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+ Make intervals optional for GATK CombineGVCFs
+ Updated biowdl-input-converter version.
+ GATK CombineGVCFs memory was tripled to prevent it from using a lot of CPU in
  Garbage Collection mode.
+ Updated parameter_meta sections for Minimap2 and TranscriptClean to wdl-aid format.
+ Updated cores variable for TALON, the default is now 4.
+ Updated TALON to version 4.4.
+ Added parameter_meta sections to the following tools:
    + htseq
    + cutadapt
    + collect-columns
    + stringtie
    + fastqc
+ Updated star default image to 2.7.3a.
+ Hisat2 now indexes the resulting BAM file.
+ Samtools index now also works without setting a path for the output.
+ Bugfix: Biowdl-input-converter now makes sure the output directory exists.