From e4fc3c5cdb5e164ef9356e0c97e22a6a18fe99f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martijn Vermaat <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2014 15:50:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update changelog

 CHANGES.rst | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 101 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
index d4867e50..8bb69f93 100644
--- a/CHANGES.rst
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -4,10 +4,110 @@ Changelog
 This is a record of changes made between each Mutalyzer release.
+Version 2.0.0
+Release date to be decided.
+This release does not bring many new features, but comes with significant
+changes to the technical infrastructure. `Merge request #6
+<>`_ tracks most of
+Some highlights especially users of the webservices should be aware of:
+- HTTP/RPC+JSON webservice has changed response format (wrapper object
+  removed). See below for an :ref:`example <changelog_200_example>`.
+- No more plain HTTP access, only redirects to HTTPS.
+- Many website entrypoints have changed URLs and form parameter names (the old
+  ones have HTTP redirects).
+- Removed old redirects from paths starting with ``/2.0/``.
+- In maintenance mode, all requests get a *Service Temporarily Unavailable*
+  response with status code 503.
+Other changes:
+- Fix running Mutalyzer in a `virtual environment
+  <>`_ and have an up-to-date
+  ``requirements.txt`` for `pip <>`_ (`#4
+  <>`_).
+- Switch from TAL to Jinja2 (`#3
+  <>`_).
+- Refactor user interfaces (`#5
+  <>`_).
+- Move from configobj to Python module based config (`#7
+  <>`_).
+- Use SQLAlchemy as ORM (`#8
+  <>`_).
+- Use Redis for stat counters (`#10
+  <>`_).
+- Port website from to Flask (`#11
+  <>`_).
+- Isolated unit tests using fixtures and an in-memory database (`#12
+  <>`_).
+- Display announcement on website (`#14
+  <>`_).
+- Database migrations with Alembic (`#15
+  <>`_).
+- Update documentation and use Sphinx (`#16
+  <>`_).
+- Move to `semantic versioning <>`_, starting with version
+  2.0.0 (`#22 <>`_).
+- Add 404 not found page.
+- Don't auto remove comma characters in syntax checker.
+- Add a dash (``-``) as an allowed character in the gene name.
+- Range, reverse complement range, and compound
+  insertions/insertion-deletions.
+.. _changelog_200_example:
+The wrapper object has been removed from the HTTP/RPC+JSON webservice response
+format. As an example, consider an old response format for the `checkSyntax`
+.. code-block:: json
+    {
+      "checkSyntaxResponse": {
+        "checkSyntaxResult": {
+          "valid": true,
+          "messages": {
+            "SoapMessage": []
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+The new response format is:
+.. code-block:: json
+    {
+      "valid": true,
+      "messages": []
+    }
+Version 2.0.beta-32
+Released on June 26th 2014.
+ * Link to `Visual interface for Variant Description Extractor
+   <>`_
+   announcement.
 Version 2.0.beta-31
-Release date to be decided.
+Released on March 27th 2014.
+- Due to incorrect interpretation, temporarily only support one CDS per
+  transcript (ignore all others) in LRG.
+- Due to incorrect interpretation, temporarily ignore transcripts without a
+  fixed id.
 Version 2.0.beta-30