Changelog ========= This is a record of changes made between each Mutalyzer release. Version 2.0.beta-31 ------------------- Release date to be decided. Version 2.0.beta-30 ------------------- Released on February 18th 2014. - Handle NCBI Entrez response validation errors (fixes, among other things, `LOVD#29 <>`_). - Loosen error severity when CDS cannot be translated. - Mutalyzer development migrated from Subversion to Git for version control. Version 2.0.beta-29 ------------------- Released on October 11th 2013. - Add Jonathan Vis attribution and COMMIT logo to about page. Version 2.0.beta-28 ------------------- Released on September 18th 2013. - Enable the HTTP/RPC+JSON web service to be used with POST requests. Version 2.0.beta-27 ------------------- Released on June 18th 2013. - Fix caching transcript-protein links from NCBI, reducing impact of NCBI communication problems. Version 2.0.beta-26 ------------------- Released on April 9th 2013. - Added mm10 (Mouse) transcript mappings to position converter. - LRG parser updated to LRG 1.7 schema (`#127 <>`_). Version 2.0.beta-25 ------------------- Released on March 25th 2013. - Detect incorrect exon annotation in transcript references. - Move documentation to Trac. - Exon table is included in `runMutalyzer` webservice results. - Temporarily disable frameshift detection in experimental description extractor (`#124 <>`_). - Allow selectors on transcript references in position converter. - Syntax checker now supports protein level variant descriptions. Version 2.0.beta-24 ------------------- Released on December 10th 2012. - Rename some warning codes (webservice API) (`#98 <>`_). - Variants on mtDNA in position converter. Version 2.0.beta-23 ------------------- Released on November 8th 2012. No user-visible changes. Version 2.0.beta-22 ------------------- Released on November 2nd 2012. - Submitting batch jobs via the web services (`#115 <>`_). - Allow for leading whitespace in batch job input (`#107 <>`_). - New `descriptionExtract` webservice function. - Name checker now includes description extractor output as an experimental service. - Slice chromosome by gene name in reference file loader is now case insensitive (`#118 <>`_). - Warn on missing positioning scheme (`#114 <>`_). Version 2.0.beta-21 ------------------- Released on July 23rd 2012. - Support compound variants in position converter. - Support non-coding transcripts in position converter (`#102 <>`_). - Move to new RPC library version, causing slight change in HTTP/RPC+JSON webservice output (more wrappers around output), but fixes #104. - Fix position converter for delins with explicit deleted sequence. - Fix description update from Version 2.0.beta-20 to use- notation instead of counting. Version 2.0.beta-20 ------------------- Released on July 21st 2012. - Disabled the ``-u`` and ``+d`` convention in favour of the official HGVS recommendations. Version 2.0.beta-19 ------------------- Released on June 21st 2012. - Fix crash on inversions (`#99 <>`_). Version 2.0.beta-18 ------------------- Released on June 7th 2012. - Moved from soaplib to rpclib for webservices (`#66 <>`_). - Added HTTP/RPC+JSON webservice (`#18 <>`_). - Fixed name checker errors in some adjacent variants (`#83 <>`_). - Name checker form now uses GET requests to support easier linking to result pages. - You can now specify chromosomes by name in the reference file loader (`#92 <>`_). - Made batch daemon not crash on MySQL restarts (`#91 <>`_). - Position converter now detects incorrect order in position ranges (`#95 <>`_). - Added NBIC logo to 'about' page. Version 2.0.beta-17 ------------------- Released on April 2nd 2012. - Fixed crossmapping bug for some transcripts. - Fixes for NCBI Entrez EFetch Version 2.0 release. - Better chromosomal variant descriptions. - Various smaller features and bugfixes. Version 2.0.beta-16 ------------------- Released on March 1st 2012. - Fixed position converter mapping info for some transcripts. - Fixed deletion with deleted sequence length as argument. Version 2.0.beta-15 ------------------- Released on February 20th 2012. - Added 'Description Extractor' (see the main menu). - Fixes for NCBI Entrez EFetch Version 2.0 release. - Added chromosomal positions to `getTranscriptsAndInfo` webservice. - Fixed chromosome slicing on reverse complement - Fixed describing NOP variants with ``=``. - Added Reference sequence info in `runMutalyzer` SOAP function response. - Fixed mapping info for genes mapped to more than one chromosome. - Various smaller features and bugfixes. Version 2.0.beta-14 ------------------- Released on January 26th 2012. - Added a SOAP service `getTranscriptsMapping`. - Various smaller features and bugfixes. Version 2.0.beta-13 ------------------- Released on January 25th 2012. - Accept EX positioning scheme. - Fix handling of LRG reference sequences. - Various smaller features and bugfixes. Version 2.0.beta-12 ------------------- Released on November 25th 2011. - Accept plasmid reference sequences. - View variant position in UCSC Genome Browser (only for transcript references). - Retry querying dbSNP if it does not respond the first time. - Support reference GenBank files built from contigs. - Add optional argument to SOAP service `numberConversion` to map chromosomal locations to any gene. - Various smaller features and bugfixes. Version 2.0.beta-11 ------------------- Released on September 30st 2011. - Major code refactoring: - Mutalyzer is now structured as a proper Python package. - Reworked installation and upgrade procedure. - Remote installation using Fabric. - Batch scheduler is now a proper system daemon. - Use mod_wsgi (with instead of the deprecated mod_python. - Added a lot of internal documentation. - Introduce unit tests. - Handle deletions of entire exons. - Added a SOAP service `info`. - Handle unknown (fuzzy) intronic positions. - Automatic synchronization of database and cache between Mutalyzer installations. - Use NCBI instead of UCSC for transcript mapping info. - Added a SOAP service `getdbSNPDescriptions`. - Moved Trac and Subversion repository to new server. - Implement HTTP HEAD method for ``/Reference/*`` locations. - Added a SOAP service `ping`. - Added an optional versions parameter to the SOAP service `getTranscripts`. - Various smaller features and bugfixes. Version 2.0.beta-10 ------------------- Released on July 21st 2011. - Greatly reduce runtime for large batch jobs. Version 2.0.beta-9 ------------------ Released on June 27th 2011. - Reworked the calculation of new splice site positions. - Optionally restrict SOAP service `getTranscriptsAndInfo` transcripts to a gene. - Add raw variants to SOAP service `runMutalyzer` results. - Provide webservice client examples. - Various smaller features and bugfixes. Older versions -------------- The first lines of code for Mutalyzer 2.0 where written July 28th 2009, and version 2.0.beta-8 was released on January 31st 2011. As far as Mutalyzer 1 is concerned, archaeology is not really our field of research.