+ Purple's `somaticRainfallPlot` output is now optional and included in
  the `plots` output as well.
+ Bedtools coverage's timeMinutes now defaults to `320`.
+ Gridss' runtime attribute defaults were changed to:
  + jvmHeapSizeGb: `64`
  + nonJvmMemoryGb: `10`
  + threads: `12`
+ Virusbreakend's runtime attribute defaults were changed to:
  + threads: `12`
  + timeMinutes: `320`
+ Cobalt's timeMinutes now defaults to `480`.
+ Orange's timeMinutes now defaults to 10.
+ Sage's runtime attributes were changed to:
  + threads: `32`
  + javaXmx: `"16G"`
  + memory: `"20G"`
  + timeMinutes: `720`
+ Sambamba's runtimeMinutes nor defaults to `320`.
+ Added a task for CupGenerateReport.
+ Updated Cuppa to version 1.6.
+ Added a task for Gripss.
+ Fixed the HealthChecker task's determination of the `succeeded` output
+ Updated Linx to version 1.18.
+ Added a task for LinxVisualization.
+ Added a task for HMFtools Orange.
+ Added a task for HMFtools Pave.
+ Updated Purple to version 3.2.
+ Added plot and table outputs of Sage to task outputs.
+ Updated virus-interpreter to version 1.2.
+ Updated Peach to version 1.5.
+ Added a task to add SVTYPE annotations to GRIDSS results
+ The GRIDSS task will now run tabix separately if GRIDSS doesn't
  produce a vcf index.
+ Add a script to subtract UMI's from the read name and add them as
  a BAM tag for each BAM record. The script is in umi.BamReadNameToUmiTag.
+ Add fgbio.AnnotateBamWithUmis.
+ Add picard.UmiAwareMarkDuplicatesWithMateCigar.
+ Added a task for SnpEff.
+ Adjusted runtime settings for sambamba Markdup.
+ Added a task for sambamba Flagstat.
+ Added a task for Picard CollectWgsMetrics.
+ Added a task for Peach.
+ Added tasks for HMFtools:
  + Amber
  + Cobalt
  + Cuppa
  + CuppaChart
  + GripssApplicationKt
  + GripssHardFilterApplicationKt
  + HealthChecker
  + Linx
  + Protect
  + Purple
  + Sage
  + VirusInterpreter
+ Added a task for VirusBreakend.
+ Added a task for GridssAnnotateVcfRepeatmasker.
+ Bumped GRIDSS version to 2.12.2.
+ Adjusted GRIDSS runtime settings.
+ Added optional inputs to GRIDSS:
  + blacklistBed
  + gridssProperties
+ Added a task for GRIDSS AnnotateInsertedSequence.
+ Added a task for ExtractSigPredictHRD.
+ Added a task for DeconstructSigs.
+ Added option useSoftclippingForSupplementary (default false) to
  BWA mem.
+ Adjusted BWA mem runtime settings.
+ Added a task for bedtools coverage.
+ Added a task for bcftools filter.
+ Adjusted runtime settings for bcftools annotate.
+ Added optional inputs to bcftools annotate:
  + inputFileIndex
  + annsFileIndex
+ Update parameter_meta for macs2
+ Add sample position in array task.