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  • Laros's avatar
    Extracted the parsing of the configuration file from the Retriever module and · 5a36a807
    Laros authored
    put it in a new module named Config. This is done because an other new module
    named Db also needs the configuration file.
    De file is new and contains a function that interfaces to a MySQL 
    database. This database is used for the mapping of NM to NP accession numbers.
    The file mutalyzer.conf now has two more options: a MySQL user name and a 
    database name. 
    Started the documentation of a fresh installation, see Install.txt for more
    In Added a function that calculates the positions of splice sites
    after mutatations.
    In Added some code (still in comment) that can parallelise jobs
    by using treads and detecting the number of processors present on the host.
    git-svn-id: eb6bd6ab-9ccd-42b9-aceb-e2899b4a52f1