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version 3.1.0
+ Default threads for BWA in bwa.Kit task: 4. Samtools sort in the
  same task: 1. Output BAM compression level to 1.
+ Lima: Add missing output to parameter_meta.
+ Lima: Remove outputPrefix variable from output section.
+ Isoseq3: Make sure stderr log file from Refine is unique and not overwritten.
+ Isoseq3: Add workaround in Refine for glob command not locating files in output directory.
+ Isoseq3: Fix --min-polya-length argument syntax.
+ Lima: Add workaround for glob command not locating files in output directory.
+ CCS: Add missing backslash.
+ Cutadapt now explicitly calls the `--compression-level` flag with compression
  level 1 to prevent cutadapt from using very high gzip compression level 6
  that uses 400% more cpu time.
+ Update default docker image for cutadapt and fastqc.
+ Default number of cores for cutadapt and bwamem to 4 cores.