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version 2.0.0
+ Memory runtime attributes are now Strings indicating total memory, as opposed to Ints indicating memory per core.
+ Memory inputs for most tasks are now Strings, remaining Int memory inputs are renamed to "memoryGb".
+ Use the biowdl-input-converter container for JsonToYaml, to reduce the amount of containers needed.
+ Add biowdl-input-converter and remove SampleConfigToSampleReadgroupLists which it replaces.
+ GATK.GenotypeGVCFs: Increased memoryMultiplier from 2.0 to 3.0
+ Minimap2: Add -k option to minimap2 mapping
+ Added bwakit task
+ Minimap2: Add the option for --MD tag
+ TALON: Update average memory needs for main TALON process