diff --git a/Modules/Core/Blueprints/include/elxBlueprint.h b/Modules/Core/Blueprints/include/elxBlueprint.h
index 8b42694b8227d2e0881a67b086f7af79147c2090..f0a9d19df23ee68bb071f4b27439226cc546eff0 100644
--- a/Modules/Core/Blueprints/include/elxBlueprint.h
+++ b/Modules/Core/Blueprints/include/elxBlueprint.h
@@ -1,57 +1,101 @@
 #ifndef __Blueprint_h
 #define __Blueprint_h
+#include "boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp"
+#include "boost/graph/directed_graph.hpp"
 #include "itkObjectFactory.h"
 #include "itkDataObject.h"
 #include "elxMacro.h"
-#include "elxComponentDescriptor.h"
-#include "boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp"
-#include "boost/graph/directed_graph.hpp"
 namespace elx {
-template< class TComponentDescriptor >
 class Blueprint : public itk::DataObject
   elxNewMacro( Blueprint, itk::DataObject );
-  typedef TComponentDescriptor                                                ComponentDescriptorType;
-  typedef typename TComponentDescriptor::ComponentNameType                    ComponentNameType;
+  typedef std::string                                                ParameterKeyType;
+  typedef std::vector< std::string >                                 ParameterValueType;
+  typedef std::map< ParameterKeyType, ParameterValueType >           ParameterMapType;
+  // Component parameter map that sits on a node in the graph 
+  // and holds component configuration settings
+  struct ComponentPropertyType { 
+    ParameterMapType parameterMap;
+  };
+  // Component parameter map that sits on an edge in the graph 
+  // and holds component configuration settings
+  struct ConnectionPropertyType { 
+    ParameterMapType parameterMap;
+  };
   typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::vecS,      
-                                 ComponentDescriptorType >                    GraphType;
-  typedef typename boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::vertex_descriptor        ComponentType;
-  typedef typename boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::vertex_iterator          ComponentIterator, ComponentIteratorEnd;
-  typedef boost::vertex_index_t                                               ComponentIndexType;
-  typedef typename boost::property_map< GraphType, ComponentIndexType >::type ComponentIndexMapType;
-  typedef typename boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::edge_descriptor          ConnectionDescriptorType;
-  typedef typename boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::edge_iterator            ConnectionIterator, ConnectionIteratorEnd;
-  typedef typename boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::in_edge_iterator         InputIterator, InputIteratorEnd;
-  typedef typename boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::out_edge_iterator        OutputIterator, OutputIteratorEnd;
-  int TestFunction( void );
-  bool AddComponent( ComponentDescriptorType component );
-  bool SetComponent( ComponentIndexType componentIndex, ComponentDescriptorType component );
-  ComponentDescriptorType GetComponent( ComponentIndexType componentIndex );
-  bool RemoveComponent( ComponentDescriptorType component );
-  bool SetConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream );
-  ConnectionDescriptorType GetConnection( ConnectionDescriptorType Connection );
-  bool RemoveConnection( ConnectionDescriptorType connection );
-  void PrintGraph( void );
+                                 ComponentPropertyType,
+                                 ConnectionPropertyType >             GraphType;
+  typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::vertex_descriptor         ComponentIndexType;
+  typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::vertex_iterator           ComponentIteratorType;
+  typedef std::pair< ComponentIteratorType, ComponentIteratorType >   ComponentIteratorPairType;
+  typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::edge_descriptor           ConnectionIndexType;
+  typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::edge_iterator             ConnectionIteratorType;
+  typedef std::pair< ConnectionIteratorType, ConnectionIteratorType > ConnectionIteratorPairType;
+  typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::in_edge_iterator          InputIteratorType;
+  typedef std::pair< InputIteratorType, InputIteratorType >           InputIteratorPairType;
+  typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphType >::out_edge_iterator         OutputIteratorType;
+  typedef std::pair< OutputIteratorType, OutputIteratorType >         OutputIteratorPairType;
+  // Interface for managing components
+  ComponentIndexType AddComponent( void );
+  ComponentIndexType AddComponent( ParameterMapType parameterMap );
+  ParameterMapType GetComponent( ComponentIndexType index );
+  void SetComponent( ComponentIndexType, ParameterMapType parameterMap );
+  // TODO: Let user delete component. Before we do this, we need a proper way of 
+  // checking that a vertex exist. Otherwise a call to GetComponent() on 
+  // a deleted vertex will result in segfault. It is not really a in issue
+  // _before_ release since typically we (the developers) will use blueprint 
+  // interface procedurally.
+  // void DeleteComponent( ComponentIndexType );
+  ComponentIteratorPairType GetComponentIterator( void ) {
+    return boost::vertices( this->m_Graph );
+  }
+  // Interface for managing connections between components in which we 
+  // deliberately avoid using connection indexes, but instead force
+  // the user to think in terms of components (which is conceptually simpler)
+  bool AddConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream );
+  bool AddConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream, ParameterMapType parameterMap );
+  ParameterMapType GetConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream );
+  bool SetConnection(  ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream, ParameterMapType parameterMap );
+  bool DeleteConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream );
+  bool ConnectionExists( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream );
+  // Returns iterator for all connections in the graph
+  ConnectionIteratorPairType GetConnectionIterator( void ) {
+    return boost::edges(this->m_Graph);
+  }
+  // Returns the outgoing connections from a component in the graph,
+  // i.e. all components that reads data from given component
+  OutputIteratorPairType GetOutputIterator( const ComponentIndexType index ) {
+    return boost::out_edges( index, this->m_Graph );
+  }
+  void WriteBlueprint( const std::string filename );
+  ConnectionIndexType GetConnectionIndex( ComponentIndexType upsteam, ComponentIndexType downstream );
   GraphType m_Graph;
diff --git a/Modules/Core/Blueprints/include/elxComponentDescriptor.h b/Modules/Core/Blueprints/include/elxComponentDescriptor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f5402e4526532088cc8089d4af95d775a848b33..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Modules/Core/Blueprints/include/elxComponentDescriptor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ComponentDescriptor_h
-#define __ComponentDescriptor_h
-#include "elxMacro.h"
-#include "itkObjectFactory.h"
-#include "itkDataObject.h"
-namespace elx {
-class ComponentDescriptor : public itk::DataObject
-  elxNewMacro( ComponentDescriptor, itk::DataObject );
-  // Identifier to find component in the component database
-  typedef std::string ComponentNameType;
-  ComponentDescriptor( void ) { this->SetComponentName( ComponentNameType() ); }
-  ComponentDescriptor( const ComponentNameType componentName );
-  // TODO: Setter should validate ComponentName exists in ComponentDatabase
-  itkSetMacro( ComponentName, ComponentNameType ); 
-  itkGetMacro( ComponentName, ComponentNameType );
-  ComponentNameType m_ComponentName;
-#endif // __ComponentDescriptor_h
diff --git a/Modules/Core/Blueprints/src/elxBlueprint.cxx b/Modules/Core/Blueprints/src/elxBlueprint.cxx
index b3319d01551325a82b0926f0f1a33fd4fd3f7abf..d78d2ce6882287d6a42176310b6afea3c2cb0ff4 100644
--- a/Modules/Core/Blueprints/src/elxBlueprint.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Core/Blueprints/src/elxBlueprint.cxx
@@ -1,77 +1,160 @@
-#ifndef __Blueprint_hxx
-#define __Blueprint_hxx
+#ifndef __Blueprint_cxx
+#define __Blueprint_cxx
-#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
+#include "boost/graph/graphviz.hpp"
 #include "elxBlueprint.h"
 namespace elx {
-Blueprint< ComponentDescriptor >::ComponentDescriptorType
-Blueprint< ComponentDescriptor >
-::AddComponent( ComponentDescriptorType component )
+::AddComponent( void )
-  // TODO: Check that the component is in the ComponentDatabase
-  return this->m_Graph->add_vertex( component );
+  ComponentIndexType index = boost::add_vertex( this->m_Graph );
+  // Return component index so component can retrieved at a later time
+  return index;
-Blueprint< ComponentDescriptor >
-::SetComponent( ComponentDescriptorType component )
+::AddComponent( ParameterMapType parameterMap )
+  this->Modified();
+  ComponentIndexType index = boost::add_vertex( this->m_Graph );
+  this->m_Graph[index].parameterMap = parameterMap;
+  // Return component index so component can retrieved at a later time
+  return index;
+::GetComponent( ComponentIndexType index )
-  return this->m_Graph->remove_vertex( connection );
+  return this->m_Graph[ index ].parameterMap;
+::SetComponent( ComponentIndexType index, ParameterMapType parameterMap )
+  this->Modified();
+  this->m_Graph[ index ].parameterMap = parameterMap;
+// TODO: See explanation in elxBlueprint.h
+// void
+// Blueprint
+// ::DeleteComponent( const ComponentIndexType index )
+// {
+//   this->Modified();
+//   clear_vertex( index, this->m_Graph );
+//   remove_vertex( index, this->m_Graph );
+// }
-Blueprint< ComponentDescriptor >
-::RemoveComponent( ComponentDescriptorType component )
+::AddConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream )
-  return this->m_Graph->remove_vertex( connection );
+  if( this->ConnectionExists( upstream, downstream) ) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Adds directed connection from upstream component to downstream component
+  return boost::add_edge( upstream, downstream, this->m_Graph ).second;
-Blueprint< ComponentDescriptor >
-::AddConnection( ComponentDescriptorType upsteam, ComponentDescriptorType downstream )
+::AddConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream, ParameterMapType parameterMap )
+  this->Modified();
+  if( !this->ConnectionExists( upstream, downstream ) ) {
+    ConnectionIndexType index = boost::add_edge( upstream, downstream, this->m_Graph ).first;
+    this->m_Graph[ index ].parameterMap = parameterMap;
+    return true;
+  }
+  // If the connection does not exist don't do anything because previous settings 
+  // will be overwritten.  If the user do want to overwrite current settings, 
+  // she should use SetConnection() instead where the intent is explicit.  
+  return false;
+::GetConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream )
-  return this->m_Graph->add_edge( upstream, downstream );
+  return this->m_Graph[ this->GetConnectionIndex( upstream, downstream ) ].parameterMap;
-Blueprint< ComponentDescriptor >
-::GetConnection( ConnectionDescriptorType Connection )
+::SetConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream, ParameterMapType parameterMap )
+  if( !this->ConnectionExists( upstream, downstream ) ) {
+    return this->AddConnection( upstream, downstream, parameterMap );
+  } else {
+    this->m_Graph[ this->GetConnectionIndex( upstream, downstream ) ].parameterMap = parameterMap;
+    return true;
+  }
-Blueprint< ComponentDescriptor >
-::RemoveConnection( ConnectionType connection )
+::DeleteConnection( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream )
-  this->m_Graph->remove_edge( connection );
+  if( this->ConnectionExists( upstream, downstream ) ) {
+    this->m_Graph.remove_edge( this->GetConnectionIndex( upstream, downstream ) );
+  }
+  return !this->ConnectionExists( upstream, downstream );
-Blueprint< ComponentDescriptor >
-::PrintGraph( void )
+::ConnectionExists( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream )
-  // TODO: Link to graphviz library
-  // boost::write_graphviz(std::cout, this->m_Graph);
-  std::cout << "Printed graph" << std::endl;
+  return boost::edge( upstream, downstream, this->m_Graph).second;
-Blueprint< ComponentDescriptor >
-::TestFunction( void )
-{ return 0; }
+::GetConnectionIndex( ComponentIndexType upstream, ComponentIndexType downstream )
+  // This function is part of the internal API and should fail hard if we use it incorrectly
+  if( !this->ConnectionExists( upstream, downstream ) ) {
+    itkExceptionMacro( "Blueprint does not contain connection from component " << upstream << " to " << downstream );
+  }
+  return boost::edge( upstream, downstream, this->m_Graph).first;
+::WriteBlueprint( const std::string filename ) 
+  std::ofstream dotfile( filename.c_str() );
+  boost::write_graphviz( dotfile, this->m_Graph );
 } // namespace elx 
-#endif // __Blueprint_hxx
\ No newline at end of file
+#endif // __Blueprint_cxx
diff --git a/Modules/Core/Blueprints/src/elxComponentDescriptor.cxx b/Modules/Core/Blueprints/src/elxComponentDescriptor.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9589451733f5f3b2c14b45e990f70711bab241e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Modules/Core/Blueprints/src/elxComponentDescriptor.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ComponentDescriptor_cxx
-#define __ComponentDescriptor_cxx
-#include "elxComponentDescriptor.h"
-// TODO: Need enum for component name?
-namespace elx {
-::ComponentDescriptor( const ComponentNameType componentName )
-  this->SetComponentName( componentName );
-} // namespace elx
-#endif // __ComponentDescriptor_cxx
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Modules/Core/elxModuleCore.cmake b/Modules/Core/elxModuleCore.cmake
index eaebd893405d56be9b9edeb671461538b04cca09..585fd509611ea8161fb2f1bc7eaf9b42afdce41f 100644
--- a/Modules/Core/elxModuleCore.cmake
+++ b/Modules/Core/elxModuleCore.cmake
@@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ set( ${MODULE}_INCLUDE_DIRS
-  ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${MODULE_PATH}/Blueprints/src/elxComponentDescriptor.cxx
-  elxModuleCore
\ No newline at end of file
+  ${MODULE}
diff --git a/Testing/CMakeLists.txt b/Testing/CMakeLists.txt
index 9598ac8c17113e6a582022ec82d0d1b53eef530e..925c9375c67da019bf48303e058074f4a111f2b6 100644
--- a/Testing/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Testing/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -68,12 +68,6 @@ set( TEST_LIBRARIES
 # Unit tests
 add_subdirectory( Unit )
-# Benchmarks
-option( ELASTIX_BUILD_BENCHMARKING "Enable building benchmarks." OFF )
-	add_subdirectory( Benchmark )
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Configure dashboard
 mark_as_advanced( ELASTIX_BUILD_DASHBOARD )
diff --git a/Testing/Dashboard/CMakeLists.txt b/Testing/Dashboard/CMakeLists.txt
index 202478325aeea62261d1c8dd11773e54eb1ba132..45902125adcd5c2d4ec3d116479335a5034ac430 100644
--- a/Testing/Dashboard/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Testing/Dashboard/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -15,10 +15,6 @@ set( ELASTIX_DASHBOARD_LOGSTASH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY "elxLogstash.key" )
 mark_as_advanced( ELASTIX_DASHBOARD_VOLUME )
-  message( STATUS
-    "ELASTIX_DASHBOARD_VOLUME points to the folder ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/Testing/Dashboard/Data in your build directory. In production you should point this variable to a safe directory outside the build tree."
-  )
@@ -46,4 +42,9 @@ configure_file(
\ No newline at end of file
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# SSL certificates
+# Use the following OpenSSL command to generate a test certificate and key if needed
+# openssl req -subj '/CN=*/' -x509 -batch -nodes -days 9999 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout elxLogstash.key -out elxLogstash.crt
diff --git a/Testing/Dashboard/elxLogstash.crt b/Testing/Dashboard/elxLogstash.crt
index 56ef6e0dcf697be1be407db7ca75cf31112821d0..f677ecb5798ea52056694f954a80fa9a524ada80 100644
--- a/Testing/Dashboard/elxLogstash.crt
+++ b/Testing/Dashboard/elxLogstash.crt
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
diff --git a/Testing/Dashboard/elxLogstash.key b/Testing/Dashboard/elxLogstash.key
index 9537cddd201e50e6d661444da8e85c5294b617c3..cebc457b0cc2589ab6d8ef08bd1980f88948a173 100644
--- a/Testing/Dashboard/elxLogstash.key
+++ b/Testing/Dashboard/elxLogstash.key
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
diff --git a/Testing/Unit/elxBluePrintTest.cxx b/Testing/Unit/elxBluePrintTest.cxx
index 8aa289fc4201a92af8d6c185905855bd58c5ab4e..15ffde06c38d85233944c28cf7bb837597e2f651 100644
--- a/Testing/Unit/elxBluePrintTest.cxx
+++ b/Testing/Unit/elxBluePrintTest.cxx
@@ -1,27 +1,174 @@
 #include "elxBlueprint.h"
-#include "elxComponentDescriptor.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
 namespace elx {
-TEST( Blueprint, Instantiation )
+class BlueprintTest : public ::testing::Test {
+  typedef Blueprint::Pointer                BlueprintPointerType;
+  typedef Blueprint::ComponentIndexType     ComponentIndexType;
+  typedef Blueprint::ParameterMapType       ParameterMapType;
+  typedef Blueprint::ParameterValueType     ParameterValueType;
+  virtual void SetUp() {
+    parameterMap["ComponentName"] = ParameterValueType(1, "TestName");
+  }
+  ParameterMapType parameterMap;
+TEST_F( BlueprintTest, AddComponent )
+  BlueprintPointerType blueprint;
+  EXPECT_NO_THROW( blueprint = Blueprint::New() );
+  ComponentIndexType index0;
+  EXPECT_NO_THROW( index0 = blueprint->AddComponent() );
+  ComponentIndexType index1;
+  EXPECT_NO_THROW( index1 = blueprint->AddComponent( parameterMap ) );
+TEST_F( BlueprintTest, GetComponent ) 
+  BlueprintPointerType blueprint = Blueprint::New();
+  ComponentIndexType index = blueprint->AddComponent( parameterMap );
+  ParameterMapType parameterMapTest;
+  EXPECT_NO_THROW( parameterMapTest = blueprint->GetComponent( index ) );
+  EXPECT_EQ( parameterMap["ComponentName"], parameterMapTest["ComponentName"] );
+TEST_F( BlueprintTest, SetComponent ) 
+  BlueprintPointerType blueprint = Blueprint::New();
+  ComponentIndexType index = blueprint->AddComponent( parameterMap );
+  ParameterMapType parameterMapTest;
+  EXPECT_NO_THROW( blueprint->SetComponent( index, parameterMap ) );
+  EXPECT_NO_THROW( parameterMapTest = blueprint->GetComponent( index ) );
+  EXPECT_EQ( parameterMap["ComponentName"], parameterMapTest["ComponentName"] );
+// TODO: The final line segfaults because GetComponent does not check that the index actually
+// actually exist. How can we do that? See also explanation in elxBlueprint.h
+// TEST_F( BlueprintTest, DeleteComponent ) 
+// {
+//   BlueprintPointerType blueprint = Blueprint::New();
+//   ComponentIndexType index = blueprint->AddComponent( parameterMap );
+//   ParameterMapType parameterMapTest;
+//   EXPECT_NO_THROW( parameterMapTest = blueprint->GetComponent( index ) );
+//   EXPECT_EQ( parameterMap["ComponentName"], parameterMapTest["ComponentName"] );
+//   EXPECT_NO_THROW( blueprint->DeleteComponent( index ) );
+//   EXPECT_ANY_THROW( parameterMapTest = blueprint->GetComponent( index ) );
+// }
+TEST_F( BlueprintTest, AddConnection )
+  BlueprintPointerType blueprint = Blueprint::New();
+  ComponentIndexType index0 = blueprint->AddComponent();
+  ComponentIndexType index1 = blueprint->AddComponent();
+  ComponentIndexType index2 = blueprint->AddComponent();
+  // Connection should not exist
+  EXPECT_FALSE( blueprint->ConnectionExists( index0, index1 ) );
+  // Connection should be added
+  EXPECT_TRUE( blueprint->AddConnection( index0, index1 ) );
+  // Connection should exist
+  EXPECT_TRUE( blueprint->ConnectionExists( index0, index1 ) );
+  // Another connection between same components should not be added
+  // (user should use SetComponent() instead)
+  EXPECT_FALSE( blueprint->AddConnection( index0, index1 ) );
+  // Connection should be empty
+  ParameterMapType parameterMapTest0;
+  EXPECT_NO_THROW( parameterMapTest0 = blueprint->GetConnection( index0, index1 ) );
+  EXPECT_EQ( 0u, parameterMapTest0.size() );
+  // Connection with properties should be added. Testing if properties was 
+  // properly set requires a call to GetConnection() which is the responsibility
+  // of the next test.
+  ParameterMapType parameterMapTest1;
+  EXPECT_TRUE( blueprint->AddConnection( index1, index2, parameterMap ) );
+  // It is  not be possible to add connection between components that do not exist
+  // because you do not have necessary indexes
+TEST_F( BlueprintTest, GetConnection )
+  BlueprintPointerType blueprint = Blueprint::New();
+  ComponentIndexType index0 = blueprint->AddComponent();
+  ComponentIndexType index1 = blueprint->AddComponent();
+  ParameterMapType parameterMapTest0;
+  EXPECT_TRUE( blueprint->AddConnection( index0, index1, parameterMap ) );
+  EXPECT_NO_THROW( parameterMapTest0 = blueprint->GetConnection( index0, index1 ) );
+  EXPECT_EQ( parameterMap["ComponentName"], parameterMapTest0["ComponentName"] );
+TEST_F( BlueprintTest, SetConnection )
+  BlueprintPointerType blueprint = Blueprint::New();
+  ComponentIndexType index0 = blueprint->AddComponent();
+  ComponentIndexType index1 = blueprint->AddComponent();
+  blueprint->AddConnection( index0, index1, parameterMap );
+  ParameterMapType parameterMapTest0;
+  parameterMapTest0 = blueprint->GetConnection( index0, index1 );
+  EXPECT_EQ( parameterMap["ComponentName"], parameterMapTest0["ComponentName"] );
+  ParameterMapType parameterMapTest1;
+  parameterMapTest1["ComponentName"] = ParameterValueType(1, "OtherName");
+  EXPECT_TRUE( blueprint->SetConnection( index0, index1, parameterMapTest1 ) );
+  ParameterMapType parameterMapTest2;
+  EXPECT_NO_THROW( parameterMapTest2 = blueprint->GetConnection( index0, index1 ) );
+  EXPECT_EQ( parameterMapTest1["ComponentName"], parameterMapTest2["ComponentName"] );
+TEST_F( BlueprintTest, DeleteConnection )
-  typedef Blueprint< ComponentDescriptor > BlueprintType;
-  BlueprintType::Pointer blueprint;
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW( blueprint = BlueprintType::New() );
+  BlueprintPointerType blueprint = Blueprint::New();
-  typedef BlueprintType::ComponentDescriptorType ComponentDescriptorType;
-  ComponentDescriptorType::Pointer componentDescriptor;
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW( componentDescriptor = ComponentDescriptorType::New() );
+  ComponentIndexType index0 = blueprint->AddComponent();
+  ComponentIndexType index1 = blueprint->AddComponent();
+  blueprint->AddConnection( index0, index1 );
+  // Connection should exist
+  EXPECT_TRUE( blueprint->ConnectionExists( index0, index1 ) );
+  // Connection be deleted
+  EXPECT_TRUE( blueprint->DeleteConnection( index0, index1 ) );
+  // Connection should not exist 
+  EXPECT_FALSE( blueprint->ConnectionExists( index0, index1 ) );
+TEST_F( BlueprintTest, WriteBlueprint ) 
+  BlueprintPointerType blueprint = Blueprint::New();
-  typedef ComponentDescriptorType::ComponentNameType ComponentNameType;
-  ComponentNameType componentName;
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW( componentName = ComponentNameType("Metric") );
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW( componentDescriptor->SetComponentName( componentName ) );
+  ComponentIndexType index0 = blueprint->AddComponent();
+  ComponentIndexType index1 = blueprint->AddComponent();
+  ComponentIndexType index2 = blueprint->AddComponent();
+  ComponentIndexType index3 = blueprint->AddComponent();
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW( blueprint->TestFunction() );
+  blueprint->AddConnection( index0, index1 );
+  blueprint->AddConnection( index0, index2 );
+  blueprint->AddConnection( index2, index3 );
-  ASSERT_TRUE( true );
+  EXPECT_NO_THROW( blueprint->WriteBlueprint( "blueprint.dot" ) );
 } // namespace elx