From 17a138cbcc4595033e73e63d05c70546d7362834 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kasper Marstal <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2016 20:00:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] ENH: Move ElastixFilter and TransformixFilter upstream

 .../Components/Elastix/ModuleElastix.cmake    |  22 +-
 .../Elastix/include/elxElastixFilter.h        | 251 --------
 .../Elastix/include/elxElastixFilter.hxx      | 542 ------------------
 .../Elastix/include/elxTransformixFilter.h    | 125 ----
 .../Elastix/include/elxTransformixFilter.hxx  | 220 -------
 Modules/Core/ModuleCore.cmake                 |   7 +-
 .../include/elxParameterObject.h              |  63 --
 .../src/elxParameterObject.cxx                | 274 ---------
 8 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 1491 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxElastixFilter.h
 delete mode 100644 Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxElastixFilter.hxx
 delete mode 100644 Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxTransformixFilter.h
 delete mode 100644 Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxTransformixFilter.hxx
 delete mode 100644 Modules/Core/ParameterObject/include/elxParameterObject.h
 delete mode 100644 Modules/Core/ParameterObject/src/elxParameterObject.cxx

diff --git a/Modules/Components/Elastix/ModuleElastix.cmake b/Modules/Components/Elastix/ModuleElastix.cmake
index 72927257..4a999b93 100644
--- a/Modules/Components/Elastix/ModuleElastix.cmake
+++ b/Modules/Components/Elastix/ModuleElastix.cmake
@@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
 # Module that exposes old elastix as an ITK filter
 set( MODULE ModuleElastix )
-  message( FATAL_ERROR "${MODULE} could not find ELASTIX_USE_FILE. Use the SuperBuild or manually point the ELASTIX_USE_FILE CMake variable to the UseElastix.cmake file in the root of your elastix build tree." )
-include( ${ELASTIX_USE_FILE} )
 # If OpenMP is supported, elastix will have beeen compiled with
 # OpenMP flags, and we need to add them here as well
 find_package( OpenMP )
@@ -16,13 +9,22 @@ if( OPENMP_FOUND )
+  message( FATAL_ERROR "${MODULE} could not find ELASTIX_USE_FILE. Use the SuperBuild or manually point the ELASTIX_USE_FILE CMake variable to the UseElastix.cmake file in the root of your local elastix build tree." )
 # Export include files
-  ${${MODULE}_SOURCE_DIR}/include
+include( ${ELASTIX_USE_FILE} )
 # Export libraries
+# Export tests
+set( ${MODULE}_TESTS 
+  elxElastixFilterTest.cxx
+  elxTransformixFilterTest.cxx
diff --git a/Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxElastixFilter.h b/Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxElastixFilter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 61a263c0..00000000
--- a/Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxElastixFilter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ElastixFilter_h
-#define ElastixFilter_h
-// ITK
-#include "itkImageSource.h"
-// Elastix
-#include "elxElastixMain.h"
-// SuperElastix
-#include "elxMacro.h"
-#include "elxParameterObject.h"
- * Elastix registration library exposed as an ITK filter.
- */
-namespace selx {
-// PixelType traits for writing types as strings to parameter files
-template < typename T >
-struct TypeName
-  static const char* ToString()
-  {
-     itkGenericExceptionMacro( "Pixel type \"" << typeid(T).name() << "\" not supported by elastix." )
-  }
-template <>
-struct TypeName< char >
-  static const char* ToString()
-  {
-    return "char";
-  }
-template <>
-struct TypeName< unsigned char >
-  static const char* ToString()
-  {
-    return "unsigned char";
-  }
-template <>
-struct TypeName< short >
-  static const char* ToString()
-  {
-    return "short";
-  }
-template <>
-struct TypeName< unsigned short >
-  static const char* ToString()
-  {
-    return "unsigned short";
-  }
-template <>
-struct TypeName< int >
-  static const char* ToString()
-  {
-    return "int";
-  }
-template <>
-struct TypeName< unsigned int >
-  static const char* ToString()
-  {
-    return "unsigned int";
-  }
-template <>
-struct TypeName< long >
-  static const char* ToString()
-  {
-    return "long";
-  }
-template <>
-struct TypeName< unsigned long >
-  static const char* ToString()
-  {
-    return "unsigned long";
-  }
-template <>
-struct TypeName< float >
-  static const char* ToString()
-  {
-    return "float";
-  }
-template <>
-struct TypeName< double >
-  static const char* ToString()
-  {
-    return "double";
-  }
-template< typename TFixedImage,
-          typename TMovingImage >
-class ElastixFilter : public itk::ImageSource< TFixedImage >
-  elxNewMacro( ElastixFilter, itk::ImageSource );
-  typedef elastix::ElastixMain                                ElastixMainType;
-  typedef ElastixMainType::Pointer                            ElastixMainPointer;
-  typedef std::vector< ElastixMainPointer >                   ElastixMainVectorType;
-  typedef ElastixMainType::ObjectPointer                      ElastixMainObjectPointer;
-  typedef ElastixMainType::FlatDirectionCosinesType           FlatDirectionCosinesType;
-  typedef ElastixMainType::ArgumentMapType                    ArgumentMapType;
-  typedef ArgumentMapType::value_type                         ArgumentMapEntryType;
-  typedef itk::ProcessObject::DataObjectIdentifierType        DataObjectIdentifierType;
-  typedef itk::ProcessObject::DataObjectPointerArraySizeType  DataObjectPointerArraySizeType;
-  typedef itk::ProcessObject::NameArray                       InputNameArrayType;
-  typedef ElastixMainType::DataObjectContainerType            DataObjectContainerType;
-  typedef ElastixMainType::DataObjectContainerPointer         DataObjectContainerPointer;
-  typedef DataObjectContainerType::Iterator                   DataObjectContainerIterator;
-  typedef ParameterObject::ParameterMapVectorType             ParameterMapVectorType;
-  typedef ParameterObject::ParameterMapType                   ParameterMapType;
-  typedef ParameterObject::ParameterValueVectorType           ParameterValueVectorType;
-  typedef ParameterObject::Pointer                            ParameterObjectPointer;
-  typedef ParameterObject::ConstPointer                       ParameterObjectConstPointer;
-  typedef typename TFixedImage::Pointer                       FixedImagePointer;
-  typedef typename TMovingImage::Pointer                      MovingImagePointer;
-  itkStaticConstMacro( FixedImageDimension, unsigned int, TFixedImage::ImageDimension );
-  itkStaticConstMacro( MovingImageDimension, unsigned int, TMovingImage::ImageDimension );
-  void SetFixedImage( FixedImagePointer fixedImage );
-  void SetFixedImage( DataObjectContainerPointer fixedImages );
-  void AddFixedImage( FixedImagePointer fixedImage );
-  void SetMovingImage( MovingImagePointer movingImages );
-  void SetMovingImage( DataObjectContainerPointer movingImages );
-  void AddMovingImage( MovingImagePointer movingImage );
-  void SetFixedMask( FixedImagePointer fixedMask );
-  void SetFixedMask( DataObjectContainerPointer fixedMasks );
-  void AddFixedMask( FixedImagePointer fixedMask );
-  void RemoveFixedMask( void );
-  void SetMovingMask( MovingImagePointer movingMask );
-  void SetMovingMask( DataObjectContainerPointer movingMasks );
-  void AddMovingMask( MovingImagePointer movingMask );
-  void RemoveMovingMask( void );
-  void SetParameterObject( ParameterObjectPointer parameterObject );
-  ParameterObjectPointer GetTransformParameters( void );
-  itkSetMacro( FixedMeshFileName, std::string );
-  itkGetConstMacro( FixedMeshFileName, std::string );
-  void RemoveFixedMeshFileName( void ) { this->SetFixedMeshFileName( std::string() ); };
-  itkSetMacro( MovingMeshFileName, std::string );
-  itkGetConstMacro( MovingMeshFileName, std::string );
-  void RemoveMovingMeshFileName( void ) { this->SetMovingMeshFileName( std::string() ); };
-  itkSetMacro( OutputDirectory, std::string );
-  itkGetConstMacro( OutputDirectory, std::string );
-  void RemoveOutputDirectory() { this->m_OutputDirectory = std::string(); };
-  void SetLogFileName( std::string logFileName )
-  {
-    this->m_LogFileName = logFileName;
-    this->LogToFileOn();
-    this->Modified();
-  }
-  itkGetConstMacro( LogFileName, std::string );
-  void RemoveLogFileName( void ) { 
-    this->m_LogFileName = std::string();
-    this->LogToFileOff();
-  };
-  itkSetMacro( LogToConsole, bool );
-  itkGetConstMacro( LogToConsole, bool );
-  itkBooleanMacro( LogToConsole );
-  itkSetMacro( LogToFile, bool );
-  itkGetConstMacro( LogToFile, bool );
-  itkBooleanMacro( LogToFile );
-  FixedImagePointer GetOutput( void );
-  void GenerateData( void ) ITK_OVERRIDE;
-  ElastixFilter();
-  void AddInputAutoIncrementName( DataObjectIdentifierType key, itk::DataObject* input );
-  bool IsInputType( DataObjectIdentifierType inputType, DataObjectIdentifierType inputName );
-  void RemoveInputType( DataObjectIdentifierType inputName );
-  // TODO: When set to true, ReleaseDataFlag should also touch these containers
-  DataObjectContainerPointer m_FixedImageContainer;
-  DataObjectContainerPointer m_MovingImageContainer;
-  DataObjectContainerPointer m_FixedMaskContainer;
-  DataObjectContainerPointer m_MovingMaskContainer;
-  std::string m_FixedMeshFileName;
-  std::string m_MovingMeshFileName;
-  std::string m_OutputDirectory;
-  std::string m_LogFileName;
-  bool m_LogToConsole;
-  bool m_LogToFile;
-} // namespace selx
-#include "elxElastixFilter.hxx"
-#endif // ElastixFilter_h
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxElastixFilter.hxx b/Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxElastixFilter.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 01132cab..00000000
--- a/Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxElastixFilter.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,542 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ElastixFilter_hxx
-#define ElastixFilter_hxx
-namespace selx {
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::ElastixFilter( void )
-  this->AddRequiredInputName( "FixedImage" );
-  this->AddRequiredInputName( "MovingImage" );
-  this->AddRequiredInputName( "ParameterObject");
-  this->SetPrimaryInputName( "FixedImage" );
-  this->SetPrimaryOutputName( "ResultImage" );
-  this->m_FixedImageContainer = DataObjectContainerType::New();
-  this->m_MovingImageContainer = DataObjectContainerType::New();
-  this->m_FixedMeshFileName = std::string();
-  this->m_MovingMeshFileName = std::string();
-  this->m_OutputDirectory = std::string();
-  this->m_LogFileName = std::string();
-  this->LogToConsoleOff();
-  this->LogToFileOff();
-  ParameterObjectPointer defaultParameterObject = ParameterObject::New();
-  defaultParameterObject->AddParameterMap( "rigid" );
-  defaultParameterObject->AddParameterMap( "affine" );
-  defaultParameterObject->AddParameterMap( "nonrigid" );
-  this->SetParameterObject( defaultParameterObject );
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::GenerateData( void )
-  // Initialize variables here so they don't go out of scope between iterations of the main loop
-  ElastixMainObjectPointer    transform            = 0;
-  DataObjectContainerPointer  fixedImageContainer  = DataObjectContainerType::New();
-  DataObjectContainerPointer  movingImageContainer = DataObjectContainerType::New();
-  DataObjectContainerPointer  fixedMaskContainer   = 0;
-  DataObjectContainerPointer  movingMaskContainer  = 0;
-  DataObjectContainerPointer  resultImageContainer = 0;
-  ParameterMapVectorType      TransformParameterMapVector;
-  FlatDirectionCosinesType    fixedImageOriginalDirection;
-  if( this->HasInput( "FixedMask" ) )
-  {
-    fixedMaskContainer = DataObjectContainerType::New(); 
-  }
-  if( this->HasInput( "MovingMask" ) )
-  {
-    movingMaskContainer = DataObjectContainerType::New(); 
-  }
-  // Split inputs into separate containers
-  InputNameArrayType inputNames = this->GetInputNames();
-  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < inputNames.size(); ++i )
-  {
-    if( this->IsInputType( "FixedImage", inputNames[ i ] ) )
-    {
-      fixedImageContainer->push_back( this->GetInput( inputNames[ i ] ) );
-      continue;
-    }
-    if( this->IsInputType( "MovingImage", inputNames[ i ] ) )
-    {
-      movingImageContainer->push_back( this->GetInput( inputNames[ i ] ) );
-      continue;
-    }
-    if( this->IsInputType( "FixedMask", inputNames[ i ] ) )
-    {
-      fixedMaskContainer->push_back( this->GetInput( inputNames[ i ] ) );
-      continue;
-    }
-    if( this->IsInputType( "Movingmask", inputNames[ i ] ) )
-    {
-      movingMaskContainer->push_back( this->GetInput( inputNames[ i ] ) );
-    }
-  }
-  ArgumentMapType argumentMap;
-  if( this->GetOutputDirectory().empty() ) {
-    if( this->GetLogToFile() )
-    {
-      itkExceptionMacro( "LogToFileOn() requires an output directory to be specified. Use SetOutputDirectory().")
-    }
-    // There must be an "-out", this is checked later in the code
-    argumentMap.insert( ArgumentMapEntryType( "-out", "output_path_not_set" ) );
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if( !itksys::SystemTools::FileExists( this->GetOutputDirectory() ) )
-    {
-      itkExceptionMacro( "Output directory \"" << this->GetOutputDirectory() << "\" does not exist." )
-    }
-    if( this->GetOutputDirectory().back() != '/' || this->GetOutputDirectory().back() != '\\' )
-    {
-      this->SetOutputDirectory( this->GetOutputDirectory() + "/" );
-    }
-    argumentMap.insert( ArgumentMapEntryType( "-out", this->GetOutputDirectory() ) );
-  }
-  // Fixed mesh (optional)
-  if( !this->m_FixedMeshFileName.empty() )
-  {
-    argumentMap.insert( ArgumentMapEntryType( "-fp", std::string( this->m_FixedMeshFileName ) ) );
-  }
-  // Moving mesh (optional)
-  if( !this->m_MovingMeshFileName.empty() )
-  {
-    argumentMap.insert( ArgumentMapEntryType( "-mp", std::string( this->m_MovingMeshFileName ) ) );
-  }
-  // Setup xout
-  std::string logFileName;
-  if( this->GetLogToFile() )
-  {
-    if( this->GetLogFileName().empty() )
-    {
-      logFileName = this->GetOutputDirectory() + "transformix.log";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      logFileName = this->GetOutputDirectory() + this->GetLogFileName();
-    }
-  }
-  if( elx::xoutSetup( logFileName.c_str(), this->GetLogToFile(), this->GetLogToConsole() ) )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "ERROR while setting up xout" );
-  }
-  // Get ParameterMap
-  ParameterObjectConstPointer parameterObject = static_cast< const ParameterObject* >( this->GetInput( "ParameterObject" ) );
-  ParameterMapVectorType parameterMapVector = parameterObject->GetParameterMap();
-  if( parameterMapVector.size() == 0 )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "Parameter object contains an empty parameter map list." );
-  }
-  // Elastix must always write result image to guarantee that the ITK pipeline is in a consistent state
-  parameterMapVector[ parameterMapVector.size()-1 ][ "WriteResultImage" ] = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "true" );
-  // Run the (possibly multiple) registration(s)
-  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < parameterMapVector.size(); ++i )
-  {
-    // Elastix reads type information from parameter files. We set this information automatically and overwrite
-    // user settings in case they are incorrect (elastix will segfault or throw exception when casting) 
-    parameterMapVector[ i ][ "FixedInternalImagePixelType" ] = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, TypeName< typename TFixedImage::PixelType >::ToString() );
-    parameterMapVector[ i ][ "FixedImageDimension" ] = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, std::to_string( FixedImageDimension ) );
-    parameterMapVector[ i ][ "MovingInternalImagePixelType" ] = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, TypeName< typename TMovingImage::PixelType >::ToString() );    
-    parameterMapVector[ i ][ "MovingImageDimension" ] = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, std::to_string( MovingImageDimension ) );
-    parameterMapVector[ i ][ "ResultImagePixelType" ] = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, TypeName< typename TFixedImage::PixelType >::ToString() );
-    // Create another instance of ElastixMain 
-    ElastixMainPointer elastix = ElastixMainType::New();
-    // Set the current elastix-level
-    elastix->SetElastixLevel( i );
-    elastix->SetTotalNumberOfElastixLevels( parameterMapVector.size() );
-    // Set stuff we get from a previous registration 
-    elastix->SetInitialTransform( transform );
-    elastix->SetFixedImageContainer( fixedImageContainer );
-    elastix->SetMovingImageContainer( movingImageContainer );
-    elastix->SetFixedMaskContainer( fixedMaskContainer );
-    elastix->SetMovingMaskContainer( movingMaskContainer );
-    elastix->SetResultImageContainer( resultImageContainer );
-    elastix->SetOriginalFixedImageDirectionFlat( fixedImageOriginalDirection );
-    // Start registration
-    unsigned int isError = 0;
-    try
-    {
-      unsigned int isError = elastix->Run( argumentMap, parameterMapVector[ i ] );
-    }
-    catch( itk::ExceptionObject &e )
-    {
-      itkExceptionMacro( << "Errors occurred during registration: " << e.what() );
-    }
-    if( isError != 0 )
-    {
-      itkExceptionMacro( << "Uncought errors occurred during registration." );
-    }
-    // Get the transform, the fixedImage and the movingImage
-    // in order to put it in the next registration
-    transform                   = elastix->GetFinalTransform();
-    fixedImageContainer         = elastix->GetFixedImageContainer();
-    movingImageContainer        = elastix->GetMovingImageContainer();
-    fixedMaskContainer          = elastix->GetFixedMaskContainer();
-    movingMaskContainer         = elastix->GetMovingMaskContainer();
-    resultImageContainer        = elastix->GetResultImageContainer();
-    fixedImageOriginalDirection = elastix->GetOriginalFixedImageDirectionFlat();
-    TransformParameterMapVector.push_back( elastix->GetTransformParametersMap() );
-    // Set initial transform to an index number instead of a parameter filename
-    if( i > 0 )
-    {
-      std::stringstream index;
-      index << ( i - 1 );
-      TransformParameterMapVector[ i ][ "InitialTransformParametersFileName" ][ 0 ] = index.str();
-    }
-  } // End loop over registrations
-  // Save result image
-  if( resultImageContainer.IsNotNull() && resultImageContainer->Size() > 0 )
-  {
-    this->GraftOutput( "ResultImage", resultImageContainer->ElementAt( 0 ) );
-  }
-  // Save parameter map
-  ParameterObject::Pointer TransformParameterObject = ParameterObject::New();
-  TransformParameterObject->SetParameterMap( TransformParameterMapVector );
-  this->SetOutput( "TransformParameterObject", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( TransformParameterObject ) );
-  // Close the modules
-  ElastixMainType::UnloadComponents();
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-typename ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::FixedImagePointer
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::GetOutput( void )
-  // TODO: This update should not be needed upstream is not updated without it
-  this->Update();
-  return static_cast< TFixedImage* >( itk::ProcessObject::GetPrimaryOutput() );
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::SetParameterObject( ParameterObjectPointer parameterObject )
-  this->SetInput( "ParameterObject", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( parameterObject ) );
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-typename selx::ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::ParameterObjectPointer
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::GetTransformParameters( void )
-  // Make sure the transform parameters are up to date
-  this->Update();
-  return static_cast< ParameterObject* >( itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput( "TransformParameterObject" ) );
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::SetFixedImage( FixedImagePointer fixedImage )
-  // Free references to fixed images that has already been set
-  this->RemoveInputType( "FixedImage" );
-  this->SetInput( "FixedImage", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( fixedImage ) );
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::SetFixedImage( DataObjectContainerPointer fixedImages )
-  if( fixedImages->Size() == 0 )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "Cannot set fixed images from empty container.")
-  }
-  // Free references to fixed images that has already been set
-  this->RemoveInputType( "FixedImage" );
-  // The ITK filter requires a "FixedImage" named input. The first image 
-  // will be named "FixedImage" while the rest of the images will 
-  // be appended to the input container suffixed with _1, _2, etc. 
-  // The common prefix allows us to read out only the fixed images 
-  // for elastix fixed image container at a later stage
-  DataObjectContainerIterator fixedImageIterator = fixedImages->Begin();
-  this->SetInput( "FixedImage", fixedImageIterator->Value() );
-  ++fixedImageIterator;
-  while( fixedImageIterator != fixedImages->End() )
-  {
-    this->AddInputAutoIncrementName( "FixedImage", fixedImageIterator->Value() );
-    ++fixedImageIterator;
-  }
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::AddFixedImage( FixedImagePointer fixedImage )
-  if( !this->HasInput( "FixedImage") )
-  {
-    this->SetFixedImage( fixedImage );
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    this->AddInputAutoIncrementName( "FixedImage", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( fixedImage ) );
-  }
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::SetMovingImage( MovingImagePointer movingImage )
-  // Free references to moving images that has already been set
-  this->RemoveInputType( "MovingImage" );
-  this->SetInput( "MovingImage", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( movingImage ) );
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::SetMovingImage( DataObjectContainerPointer movingImages )
-  if( movingImages->Size() == 0 )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "Cannot set moving images from empty container.")
-  }
-  // Free references to fixed images that has already been set
-  this->RemoveInputType( "MovingImage" );
-  // The ITK filter requires a "MovingImage" named input. The first image 
-  // will be named "MovingImage" while the rest of the images will 
-  // be appended to the input container suffixed with _1, _2, etc. 
-  // The common prefix allows us to read out only the moving images 
-  // for elastix moving image container at a later stage
-  DataObjectContainerIterator movingImageIterator = movingImages->Begin();
-  this->SetInput( "MovingImage", movingImageIterator->Value() );
-  ++movingImageIterator;
-  while( movingImageIterator != movingImages->End() )
-  {
-    this->AddInputAutoIncrementName( "MovingImage", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( movingImageIterator->Value() ) );
-    ++movingImageIterator;
-  }
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::AddMovingImage( MovingImagePointer movingImage )
-  if( !this->HasInput( "MovingImage") )
-  {
-    this->SetMovingImage( movingImage );
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    this->AddInputAutoIncrementName( "MovingImage", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( movingImage ) );
-  }
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::SetFixedMask( FixedImagePointer fixedMask )
-  // Free references to fixed masks that has already been set
-  this->RemoveInputType( "FixedMask" );
-  this->SetInput( "FixedMask", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( fixedMask ) );
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::SetFixedMask( DataObjectContainerPointer fixedMasks )
-  if( fixedMasks->Size() == 0 )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "Cannot set fixed masks from empty container.")
-  }
-  // Free references to fixed images that has already been set
-  this->RemoveInputType( "FixedMask" );
-  // The first mask will be named "FixedMask" so that HasInput( "FixedMask" )
-  // can be used to check if masks are used. The rest of the images will 
-  // be appended to the input container suffixed with _1, _2, etc. 
-  // The common prefix allows us to read out only the fixed masks 
-  // for elastix fixed mask container at a later stage
-  DataObjectContainerIterator fixedMaskIterator = fixedMasks->Begin();
-  this->SetInput( "FixedMask", fixedMaskIterator->Value() );
-  ++fixedMaskIterator;
-  while( fixedMaskIterator != fixedMasks->End() )
-  {
-    this->AddInputAutoIncrementName( "FixedMask", fixedMaskIterator->Value() );
-    ++fixedMaskIterator;
-  }
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::AddFixedMask( FixedImagePointer fixedMask )
-  this->AddInputAutoIncrementName( "FixedMask", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( fixedMask ) );
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::RemoveFixedMask( void )
-  this->RemoveInputType( "FixedMask" );
-  this->m_FixedMaskContainer = 0;
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::SetMovingMask( MovingImagePointer movingMask )
-  // Free references to moving masks that has already been set
-  this->RemoveInputType( "MovingMask" );
-  this->SetInput( "MovingMask", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( movingMask ) );
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::SetMovingMask( DataObjectContainerPointer movingMasks )
-  if( movingMasks->Size() == 0 )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "Cannot set moving images from empty container.")
-  }
-  // Free references to moving masks that has already been set
-  this->RemoveInputType( "MovingMask" );
-  // The first mask will be named "MovingMask" so that HasInput( "MovingMask" )
-  // can be used to check if masks are used. The rest of the images will 
-  // be appended to the input container suffixed with _1, _2, etc. 
-  // The common prefix allows us to read out only the moving mask 
-  // for elastix moving mask container at a later stage
-  DataObjectContainerIterator movingMaskIterator = movingMasks->Begin();
-  this->SetInput( "MovingMask", movingMaskIterator->Value() );
-  ++movingMaskIterator;
-  while( movingMaskIterator != movingMasks->End() )
-  {
-    this->AddInputAutoIncrementName( "MovingMask", movingMaskIterator->Value() );
-    ++movingMaskIterator;
-  }
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::AddMovingMask( MovingImagePointer movingMask )
-  this->AddInputAutoIncrementName( "MovingMask", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( movingMask ) );
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::RemoveMovingMask( void )
-  this->RemoveInputType( "MovingMask" );
-  this->m_MovingMaskContainer = 0;
- * Adds a named input to the first null position in the input list
- * and expands the list memory if necessary
- */
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::AddInputAutoIncrementName( DataObjectIdentifierType inputName, itk::DataObject* input )
-  for ( unsigned idx = 0; idx < this->GetNumberOfIndexedInputs(); ++idx )
-  {
-    if ( !this->GetInput( idx ) )
-    {
-      // Append number to name (e.g. '_2' to inputName for idx = 2)
-      inputName += this->MakeNameFromInputIndex( idx );
-      this->SetInput( inputName, input );
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  inputName += this->MakeNameFromInputIndex( this->GetNumberOfIndexedInputs() );
-  this->SetInput( inputName, input );
-  return;
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::IsInputType( DataObjectIdentifierType inputType, DataObjectIdentifierType inputName )
-  return std::strncmp( inputType.c_str(), inputName.c_str(), inputType.size() ) == 0;
-template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage >
-ElastixFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
-::RemoveInputType( DataObjectIdentifierType inputType )
-  // Free references to inputType images that has already been set
-  InputNameArrayType inputNames = this->GetInputNames();
-  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < inputNames.size(); ++i )
-  {
-    if( this->IsInputType( inputType, inputNames[ i ] ) )
-    {
-      this->RemoveInput( inputNames[ i ] );
-    }
-  }
-} // namespace selx
-#endif // ElastixFilter_hxx
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxTransformixFilter.h b/Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxTransformixFilter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 320e037b..00000000
--- a/Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxTransformixFilter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TransformixFilter_h
-#define TransformixFilter_h
-// ITK
-#include "itkImageSource.h"
-// Transformix
-#include "elxTransformixMain.h"
-// SuperElastix
-#include "elxMacro.h"
-#include "elxParameterObject.h"
- * Transformix library exposed as an ITK filter.
- *
- * Make sure the compiler can also see itkElastixFilter.h
- * for the TypeName trait structs (usually not a problem if 
- * the files are placed in the same include directory).
- */
-namespace selx {
-template< typename TInputImage >
-class TransformixFilter : public itk::ImageSource< TInputImage >
-  elxNewMacro( TransformixFilter, itk::ImageSource );
-  typedef elastix::TransformixMain                          TransformixMainType;
-  typedef TransformixMainType::Pointer                      TransformixMainPointer;
-  typedef TransformixMainType::ArgumentMapType              ArgumentMapType;
-  typedef ArgumentMapType::value_type                       ArgumentMapEntryType;
-  typedef itk::ProcessObject::DataObjectIdentifierType      DataObjectIdentifierType;
-  typedef TransformixMainType::DataObjectContainerType      DataObjectContainerType;
-  typedef TransformixMainType::DataObjectContainerPointer   DataObjectContainerPointer;
-  typedef ParameterObject::ParameterMapVectorType           ParameterMapVectorType;
-  typedef ParameterObject::ParameterMapType                 ParameterMapType;
-  typedef ParameterObject::ParameterValueVectorType         ParameterValueVectorType;
-  typedef typename ParameterObject::Pointer                 ParameterObjectPointer;
-  typedef typename ParameterObject::ConstPointer            ParameterObjectConstPointer;
-  typedef typename TInputImage::Pointer                     InputImagePointer;
-  itkStaticConstMacro( InputImageDimension, unsigned int, TInputImage::ImageDimension );
-  void SetInputImage( InputImagePointer inputImage );
-  void SetTransformParameterObject( ParameterObjectPointer parameterObject );
-  ParameterObjectPointer GetTransformParameters( void );
-  itkSetMacro( ComputeSpatialJacobian, bool );
-  itkGetConstMacro( ComputeSpatialJacobian, bool );
-  itkBooleanMacro( ComputeSpatialJacobian );
-  itkSetMacro( ComputeDeterminantOfSpatialJacobian, bool );
-  itkGetConstMacro( ComputeDeterminantOfSpatialJacobian, bool );
-  itkBooleanMacro( ComputeDeterminantOfSpatialJacobian );
-  itkSetMacro( ComputeDeformationField, bool );
-  itkGetConstMacro( ComputeDeformationField, bool );
-  itkBooleanMacro( ComputeDeformationField );
-  itkSetMacro( PointSetFileName, std::string );
-  itkGetConstMacro( PointSetFileName, std::string );
-  void RemovePointSetFileName() { this->m_PointSetFileName = std::string(); };
-  itkSetMacro( OutputDirectory, std::string );
-  itkGetConstMacro( OutputDirectory, std::string );
-  void RemoveOutputDirectory() { this->m_OutputDirectory = std::string(); };
-  void SetLogFileName( std::string logFileName )
-  {
-    this->m_LogFileName = logFileName;
-    this->LogToFileOn();
-    this->Modified();
-  }
-  itkGetConstMacro( LogFileName, std::string );
-  void RemoveLogFileName( void ) { 
-    this->m_LogFileName = std::string();
-    this->LogToFileOff();
-  };
-  itkSetMacro( LogToConsole, bool );
-  itkGetConstMacro( LogToConsole, bool );
-  itkBooleanMacro( LogToConsole );
-  itkSetMacro( LogToFile, bool );
-  itkGetConstMacro( LogToFile, bool );
-  itkBooleanMacro( LogToFile );
-  void GenerateData( void ) ITK_OVERRIDE;
-  TransformixFilter();
-  bool          m_ComputeSpatialJacobian;
-  bool          m_ComputeDeterminantOfSpatialJacobian;
-  bool          m_ComputeDeformationField;
-  std::string   m_PointSetFileName;
-  std::string   m_OutputDirectory;
-  std::string   m_LogFileName;
-  bool          m_LogToConsole;
-  bool          m_LogToFile;
-} // namespace selx
-#include "elxTransformixFilter.hxx"
-#endif // TransformixFilter_h
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxTransformixFilter.hxx b/Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxTransformixFilter.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index ef350fab..00000000
--- a/Modules/Components/Elastix/include/elxTransformixFilter.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TransformixFilter_hxx
-#define TransformixFilter_hxx
-namespace selx {
-template< typename TInputImage  >
-TransformixFilter< TInputImage >
-::TransformixFilter( void )
-  this->AddRequiredInputName( "TransformParameterObject");
-  this->SetPrimaryInputName( "InputImage" );
-  this->SetPrimaryOutputName( "ResultImage" );
-  this->ComputeSpatialJacobianOff();
-  this->ComputeDeterminantOfSpatialJacobianOff();
-  this->ComputeDeformationFieldOff();
-  this->m_PointSetFileName = std::string();
-  this->m_OutputDirectory = std::string();
-  this->m_LogFileName = std::string();
-  this->LogToConsoleOff();
-  this->LogToFileOff();
-template< typename TInputImage >
-TransformixFilter< TInputImage >
-::GenerateData( void )
-  // Assert that at least one output has been requested
-  if( !this->HasInput( "InputImage" ) &&
-      !this->GetComputeSpatialJacobian() &&
-      !this->GetComputeDeterminantOfSpatialJacobian() &&
-      !this->GetComputeDeformationField() &&
-      this->GetPointSetFileName().empty() )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "Expected at least one of SetInputImage(), ComputeSpatialJacobianOn(), "
-                    << "ComputeDeterminantOfSpatialJacobianOn() or SetPointSetFileName() or " 
-                    << "to be set.");
-  }
-  // Check if an output directory is needed
-  // TODO: Change behaviour upstream to have transformix save all outputs as data objects
-  if( ( this->GetComputeSpatialJacobian() ||
-        this->GetComputeDeterminantOfSpatialJacobian() ||
-        this->GetComputeDeformationField() ||
-        !this->GetPointSetFileName().empty() ||
-        this->GetLogToFile() ) &&
-      ( this->GetOutputDirectory().empty() ) )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "The requested outputs require an output directory to be specified."
-                    << "Use SetOutputDirectory()." )
-  }
-  if( ( this->GetComputeSpatialJacobian() ||
-        this->GetComputeDeterminantOfSpatialJacobian() ||
-        this->GetComputeDeformationField() ||
-        !this->GetPointSetFileName().empty() ||
-        this->GetLogToFile() ) &&
-      !itksys::SystemTools::FileExists( this->GetOutputDirectory() ) )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "Output directory \"" << this->GetOutputDirectory() << "\" does not exist." )
-  }
-  // Transformix uses "-def" for path to point sets AND as flag for writing deformatin field
-  // TODO: Change behaviour upstream: Split into seperate arguments
-  if( this->GetComputeDeformationField() && !this->GetPointSetFileName().empty() )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( << "For backwards compatibility, only one of ComputeDeformationFieldOn() or SetPointSetFileName() can be "
-                       << "active at any one time." )
-  }
-  // Setup argument map which transformix uses internally ito figure out what needs to be done
-  ArgumentMapType argumentMap;
-  if( this->GetOutputDirectory().empty() ) {
-    if( this->GetLogToFile() )
-    {
-      itkExceptionMacro( "LogToFileOn() requires an output directory to be specified. Use SetOutputDirectory().")
-    }
-    // There must be an "-out", this is checked later in the code
-    argumentMap.insert( ArgumentMapEntryType( "-out", "output_path_not_set" ) );
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if( !itksys::SystemTools::FileExists( this->GetOutputDirectory() ) )
-    {
-      itkExceptionMacro( "Output directory \"" << this->GetOutputDirectory() << "\" does not exist." )
-    }
-    if( this->GetOutputDirectory().back() != '/' || this->GetOutputDirectory().back() != '\\' )
-    {
-      this->SetOutputDirectory( this->GetOutputDirectory() + "/" );
-    }
-    argumentMap.insert( ArgumentMapEntryType( "-out", this->GetOutputDirectory() ) );
-  }
-  if( this->GetComputeSpatialJacobian() )
-  {
-    argumentMap.insert( ArgumentMapEntryType( "-jacmat", "all" ) );
-  }
-  if( this->GetComputeDeterminantOfSpatialJacobian() )
-  {
-    argumentMap.insert( ArgumentMapEntryType( "-jac", "all" ) );
-  }
-  if( this->GetComputeDeformationField() ) 
-  {
-    argumentMap.insert( ArgumentMapEntryType( "-def" , "all" ) );
-  }
-  if( !this->GetPointSetFileName().empty() )
-  {
-    argumentMap.insert( ArgumentMapEntryType( "-def", this->GetPointSetFileName() ) );
-  }
-  // Setup xout
-  std::string logFileName;
-  if( this->GetLogToFile() )
-  { 
-    if( this->GetLogFileName().empty() )
-    {
-      logFileName = this->GetOutputDirectory() + "transformix.log";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      logFileName = this->GetOutputDirectory() + this->GetLogFileName();
-    }
-  }
-  if( elx::xoutSetup( logFileName.c_str(), this->GetLogToFile(), this->GetLogToConsole() ) )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "ERROR while setting up xout" );
-  }
-  // Instantiate transformix
-  TransformixMainPointer transformix = TransformixMainType::New();
-  // Setup image containers
-  DataObjectContainerPointer inputImageContainer = 0;
-  DataObjectContainerPointer resultImageContainer = 0;
-  if( this->HasInput( "InputImage" ) ) {
-    DataObjectContainerPointer inputImageContainer = DataObjectContainerType::New();
-    inputImageContainer->CreateElementAt( 0 ) = this->GetInput("InputImage");
-    transformix->SetInputImageContainer( inputImageContainer );
-    transformix->SetResultImageContainer( resultImageContainer );
-  }
-  // Get ParameterMap
-  ParameterObjectConstPointer transformParameterObject = static_cast< const ParameterObject* >( this->GetInput( "TransformParameterObject" ) );
-  ParameterMapVectorType transformParameterMapVector = transformParameterObject->GetParameterMap();
-  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < transformParameterMapVector.size(); ++i )
-  {
-    // Transformix reads type information from parameter files. We set this information automatically and overwrite
-    // user settings in case they are incorrect (elastix will segfault or throw exception when casting) 
-    transformParameterMapVector[ i ][ "MovingInternalImagePixelType" ] = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, TypeName< typename TInputImage::PixelType >::ToString() );    
-    transformParameterMapVector[ i ][ "MovingImageDimension" ] = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, std::to_string( InputImageDimension ) );
-    transformParameterMapVector[ i ][ "ResultImagePixelType" ] = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, TypeName< typename TInputImage::PixelType >::ToString() );
-  }
-  // Run transformix
-  unsigned int isError = 0;
-  try
-  {
-    isError = transformix->Run( argumentMap, transformParameterMapVector );
-  }
-  catch( itk::ExceptionObject &e )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( << "Errors occured during registration: " << e.what() );
-  }
-  if( isError != 0 )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( << "Uncought errors occured during registration." );
-  }
-  // Save result image
-  resultImageContainer = transformix->GetResultImageContainer();
-  if( resultImageContainer.IsNotNull() && resultImageContainer->Size() > 0 )
-  {
-    this->GraftOutput( "ResultImage", resultImageContainer->ElementAt( 0 ) );
-  }
-  // Clean up
-  TransformixMainType::UnloadComponents();
-template< typename TInputImage >
-TransformixFilter< TInputImage >
-::SetInputImage( InputImagePointer inputImage )
-  this->SetInput( "InputImage", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( inputImage ) );
-template< typename TInputImage >
-TransformixFilter< TInputImage >
-::SetTransformParameterObject( ParameterObjectPointer parameterObject )
-  this->SetInput( "TransformParameterObject", static_cast< itk::DataObject* >( parameterObject ) );
-template< typename TInputImage >
-typename selx::TransformixFilter< TInputImage >::ParameterObjectPointer
-TransformixFilter< TInputImage >
-::GetTransformParameters( void )
-  return static_cast< ParameterObject* >( this->GetInput( "TransformParameterObject" ) );
-} // namespace selx
-#endif // TransformixFilter_hxx
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Modules/Core/ModuleCore.cmake b/Modules/Core/ModuleCore.cmake
index ff83b08c..c5db8845 100644
--- a/Modules/Core/ModuleCore.cmake
+++ b/Modules/Core/ModuleCore.cmake
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ file(GLOB ${MODULE}_HEADER_FILES "${${MODULE}_SOURCE_DIR}/*/include/*.*")
 #@Kasper: file GLOB is generally disencouraged for source files (missing files are not detected and CMake doesn't know if the project has to be updated when due to a checkout extra source files are in the tree), but since this I think is not really an issue for header files...
 #I read: CMake will figure out that they're headers; it won't try to build them.
 # Export libraries
@@ -23,7 +21,6 @@ set( ${MODULE}_LIBRARIES
 # Module source files
-  ${${MODULE}_SOURCE_DIR}/ParameterObject/src/elxParameterObject.cxx
@@ -38,7 +35,5 @@ set( ${MODULE}_SOURCE_FILES
 # Compile library
 target_link_libraries( ${MODULE} ${ELASTIX_LIBRARIES} )
diff --git a/Modules/Core/ParameterObject/include/elxParameterObject.h b/Modules/Core/ParameterObject/include/elxParameterObject.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 71816b06..00000000
--- a/Modules/Core/ParameterObject/include/elxParameterObject.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ParameterObject_h
-#define ParameterObject_h
-// ITK
-#include "itkObjectFactory.h"
-#include "itkDataObject.h"
-// elastix
-#include "elxMacro.h"
-#include "itkParameterFileParser.h"
-namespace selx {
-class ParameterObject : public itk::DataObject
-  elxNewMacro( ParameterObject, itk::DataObject );
-  typedef std::string                                             ParameterKeyType;
-  typedef std::string                                             ParameterValueType;
-  typedef std::vector< ParameterValueType >                       ParameterValueVectorType;
-  typedef std::map< ParameterKeyType, ParameterValueVectorType >  ParameterMapType;
-  typedef ParameterMapType::iterator                              ParameterMapIterator;
-  typedef ParameterMapType::const_iterator                        ParameterMapConstIterator;
-  typedef std::vector< ParameterMapType >                         ParameterMapVectorType;
-  typedef std::string                                             ParameterFileNameType;
-  typedef std::vector< ParameterFileNameType >                    ParameterFileNameVectorType;
-  typedef ParameterFileNameVectorType::iterator                   ParameterFileNameVectorIterator;
-  typedef ParameterFileNameVectorType::const_iterator             ParameterFileNameVectorConstIterator;
-  typedef itk::ParameterFileParser                                ParameterFileParserType;
-  typedef ParameterFileParserType::Pointer                        ParameterFileParserPointer;                    
-  void SetParameterMap( const ParameterMapType parameterMap );
-  void SetParameterMap( const ParameterMapVectorType parameterMapVector );
-  void AddParameterMap( const ParameterMapType parameterMap );
-  ParameterMapType& GetParameterMap( unsigned int index );
-  ParameterMapVectorType& GetParameterMap( void );
-  const ParameterMapVectorType& GetParameterMap( void ) const;  
-  void ReadParameterFile( const ParameterFileNameType parameterFileName );
-  void ReadParameterFile( const ParameterFileNameVectorType parameterFileNameVector );
-  void AddParameterFile( const ParameterFileNameType parameterFileName );
-  void WriteParameterFile( const ParameterFileNameType parameterFileName );
-  void WriteParameterFile( const ParameterFileNameVectorType parameterFileNameVector );
-  // Default parameter maps
-  void SetParameterMap( const std::string transformName, const unsigned int numberOfResolutions = 3u, const double finalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnits = 10.0 );
-  void AddParameterMap( const std::string transformName, const unsigned int numberOfResolutions = 3u, const double finalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnits = 10.0 );
-  ParameterMapType GetParameterMap( const std::string transformName, const unsigned int numberOfResolutions = 3u, const double finalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnits = 10.0 );
-  ParameterMapVectorType  m_ParameterMapVector;
-} // namespace elx
-#endif // #define ParameterMap_h
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Modules/Core/ParameterObject/src/elxParameterObject.cxx b/Modules/Core/ParameterObject/src/elxParameterObject.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 36b393ce..00000000
--- a/Modules/Core/ParameterObject/src/elxParameterObject.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ParameterObject_cxx
-#define ParameterObject_cxx
-// ITK
-#include "itkFileTools.h"
-// elastix
-#include "elxParameterObject.h"
-namespace selx {
-::SetParameterMap( const ParameterMapType parameterMap )
-    ParameterMapVectorType parameterMapVector;
-    parameterMapVector.push_back( parameterMap );
-    this->SetParameterMap( parameterMapVector );
-::SetParameterMap( const ParameterMapVectorType parameterMapVector )
-  this->m_ParameterMapVector = parameterMapVector; 
-::AddParameterMap( const ParameterMapType parameterMap )
-  this->m_ParameterMapVector.push_back( parameterMap );
-::GetParameterMap( unsigned int index )
-  this->Modified();
-  return this->m_ParameterMapVector[ index ]; 
-::GetParameterMap( void )
-  this->Modified();
-  return this->m_ParameterMapVector; 
-const ParameterObject::ParameterMapVectorType& 
-::GetParameterMap( void ) const
-  return this->m_ParameterMapVector; 
-::ReadParameterFile( const ParameterFileNameType parameterFileName )
-  ParameterFileParserPointer parameterFileParser = ParameterFileParserType::New();
-  parameterFileParser->SetParameterFileName( parameterFileName );
-  parameterFileParser->ReadParameterFile();
-  this->m_ParameterMapVector = ParameterMapVectorType( 1, parameterFileParser->GetParameterMap() );
-::ReadParameterFile( const ParameterFileNameVectorType parameterFileNameVector )
-  if( parameterFileNameVector.size() == 0 )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "Parameter filename container is empty." );
-  }
-  this->m_ParameterMapVector.clear();
-  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < parameterFileNameVector.size(); ++i )
-  {
-    if( !itksys::SystemTools::FileExists( parameterFileNameVector[ i ] ) )
-    {
-      itkExceptionMacro( "Parameter file \"" << parameterFileNameVector[ i ] << "\" does not exist." )
-    }
-    this->AddParameterFile( parameterFileNameVector[ i ] );
-  }
-::AddParameterFile( const ParameterFileNameType parameterFileName )
-  ParameterFileParserPointer parameterFileParser = ParameterFileParserType::New();
-  parameterFileParser->SetParameterFileName( parameterFileName );
-  parameterFileParser->ReadParameterFile();
-  this->m_ParameterMapVector.push_back( parameterFileParser->GetParameterMap() );
-::WriteParameterFile( const ParameterFileNameType parameterFileName )
-  if( this->m_ParameterMapVector.size() != 1 )
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "ParameterObject contains multiple parameter files. Please provide a vector of filenames." );
-  }
-  this->WriteParameterFile( ParameterFileNameVectorType( 1, parameterFileName ) );
-::WriteParameterFile( const ParameterFileNameVectorType parameterFileNameVector )
-  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < parameterFileNameVector.size(); ++i )
-  {
-    ParameterFileNameType fileName = parameterFileNameVector[ i ];
-    std::ofstream parameterFile;
-    parameterFile << std::fixed;
- fileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::out );
-    ParameterMapConstIterator parameterMapIterator = this->m_ParameterMapVector[ i ].begin();
-    ParameterMapConstIterator parameterMapIteratorEnd = this->m_ParameterMapVector[ i ].end();
-    while( parameterMapIterator != parameterMapIteratorEnd )
-    {
-      parameterFile << "(" << parameterMapIterator->first;
-      ParameterValueVectorType parameterMapValueVector = parameterMapIterator->second;
-      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < parameterMapValueVector.size(); ++i )
-      {
-        std::stringstream stream( parameterMapValueVector[ i ] );
-        float number;
-        stream >> number;
-        if( || stream.bad() ) {
-           parameterFile << " \"" << parameterMapValueVector[ i ] << "\"";
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          parameterFile << " " << number;
-        }      
-      }
-      parameterFile << ")" << std::endl;
-      parameterMapIterator++;
-    }
-    parameterFile.close();
-  }
-::SetParameterMap( const std::string transformName, const unsigned int numberOfResolutions, const double finalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnits )
-  this->m_ParameterMapVector = ParameterMapVectorType( 1, this->GetParameterMap( transformName, numberOfResolutions, finalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnits ) );
-::AddParameterMap( const std::string transformName, const unsigned int numberOfResolutions, const double finalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnits )
-  this->m_ParameterMapVector.push_back( this->GetParameterMap( transformName, numberOfResolutions, finalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnits ) );
-::GetParameterMap( const std::string transformName, const unsigned int numberOfResolutions, const double finalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnits )
-  // Parameters that depend on size and number of resolutions
-  ParameterMapType parameterMap                       = ParameterMapType();
-  // Common Components
-  parameterMap[ "FixedImagePyramid" ]                 = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "FixedSmoothingImagePyramid" );
-  parameterMap[ "MovingImagePyramid" ]                = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "MovingSmoothingImagePyramid" );
-  parameterMap[ "Interpolator"]                       = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "LinearInterpolator");
-  parameterMap[ "Optimizer" ]                         = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent" );
-  parameterMap[ "Resampler"]                          = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "DefaultResampler" );
-  parameterMap[ "ResampleInterpolator"]               = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "FinalBSplineInterpolator" );
-  parameterMap[ "FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder" ]    = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "3" );
-  std::ostringstream numberOfResolutionsToString;
-  numberOfResolutionsToString << numberOfResolutions;
-  parameterMap[ "NumberOfResolutions" ]               = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, numberOfResolutionsToString.str() );
-  // Image Sampler
-  parameterMap[ "ImageSampler" ]                       = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "RandomCoordinate" ); 
-  parameterMap[ "NumberOfSpatialSamples"]              = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "2048" );
-  parameterMap[ "CheckNumberOfSamples" ]               = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "true" );
-  parameterMap[ "MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts" ]    = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "8" );
-  parameterMap[ "NewSamplesEveryIteration" ]           = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "true");
-  // Optimizer
-  parameterMap[ "NumberOfSamplesForExactGradient" ]    = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "4096" );
-  parameterMap[ "DefaultPixelValue" ]                  = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "0" );
-  parameterMap[ "AutomaticParameterEstimation" ]       = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "true" );
-  // Output
-  parameterMap[ "WriteResultImage" ]                   = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "true" );
-  parameterMap[ "ResultImageFormat" ]                  = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "nii" );
-  // transformNames
-  if( transformName == "translation" )
-  {
-    parameterMap[ "Registration" ]                     = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "MultiResolutionRegistration" );
-    parameterMap[ "transform" ]                        = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "TranslationTransform" );
-    parameterMap[ "Metric" ]                           = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "AdvancedMattesMutualInformation" );
-    parameterMap[ "MaximumNumberOfIterations" ]        = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "128" );
-    parameterMap[ "Interpolator"]                      = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "LinearInterpolator");
-  }
-  else if( transformName == "rigid" )
-  {
-    parameterMap[ "Registration" ]                     = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "MultiResolutionRegistration" );
-    parameterMap[ "Transform" ]                        = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "EulerTransform" );
-    parameterMap[ "Metric" ]                           = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "AdvancedMattesMutualInformation" );
-    parameterMap[ "MaximumNumberOfIterations" ]        = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "128" );
-    parameterMap[ "AutomaticTransformInitialization" ] = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "true" );
-    parameterMap[ "AutomaticTransformInitializationMethod" ] = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "CenterOfGravity" );
-  }
-  else if( transformName == "affine" )
-  {
-    parameterMap[ "Registration" ]                     = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "MultiResolutionRegistration" );
-    parameterMap[ "Transform" ]                        = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "AffineTransform" );
-    parameterMap[ "Metric" ]                           = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "AdvancedMattesMutualInformation" );
-    parameterMap[ "MaximumNumberOfIterations" ]        = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "256" );
-  }
-  else if( transformName == "nonrigid" )
-  {
-    parameterMap[ "Registration" ]                     = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "MultiMetricMultiResolutionRegistration" );
-    parameterMap[ "Transform" ]                        = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "BSplineTransform" );
-    parameterMap[ "Metric" ]                           = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "AdvancedMattesMutualInformation" );
-    parameterMap[ "Metric" ]                            .push_back( "TransformBendingEnergyPenalty" );
-    parameterMap[ "Metric0Weight" ]                    = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "0.0001" );
-    parameterMap[ "Metric1Weight" ]                    = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "0.9999" );
-    parameterMap[ "MaximumNumberOfIterations" ]        = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "512" );
-  }
-  else if( transformName == "groupwise" )
-  {
-    parameterMap[ "Registration" ]                     = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "MultiResolutionRegistration" );
-    parameterMap[ "Transform" ]                        = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "BSplineStackTransform" );
-    parameterMap[ "Metric" ]                           = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "VarianceOverLastDimensionMetric" );
-    parameterMap[ "MaximumNumberOfIterations" ]        = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "512" );
-    parameterMap[ "Interpolator"]                      = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "ReducedDimensionBSplineInterpolator" );
-    parameterMap[ "ResampleInterpolator" ]             = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, "FinalReducedDimensionBSplineInterpolator" );
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro( "No default parameter map \"" << transformName << "\"." );
-  }
-  // B-spline transformNames settings 
-  if( transformName == "nonrigid" || transformName == "groupwise" )
-  {
-    ParameterValueVectorType gridSpacingSchedule = ParameterValueVectorType();
-    for( unsigned int resolution = 0; resolution < numberOfResolutions; ++resolution )
-    {
-      std::ostringstream resolutionPowerToString;
-      resolutionPowerToString << pow( 2, resolution );
-      gridSpacingSchedule.insert( gridSpacingSchedule.begin(), resolutionPowerToString.str() ); 
-    }
-    parameterMap[ "GridSpacingSchedule" ] = gridSpacingSchedule;
-    std::ostringstream finalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnitsToString;
-    finalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnitsToString << finalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnits;
-    parameterMap[ "FinalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnits" ] = ParameterValueVectorType( 1, finalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnitsToString.str() );
-  }
-  return parameterMap;
-} // namespace selx
-#endif // ParameterObject_cxx