From e6fdf04467905cca3afbc67f102605f3eb7a2051 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martijn Vermaat <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:08:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update documentation on contributing and releases

 README.rst           |  14 +++-
 doc/contributing.rst |  74 +++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/development.rst  | 154 -------------------------------------------
 doc/index.rst        |  22 +++++--
 doc/release.rst      |  84 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/testing.rst      |  19 ++++++
 6 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 161 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/contributing.rst
 delete mode 100644 doc/development.rst
 create mode 100644 doc/release.rst
 create mode 100644 doc/testing.rst

diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 3c266c97..1f601c6c 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -13,8 +13,18 @@ User documentation can be found on the `wiki
 submit bug reports and feature requests.
 Developer documentation is `hosted at Read The Docs
-<>`_. Contributions to Mutalyzer are welcome
-as `GitHub pull requests <>`_.
+Contributions to Mutalyzer are very welcome! They can be feature requests, bug
+reports, bug fixes, unit tests, documentation updates, or anything els you may
+come up with.
+Please refer to the documentation for `more information on contributions
diff --git a/doc/contributing.rst b/doc/contributing.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a825419f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/contributing.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+.. highlight:: none
+.. _contributing:
+Contributions to Mutalyzer are very welcome! They can be feature requests, bug
+reports, bug fixes, unit tests, documentation updates, or anything els you may
+come up with.
+Development of Mutalyzer happens on GitHub:
+Coding style
+In general, try to follow the `PEP 8`_ guidelines for Python code and `PEP
+257`_ for docstrings.
+As a developer, you probably want to install the Mutalyzer package in
+development mode. This will allow you to edit files directly in the source
+directory without having to reinstall.
+Please refer to :ref:`install` for general installation instructions. For
+development mode installation, instead of using ``python install``,
+    python develop
+Creating a pull request
+Contributions are most welcome as GitHub pull requests. If you're familiar
+with the typical GitHub pull request workflow, you can skip this section.
+New features are best implemented in their own branches, isolating the work
+from unrelated developments. In fact, it's good practice to *never work
+directly on the master branch* but always in a separate branch. When your work
+is ready, a feature branch can be merged back into master via a *pull request*
+in GitHub.
+Before starting your work, fork the Mutalyzer repository to your own namespace
+in GitHub and work from this fork. Before starting work on your feature,
+create a branch for it::
+    git clone<you>/mutalyzer.git && cd mutalyzer
+    git checkout -b your-feature
+Commit changes on this branch. If you're happy with it, push to GitHub::
+    git push origin your-feature -u
+Now create a pull request to discuss the implementation with the Mutalyzer
+maintainers. This might involve adding additional commits which are included
+in the pull request by pushing your branch again::
+    git commit
+    git push
+If the work is done, a maintainer can merge your branch and close the pull
+request. After the branch was merged you can safely delete it::
+    git branch -d your-feature
+.. _PEP 8:
+.. _PEP 257:
diff --git a/doc/development.rst b/doc/development.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 354ee9a2..00000000
--- a/doc/development.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-.. highlight:: none
-.. _development:
-Development of Mutalyzer happens on GitHub:
-Contributions to Mutalyzer are very welcome! They can be feature requests, bug
-reports, bug fixes, unit tests, documentation updates, or anything els you may
-come up with.
-Coding style
-In general, try to follow the `PEP 8`_ guidelines for Python code and `PEP
-257`_ for docstrings.
-As a developer, you probably want to install the Mutalyzer package in
-development mode. This will allow you to edit files directly in the source
-directory without having to reinstall.
-Please refer to :ref:`install` for general installation instructions. For
-development mode installation, instead of using ``python install``,
-    python develop
-Unit tests
-We use `pytest`_ for the unit tests. To run them, just type ``py.test`` from
-the Mutalyzer source directory.
-.. note:: The Mutalyzer package must be installed before running the unit
-          tests.
-Working with feature branches
-New features are best implemented in their own branches, isolating the work
-from unrelated developments. In fact, it's good practice to *never work
-directly on the master branch* but always in a separate branch. When your work
-is ready, a feature branch can be merged back into master via a *pull request*
-in GitHub.
-We assume you forked the Mutalyzer repository to your own namespace in GitHub
-and are working from this fork. Before starting work on your feature, create a
-branch for it::
-    git checkout -b your-feature
-Commit changes on this branch. If you're happy with it, push to GitHub::
-    git push origin your-feature -u
-Now create a pull request to discuss the implementation with the Mutalyzer
-maintainers. This might involve adding additional commits which are included
-in the pull request by pushing your branch again::
-    git commit
-    git push
-You may also be asked to rebase your branch on the master branch if it has
-changed since you started your work. This will require a forced push::
-    git fetch
-    git rebase origin/master
-    git push -f
-If the work is done, a maintainer can merge your branch and close the pull
-request. After the branch was merged you can safely delete it::
-    git branch -d your-feature
-A normal version number takes the form X.Y.Z where X is the major version, Y
-is the minor version, and Z is the patch version. Development versions take
-the form where X.Y.Z is the closest future release version.
-Note that this scheme is not 100% compatible with `SemVer`_ which would
-require X.Y.Z-dev instead of but `compatibility with setuptools
-is more important for us. Other than that, version semantics are as described
-by SemVer.
-Releases are available from the GitHub git repository as tags. Additionally,
-the latest release is available from the `release` branch.
-.. note:: Older Mutalyzer version numbers took the form 2.0.beta-X where X was
-   incremented on release.
-Release procedure
-Releasing a new version is done as follows:
-1. Make sure the section in the ``CHANGES`` file for this release is
-   complete and there are no uncommitted changes.
-   .. note::
-    Commits since release X.Y.Z can be listed with ``git log vX.Y.Z..`` for
-    quick inspection.
-2. Update the ``CHANGES`` file to state the current date for this release
-   and edit ``mutalyzer/`` by updating `__date__` and removing the
-   ``dev`` value from `__version_info__`.
-   Commit and tag the version update::
-       git commit -am 'Bump version to X.Y.Z'
-       git tag -a 'vX.Y.Z'
-3. Push to the GitHub repository (assuming the remote name is `github` and you
-   are working on the `master` branch::
-       git push github master
-       git push github master:release --tags
-4. Add a new entry at the top of the ``CHANGES`` file like this::
-       Version X.Y.Z+1
-       ---------------
-       Release date to be decided.
-   Increment the patch version and add a ``dev`` value to `__version_info__`
-   in ``mutalyzer/`` and commit these changes::
-       git commit -am 'Open development for X.Y.Z+1'
-.. _pytest:
-.. _PEP 8:
-.. _PEP 257:
-.. _SemVer:
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
index e0da8e0d..83cd08a1 100644
--- a/doc/index.rst
+++ b/doc/index.rst
@@ -25,15 +25,31 @@ Information for getting Mutalyzer running on a system.
+General information for Mutalyzer developers.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   issues
+   contributing
+   testing
+   release
 Technical reference
-Application design and complete API reference.
+Application design notes and API reference.
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
+   strings
+   new-organism
@@ -43,10 +59,6 @@ Additional notes
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
-   development
-   issues
-   new-organism
-   strings
diff --git a/doc/release.rst b/doc/release.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74043bd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/release.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+.. highlight:: none
+.. _releases:
+A normal version number takes the form X.Y.Z where X is the major version, Y
+is the minor version, and Z is the patch version. Development versions take
+the form where X.Y.Z is the closest future release version.
+Note that this scheme is not 100% compatible with `SemVer`_ which would
+require X.Y.Z-dev instead of but `compatibility with setuptools
+is more important for us. Other than that, version semantics are as described
+by SemVer.
+Releases are available from the GitHub git repository as tags. Additionally,
+the latest release is available from the `release` branch.
+.. note:: Older Mutalyzer version numbers took the form 2.0.beta-X where X was
+   incremented on release.
+Release procedure
+Releasing a new version is done as follows. This assumes remote `origin` is
+the upstream Mutalyzer repository and you have push rights there.
+1. Start a release branch and make sure the section in the ``CHANGES.rst``
+   file for this release is complete::
+       git checkout -b release-X.Y.Z
+       git add CHANGES.rst
+       git commit -m 'Update changelog'
+   .. note::
+    Commits since release X.Y.Z can be listed with ``git log vX.Y.Z..`` for
+    quick inspection.
+2. Update the ``CHANGES.rst`` file to state the current date for this release
+   and edit ``mutalyzer/`` by updating `__date__` and removing the
+   ``dev`` value from `__version_info__`.
+   Commit and tag the version update::
+       git commit -am 'Bump version to X.Y.Z'
+       git tag -a 'vX.Y.Z' release-X.Y.Z^
+3. Add a new entry at the top of the ``CHANGES.rst`` file like this::
+       Version X.Y.Z+1
+       ---------------
+       Release date to be decided.
+   Increment the patch version and add a ``dev`` value to `__version_info__`
+   in ``mutalyzer/`` and commit these changes::
+       git commit -am 'Open development for X.Y.Z+1'
+4. Push these commits to GitHub::
+       git push origin release-X.Y.Z -u
+   And submit a pull request for this branch.
+5. If everything looks ok and the pull request has been accepted you can push
+   the tag and update the `release` branch. Beware to re-tag if the pull
+   request was updated meanwhile. The working branch can be deleted.
+   ::
+       git push origin vX.Y.Z:release --tags
+       git branch -d release-X.Y.Z
+.. _SemVer:
diff --git a/doc/testing.rst b/doc/testing.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99d3b1f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/testing.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+.. highlight:: none
+.. _testing:
+We use `pytest`_ for the unit tests. To run them, just type ``py.test`` from
+the Mutalyzer source directory.
+.. note:: The Mutalyzer package must be installed before running the unit
+          tests.
+Tests are `run automatically on Travis CI
+<>`_ for each pull request and push on
+.. _pytest: